The moment of wonder; a collection of Chinese and Japanese poetry. by Richard Lewis (1964) Mondiano Marko Regional Englishes in Contemporary Asia Kirkpatrick Andy 1998 Asian Englishes 1:2 76-85 The Handbook of World Englishes Kachrus Euro English, an international lingua franca, distilled from text-book usage in England and America and blended with advertising and pop jargon. One Europe, 100 Nations: 100 Nations Roy N. Pedersen 1992:12 Jenkins World English 2003 Crystal, D. 1995 Mondiano Marko Regional Englishes in Contemporary Asia Kirkpatrick Andy 1998 Asian Englishes 1:2 76-85 The Handbook of World Englishes Kachrus Euro English, an international lingua franca, distilled from text-book usage in England and America and blended with advertising and pop jargon. Celebration of continuity : themes in classic East Asian poetry by Peter H Lee Publisher: Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1979. One Europe, 100 Nations: 100 Nations Roy N. Pedersen 1992:12 Jenkins World English 2003 Crystal, D. 1995 The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language, Cambridge CUP New Academic Teaching Program Offered For Teaching English In East Asia Oct 10, 1997 East Asian English Boon or Bridge Chinese letters in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam: Past, Present, and Future