January 9

NOV 22 Rhythm and poetry





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Syllables vs. Mora From last week 11/1

1. Syllable structure

open syllables: (C)V only closed syllables: (C) V C

ENGLISH syllable structure : (C)(C)(C)V (C)(C)(C)

Syllable internal structure : onset (C) rhyme V (C)

JAPANESE syllable structure : Strong mora (weak mora) = (C)V (W)

This reflects Japanese mora structure :

  • (strong mora) (C)V
  • (weak mora) [:] or [n] or [Q]

Syllable internal structure : head (C) V coda (C)

heavy syllable = has two moras light syllable = has only one mora

2. Syllable (mora) timing vs. stress timing

Syllable or mora timing: each syllable (or mora) takes about the same time when pronounced

Question: In Japanese: do /shinbun/ and /furikake/ take the same amount of time?

Stress timing: some syllables are more "important" than others; that is, they are stressed and others are unstressed, and the beat falls on the stressed syllables. English, German, Dutch

Timing carries over into English : Hawaiian English, Japanese English, Chinese English, Spanish English are syllable-timed.

3. Syllable structure and timing are connected:

Languages with more complex syllables usually have stress timing.

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