WELCOME TO THIS CLASS! We will be using the workbook "Express Yourself in English" (500 yen, to be sold in class) DON'T LOSE IT--or you will have to buy a new one and write in all the work again! Syllabus: *We will do two lessons in each class, in order as follows: *Prologue: Asking and answering questions in English *1. Introduction and Hobbies *2. Music *3. Clothes and Shopping *4. Clubs and Sports *5. Animals and Pets *6. Travel and Transportation *7. Home and Family *8. Part-time Jobs *9. Television and Movies *10. Other classes *11. Food and Shopping *12. University vs. High School *13. Hospitals, Doctors, Dentists *14. Best Friends *15. Money *16. Cell Phones and Computers *17. Romance, Dating, Marriage *18. Cars and Transportation *19. Reading I *20. Reading II *21. Finals and Reports *22. Interview Game Grades will be based on *20% Attendance (-5% each class you are absent!, 2% each class you are late!) *20% Participation *30% Notebook *30% Test and interview Contact me:  米岡ジュリ Judy Yoneoka 熊本学園大学 364-5161 Ext. 1311 judy@kumagaku.ac.jp kumajudy@ezweb.ne.jp Extra for Medical students http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/web_games_vocab_med.htm http://www.businessenglishsite.com/business-english-medical.html http://www.esl-lounge.com/level3/lev3ailments.shtml http://www.english-test.net/mcat/vocabulary/meanings/008/mcat-test.php make a list 1. parts of the body 2. types of doctors and hospitals 3. types of cancer 4. diseases 4. symptoms of a disease 6. hospital procedures 7. doctors equipment 8. patients' equipment Good websites for practicing [[English 1B]] [[Kumamoto-Vladivstok Legal Issues Forum]]