!!!%center%Judy Yoneoka ||2-5-1 Oe Kumamoto Japan || 096-364-5161|| ||090-1192-7570 || judy@kumagaku.ac.jp|| ||Date of Birth July 28, 19?? || Place of Birth Los Angeles, Ca|| ||Citizenship USA || Sex Female, Married|| CAREER OBJECTIVE *To get a position in teaching where I can use my Japanese ability. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY *1986-present Kumamoto Gakuen University, professor *2005-present Kumamoto University, part time lecturer *2004-2005 Kumamoto Prefectural University, part time lecturer EDUCATION *1974-1978 North Hollywood High School *1978-1981 Occidental College, graduated with BA in Linguistics, French, German *1977-1978 Attended Universitat des Saarlandes, Germany on a Study Year abroad program PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Certifications *Japanese language test level 1 *Spanish language test level 4 *Driver's license Computer Skills *Word, Excel, Powerpoint Relatively good Language Skills *Fluent French, German, Japanese *Passable Korean, Spanish HOBBIES AND INTERESTS *Flute, violin *Computer *Pilates, swimming, dancing