(:linebreaks:) 日本の言語景観改善―自動翻訳を活用する多言語表示作成マニュアルの開発― Research Project Number:26370521 *[[Table of Contents]] *[[Higosignbook Introduction | Introduction]] 1. [[Signage: A special type of communication ]] a. [[Actual vs potential needs]] b. [[Sightscapes, soundscapes and omotenashi]] c. [[Politeness in signage]] 2. [[ Understanding Signage ]] [[Typology of signage]] [[Signage and location]] [[Case studies]] ① [[ The Japanese ladies room ]] ② [[Hospitals ]] 3. [[ Introduction to online translation ]] [[ Why use online translation? ]] [[ How Online translation works ]] [[ Choice of translation site ]] [[ Language and translation ]] [[ Pitfalls in Translation ]] Case Study [[ Making of a mistranslation ]] 4. [[ The Higosign method ]] a. [[PLAN]] [[ Deciding the message ]] [[Pre-editing the source language]] b. [[DO and CHECK]] [[Translating the source language]] ***[[signage database]] ***[[multi-site translation]] c. [[ACT]] [[ Adding the kazari ]] [[ Language-based post-editing review ]] [[ “Native check” ]] 5. [[From language to sign]] [[Presentation of the sign]] [[Homemade vs. factory made signage]] [[Oral” signage: practice with voice function]] 6. [[ Conclusion ]] 7. [[Bibliography for further reference]]