Worksheet: on 区別 and 差別 1. 次の単語を本文の1ー6の空所の中に入れよ(同じ番号の書いてある空所には同じ単語が入る): a. differentiation (区別) b. distinction (区別、特質、優等生) c. prejudice (or bias) (偏見) d. discrimination (差別) e. inequality 【不平等) f. ranking (差異, 差をつけること) If two people or things are classified into groups A and B, this is called _________1____________. This in itself is not a problem. But it is difficult to think of two groups that are DIFFERENT and still completely EQUAL. This is because there are very few criteria for _________1____________which do not involve a value judgement (good, better, bad, worse, etc.). If groups A and B are valued differently (i.e. A is considered better, more important, higher in some way than B), there results a situation of _________2____________ between the two groups. Individual people can also be ranked according to various criteria. Since people believe Group A is in some way better than B, any person or thing belonging to Group A will automatically be perceived as "better", even if they are not. When people are automatically judged on the basis of some group they belong to, this is called _________3___________ . When this happens, we often say we are ________3__________(ed) towards the "better" person or group, and against the "worse" one. Not only are people judged differently, they tend to be treated differently -- either better or worse. The "better" A group member tends to be treated with ________4_____________ while the "worse" B group member must put up with ________5_____________. Either way, the situation of _________6___________ between people and/or groups leads to anger, hate and frustration, especially for members of Group B. 2. 人間が[区別]する時、良く使われる条件(criteria)を10個考えましょう。 例:性 1 _____________________ 2 _____________________ 3 _____________________ 4 _____________________ 5 _____________________ 6 _____________________ 7 _____________________ 8 _____________________ 9 _____________________ 10 _____________________ 3。あなたが偏見をもっているグループ(又は人、もの)のリストを作りましょう。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CROSS-CULTURAL EDUCATION CLASS PAPER 1 レポート1 DUE:/締切:  LANGUAGE/言語: 英米学科 -- in English 東アジア学科 -- 日本語でも可 LENGTH/長さ: 600-1000ワード (日本語の場合2000字前後) テーマ(下記のテーマを一つを選ぶか、授業に基づいた自分のものでもかまいません。) 1. What is Japanese "culture"? What is my culture? What is my cultural heritage? 2. What is an "international person"? 3. Differentiation vs. discrimination 区別と差別 4. A soul search: My personal prejudices  自分の心の中の偏見 5. English Weekend に参加して MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A TITLE!! (NOT "Cross-cultural education" OR "report") ふさわしいタイトルをつけること。 MAKE SURE YOU WRITE YOUR NAME, NUMBER AND DATE. 名前、学籍番号、日付を確認してください。 GOOD LUCK~!