Intercultural Communication Studies (ICS) Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Intercultural Communication Studies (ICS), the journal of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS), is committed to publishing quality research in the area of intercultural communication.

• Manuscripts should be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, between 10 and 30 pages, including title-page, abstract, graphs, tables, pictures, footnotes, etc. Manuscripts that exceed this limit will not be accepted.

• Because the manuscripts are peer reviewed, please provide a title page listing all of the authors, their institution affiliations, their mailing and email addresses, telephone numbers, and clear reference to any prior presentations of the document at conferences or publication of any parts of the submission.

• Please submit an abstract of no more than 200 words on a separate sheet.

• Manuscripts should be in the most recent edition of Microsoft Word possible. If you do not have access to Microsoft Word, we will consider accepting papers formatted in HTML.

• APA style: Authors should prepare manuscripts according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th Edition. Please follow all instructions for typing and for the formatting of tables, figures, references, metrics, and abstracts provided in the APA Manual. Manuscripts that do not conform to these standards will not be accepted.

• Endnotes and tables/graphs/pictures: Please format all figures in HTML. All tables, graphs, pictures, etc. should be included at the end of the piece. Within the text the placement of each should be indicated. Please keep endnotes to a minimum.

• Please ensure that all quotations are cited; all cites are included in the references. References should be complete and cited according to the most recent APA guidelines.

• Please obtain copyright clearance for all copyrighted material.

• ICS generally publishes 2 issues per volume, and 1 volume per year.

• Because ICS is funded by IAICS membership fees, membership in the association is a requirement for publication.

• Two issues reflecting the 2009 IAICS conference themes will be published. All submissions to the journal are to be emailed to the Editor (see below).

• Due Date: November 30, 2009.

• How to submit to ICS: Email one copy of the manuscript to

 Margaret D’Silva, Editor 
 Intercultural Communication Studies 
 Department of Communication 
 University of Louisville 
 Louisville, KY 40292.