津田 圭介
Keisuke TSUDA
In recent years, the number of bus passengers has been decreasing. This condition leads to a severe management situation, in almost all local area as well as Kumamoto City. Kumamoto City government proposed a bus network reorganization plan to reduce subsidies, and to improve the bus services. When municipalities promote a policy of public transport such as bus network reorganization, they need to clarify “Who is affected by what kind of lack and who need measures”. This study aims to evaluate this reorganized bus network using QoM index bend on the Capability Approach, and to analyze the effect on the efficiency and fairness in the quality of mobility.
KeyWords:Quality of Mobility, Capability Approach, transportation service level, transportation policy, Possibility model of movement
公共交通機関は地域の日常生活を支える公共輸送サービスの役割を担ってきた.しかし, 近年,モータリゼーションの進展や人口減少,少子高齢化の影響により公共交通の利用者は減少傾向にある. 熊本都市圏の路線バスの利用者数もこの20年間で半減し,ここ10年でも3割近く減少している. このような中,熊本市は路線バスの利便性向上,採算性の向上,補助金の軽減のために平成20年度に 「熊本市におけるバス交通のあり方検討協議会」を設置し,熊本市は熊本都市圏のバス路線網を大幅に再編する計画を立案した. その中での主要な検討課題は公共交通機関相互の連携の強化と高齢化社会に向けての生活交通確保であった.