Japanese Culture and International Relations in the News


In preparing for today's class, I have looked for recent Japan-related issues that have both "cultural" and "international" dimensions. On this page, I will provide a brief introduction to the news stories that I think are most relevant to our topic.

News Sources

My primary source for English-language news about Japan is NewsOnJapan.com.

I also find the JapanToday site to be useful. NewsOnJapan.com is a better source of extensive articles but JapanToday provides space for discussion that may interest you.


Your assignment for today is to do the following:


Foreigners in Japan

The number of foreigners living and working in Japan is rising. There are both positive and negative sides to the story of Japan's internationalization.

On the postivie side, I can list the following positive developments:

Unfortunately, there are many problems as well. Here is a list of some of the main ones:

Abuse of women

Attitudes toward women and attitudes toward foreigners seem to be related in some situations. Here are some examples:

Finally, I should note that sexual promiscuity is on the rise in Japan and there is concern that the rate of HIV infection with increase dramatically in the near future.


Here are two issues related to nationalism in Japan:


Japan's support for whaling continues to receive criticism. Many in Japan consider the consumption of whale meet to be a cultural issue.