Welcome to Information Processing Seminar 1! Today we will start to learn blind touch typing. This will be very important for your future as an Eibei student! We will practice "Hidemon." You will also need to be able to use an e-mail address by next week. It can be the school address or any other address (hotmail, etc.) but NOT YOUR KEITAI address. '''If you don't know how to use mail, study with an assistant today!''' Your first assignment is to make a '''typing progress chart''' like this one for yourself: http://www2.kumagaku.ac.jp/teacher/~judy/classes/joho/progresschart.xls You will use this chart every week to keep track of your typing practice. You should finish this in class today and put it in the 学内私書箱 HERE: 学内私書箱ー>外国語学部ー>米岡ジュリー>情報処理演習I->提出箱ー>9/25 Excel progress chart Be sure to change the dates to the following! 9/25 10/2 10/16 10/23 10/30 11/6 11/13 11/21 11/28 12/4 12/11 1/15