ANALYSIS OF LANGUAGE NEEDS FOR EMPLOYEES *Name______________________ Department___________________________ *Location ________________________________________________________ *E-mail______________________Telephone____________________________ *Native language: ___________________________________ What languages have you studied besides your native language? ||border=2 || || language || 何年間  || 自己評価  || 目標  || ||*Language 2 ||__________ || ________ || || || ||*Language 3 ||__________ || ________ || || || ||*Language 4 ||__________ || ________ || || || 5 Mastery level - I understand complex professional writing; I understand native speakers' fast speech, including regular accents; I take the initiative in conversation and can express my ideas fluently in professional conversation. 4 Active level – I understand professional texts; I understand native speakers’ normal conversation; given time I can express my views well in conversation. 3 Manageable level – I can understand easy texts and clear speech on common topics; I can manage daily situations and many professional ones without much help. 2 Limited level - I understand parts of texts and many common conversations; I can deal with a number of ordinary daily situations; I can understand common topics with help. 1 Basic level - I know some basic texts and can understand some familiar elements in conversation, but I miss out on most conversations; I cannot use the language except for some phrases exchanged in frequent situations. Which language would you like to learn?_________ How do you need this language in our work? ||border=2 || || 不必要 || 少し必要 ||  まあまあ必要 ||  大変必要 || 具体的に________||  || Speaking || || || || || || || Reading || || || || || || || Writing || || || || || || || Listening || || || || || || What are some of your strengths and weaknesses in this language? ||border=2 || || Weakness || Strength || Comments || || Professional terminology || ________ || ________|| ________________________ || || Speaking skills || ________ || ________ || ________________________ || || Grammar and correctness || ________ || ________ || ________________________ || || Understanding of texts || ________ || ________ || ________________________ || || Writing (reports etc.) || ________ || ________ || ________________________ || || Understanding speech || ________ || ________ || ________________________ || || Other, please explain || ________ || ________ || ________________________ || ________ How much time will you be able to spend on this course per week, besides teaching time? _________hours What kind of course is best? *Intensive course (1-3 days, more than 6 hours per day) *Block teaching (1-2 days training, pause or self study period, 1-2 days…) *Distance/multimedia study (1-2 days training, guided work and assignments, 1-2 days etc.) *Private lessons *Guided self study *Courses abroad *Weekly classes (1-2 hours per week) *Other, please specify _______________________