!! Welcome to Computers and English! Spring 2007 [[introductory questions]] Here is your syllabus: !!APRIL Computers and Communication I : Chat, Newsletter, Keitai Home page 4-10 Intro to class and to powerpoint sign up for hotmail or [[https://accountservices.passport.net/ppnetworkhome.srf?lc=1041|Windows live ID]] choose assignment ([[http://k.excite.co.jp/hp/u/eibei|keitai HP]] or [[http://www2.kumagaku.ac.jp/teacher/~judy/classes/c+e/newsletter.doc|Eibei Newsletter 1]]) 4-17 Free class to work on presentation 1 '''4-24 POWERPOINT PRESENTATION 1 ''' !!MAY Computers and Education 5-1 Intro to computers and education -- (1) how to study using word (2) how to teach using ppt 5-8 Playing with hot potatoes -- how to make quizzes 5-15 Playing with MSN chat and MOOS ([[http://www.habbo.jp|Habbo Hotel]]) --choose HP for presentation 5-22 Free class to work on presentation 2 '''5-29 POWERPOINT PRESENTATION 2''' !!JUNE Computers and Research 6-5 Intro to corpus work : search [[http://www.screenplay.co.jp/kensaku/kensaku.cgi?action=search_more|movies]] and [[ http://uzu.ias.tokushima-u.ac.jp/staff/nakasima/skwics.html|newspapers]] 6-12 Pick presentation 6-19 Free class to work on presentation 3 '''6-26 POWERPOINT PRESENTATION 3''' !!JULY Computers and Communication II : Review 7-3 Free class to work on presentation 4 '''7-10 POWERPOINT PRESENTATION 4''' [[Flashcards]] Review of [[online English sites]] in Hristova and Dragostinova 2004 p. 140 [[online testing]] [[BNC]] British National Corpus [[OED]] Oxford English Dictionary [[translation sites]] -- which is best? [[online journals and academic search engines]] [[online journals]] LEARNER CORPORA http://leo.meikai.ac.jp/~tono/ CORPORA AND ENGLISHES http://fccl.ksu.ru/winter.99/lang_typ/hassal/reldev.htm EXPLANATION OF CORPUS WITH EXAMPLES http://www.engl.polyu.edu.hk/corpuslinguist/corpus.htm#7 Classwork: Learn to use concordance software •Movie search site (映語犬サク) http://www.screenplay.co.jp/kensaku/kensaku.cgi?action=search_more •Newspaper search site http://uzu.ias.tokushima-u.ac.jp/staff/nakasima/skwics.html Powerpoint presentation: corpus study