Main.Publications History

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April 08, 2024, at 09:13 PM by -
Added lines 26-27:

65 (2023) Student Attitudes on EIL vs. "Native Speaker" English: Evidence from Online Summer Study Abroad Program Reports, Asian Englishes Journal, 25, p. 25-49.

May 24, 2023, at 01:03 PM by -
Changed lines 26-27 from:

64 (2023) Organization and Implementation of a Virtual Summer Study Abroad Program for Japanese Students during the Covid 19 Pandemic, Intercultural Communications Studies XXXI


64 (2022) Organization and Implementation of a Virtual Summer Study Abroad Program for Japanese Students during the Covid 19 Pandemic, Intercultural Communications Studies XXXI, p. 73-92. available

February 14, 2023, at 06:12 PM by -
Changed lines 26-27 from:

64 (2023) Organization and Implementation of a Virtual Summer Study Abroad Program for Japanese Students during the Covid 19 Pandemic, Intercultural Communications Studies XXXI

June 07, 2022, at 01:40 PM by -
Changed lines 26-27 from:

63 (2021) Janes Way HISELT


63 (2021) Leroy Lansing Janes and English Education at the Kumamoto Western School (Kumamoto Yogakko) 1871-1876, 東日本英学史研究, 21, p. 71-87.

March 03, 2022, at 12:04 PM by -
Added lines 25-27:

63 (2021) Janes Way HISELT

January 24, 2021, at 04:03 PM by -
Changed lines 25-26 from:

62 (2020) Jet, Net and Epik: Collaboration and Communication in East Asian ELT, Sogokagaku, 26(1), p. 97-108.

August 25, 2019, at 06:40 PM by -
Changed lines 4-6 from:

(2017) Textbook: Speak Your Own English, new and revised, Kumamoto: Kumamoto Gakuen University Printing Center.


(2019) Textbook: Speak Your Own English, new and revised, Kumamoto: Kumamoto Gakuen University Printing Center.

Changed lines 26-27 from:

60 (2017 Innovation and Government Emergency Actions for Non-Japanese Victims of the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, Sustainable Development in East Asia Countries. Shenzhen, China: Social Sciences Academic Press, p. 30-41.


61 (2019) The Changing Face of English Villages in Korea, Tesol Proceedings, SEAMEO Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

60 (2017) Innovation and Government Emergency Actions for Non-Japanese Victims of the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, Sustainable Development in East Asia Countries. Shenzhen, China: Social Sciences Academic Press, p. 30-41.

May 15, 2018, at 04:52 PM by -
Changed lines 28-29 from:

59 (2017) Globalization of the Japanese Ladies’ Room: Multilingual Signage Needs and Issues with Chie Saito, Asian English Studies Vol. 18, p.


59 (2017) Globalization of the Japanese Ladies’ Room: Multilingual Signage Needs and Issues with Chie Saito, Asian English Studies Vol. 18, p. 58-86.

June 12, 2017, at 10:11 AM by -
Deleted line 23:
June 04, 2017, at 07:35 PM by -
Changed lines 27-28 from:

60 (2017 Government responses to Kumamoto Earthquake)


60 (2017 Innovation and Government Emergency Actions for Non-Japanese Victims of the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, Sustainable Development in East Asia Countries. Shenzhen, China: Social Sciences Academic Press, p. 30-41.

May 19, 2017, at 02:37 PM by -
Changed lines 29-30 from:

59 (2017 Ladies room)


59 (2017) Globalization of the Japanese Ladies’ Room: Multilingual Signage Needs and Issues with Chie Saito, Asian English Studies Vol. 18, p.

May 10, 2017, at 01:13 PM by -
Changed line 31 from:

58 (2015) Content Development in Kubushiro Ochimi’s Japan Through Women, 1938-1960, Kumamoto Gakuen University Kaigaijijo Kenkyu, 43-1, p. 103-130.


58 (2015) Content Development in Kubushiro Ochimi’s Japan Through Women, 1938-1960, Kumamoto Gakuen University Kaigaijijo Kenkyu, 43-1, p. 103-130.

March 01, 2017, at 11:29 AM by -
Changed lines 4-6 from:

(2010) Textbook: Speak Your Own English, new and revised, Kumamoto: Kumamoto Copy.


(2017) Textbook: Speak Your Own English, new and revised, Kumamoto: Kumamoto Gakuen University Printing Center.

March 01, 2017, at 11:28 AM by -
Added lines 27-30:

60 (2017 Government responses to Kumamoto Earthquake)

59 (2017 Ladies room)

October 28, 2015, at 05:44 PM by -
Changed line 27 from:

57 (2015) Content Development in Kubushiro Ochimi’s Japan Through Women, 1938-1960, Kumamoto Gakuen University Kaigaijijo Kenkyu, 43-1, p. 103-130.


58 (2015) Content Development in Kubushiro Ochimi’s Japan Through Women, 1938-1960, Kumamoto Gakuen University Kaigaijijo Kenkyu, 43-1, p. 103-130.

Changed lines 29-31 from:

56   (2014) Yokoi Saheita’s 1869 Letter to his Brother Daihei: 19 Days in the Life of an Early Japanese Student at Rutgers College, Kumamoto Gakuen University Kaigaijijo Kenkyu, 42-1, p. 55-80.


57   (2015) Online Translation Sites: Problems and Possibilities The 2014 Pan SIG Proceedings Sustainability: Making Teaching and Learning Last, JALT, p. 234-239.

56 (2014) Yokoi Saheita’s 1869 Letter to his Brother Daihei: 19 Days in the Life of an Early Japanese Student at Rutgers College, Kumamoto Gakuen University Kaigaijijo Kenkyu, 42-1, p. 55-80.

October 27, 2015, at 04:00 PM by -
Added lines 27-31:

57 (2015) Content Development in Kubushiro Ochimi’s Japan Through Women, 1938-1960, Kumamoto Gakuen University Kaigaijijo Kenkyu, 43-1, p. 103-130.

56   (2014) Yokoi Saheita’s 1869 Letter to his Brother Daihei: 19 Days in the Life of an Early Japanese Student at Rutgers College, Kumamoto Gakuen University Kaigaijijo Kenkyu, 42-1, p. 55-80.

June 02, 2015, at 05:57 PM by -
Changed lines 7-8 from:

(2009) The Role of Linguistic Auditing and English as an International Language in the East Asian Tourist Industry: A Case Study of Kumamoto, Japan 熊本学園大学産業経営研究所 調査研究報告100号。


46a. (2009) The Role of Linguistic Auditing and English as an International Language in the East Asian Tourist Industry: A Case Study of Kumamoto, Japan 熊本学園大学産業経営研究所 調査研究報告100号。

Changed line 13 from:

(2010) 「国際交流時代を迎えた熊本観光の課題」 熊本学園大学付属産業経営研究所[編] 編集委員 坂上智哉 ・鈴木信雄 『グローバル化する九州 ・ 熊本の産業経済の自立と連携


47a. (2010) 「国際交流時代を迎えた熊本観光の課題」 熊本学園大学付属産業経営研究所[編] 編集委員 坂上智哉 ・鈴木信雄 『グローバル化する九州 ・ 熊本の産業経済の自立と連携

Changed lines 27-40 from:

(2014) Yokoi Shonan through the Eyes of his Son: An Analysis of Three Letters by yokoi Tokiwo and their influence on the Writings of William Elliot Griffis, Kumamoto Gakuen University Kaigaijijo Kenkyu, 41-2, p. 41-64.

(2103) "A Message from the Goddess of Peace”: Analysis of News Articles on a Japanese Woman’s Activities at the 1921 Washington Arms Limitation Conference, Intercultural Communication Studies XXII: 1, p. 256-278.

(2013) Janes' Girls: The first coed students in Japan? Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Sogo Ronshu, 19-2, p. 213-239.

(2012) (with Kumiko Tsutsui) Images of Northeast Asia (Japan, South Korea, China and Russia) in North Korean English Textbooks, Kaigaijijo Kenkyu, 40-1, p. 91-106.

(2012) Use and Misuse of Automatic Translation Sites on Signage in Asia: The problem, the process and the possibilities for solution. With Chie Saito, International University of Health and Welfare. Proceedings of ILAC International Conference 2012“Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in ASEAN” Suan Dusit Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand August 22nd-23rd, 2012, p.

(2011) From CEFR to CAFR: Place for a Common Asian Framework of Reference for Languages in the East Asian Business World? Asian Englishes 14-2, Asian Englishes; Winter2011, Vol. 14 Issue 2, p 86-91.

(2011) Immersion Education in Early Meiji Japan: The Kumamoto Yogakko as Japan’s First Total English Immersion School, Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Fuzoku Kaigai Kenshujyo Kaigai Jijyo Kenkyu.


55 (2014) Yokoi Shonan through the Eyes of his Son: An Analysis of Three Letters by yokoi Tokiwo and their influence on the Writings of William Elliot Griffis, Kumamoto Gakuen University Kaigaijijo Kenkyu, 41-2, p. 41-64.

54 (2103) "A Message from the Goddess of Peace”: Analysis of News Articles on a Japanese Woman’s Activities at the 1921 Washington Arms Limitation Conference, Intercultural Communication Studies XXII: 1, p. 256-278.

53 (2013) Janes' Girls: The first coed students in Japan? Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Sogo Ronshu, 19-2, p. 213-239.

52 (2012) Use and Misuse of Automatic Translation Sites on Signage in Asia: The problem, the process and the possibilities for solution. With Chie Saito, International University of Health and Welfare. Proceedings of ILAC International Conference 2012“Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in ASEAN” Suan Dusit Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand August 22nd-23rd, 2012, p.

51 (2012) (with Kumiko Tsutsui) Images of Northeast Asia (Japan, South Korea, China and Russia) in North Korean English Textbooks, Kaigaijijo Kenkyu, 40-1, p. 91-106.

50 (2011) The Importance of Language Negotiation in Initial Intercultural Encounters: The case of the service industry employee, International Communication Studies Journal, International Association for Communication Studies, Rhode Island, USA, Vol. 20, No. 1, p. 90-103.

49 (2011) Immersion Education in Early Meiji Japan: The Kumamoto Yogakko as Japan’s First Total English Immersion School, Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Fuzoku Kaigai Kenshujyo Kaigai Jijyo Kenkyu.

48 (2011) From CEFR to CAFR: Place for a Common Asian Framework of Reference for Languages in the East Asian Business World? Asian Englishes 14-2, Asian Englishes; Winter2011, Vol. 14 Issue 2, p. 86-91.

47 (2010) English in Service Encounters among East Asian Partners: The Role of Language Negotiation and Accommodation Skills, Asian Englishes, Vol. 13 No. 2, p. 4-21.

46 (2009) "The Janes Way": English teaching Materials and Methods used at the Kumamoto Yogakko in Early Meiji Japan, Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Fuzoku Kaigai Jijo Kenkyusho, 37-1, p. 117-144.

45 (2008) Presents of Mind Rewrapped: A Study of Hybridization Processes in Japanese Renditions of English Haiku, in A Festschrift for Nobuyuki Honna, Intercultural Communication Studies Vol. XVII: 4, p. 200-216.

44 (2008) The Linguistic Monkeywrench and the English Shell: Multilingualism in an East Asian Business Conference, Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Sangyo Keiei Kenkyusho, 27, p. 49-61.

43 (2008) Cultural Reinterpretation of Popular Music: The Case of Japanese/American Cover Songs, KYUSHU COMMUNICATION STUDIES Vol. 6 2008, p. 23-41.

42 (2007) The role of EIL and Linguistic Auditing in the East Asian Tourist Industry, Proceedings of the 6th Northeast Asia Management and Economy Joint Conference, Gwangju Korea p. 211-227.

41 (2007) Localization of EIL in Kumamoto: Linguistic Auditing as a Vehicle グローバル化と21世紀の英語教育」国際シンポジウム結果報告書 p. 26-30.

40 (2007) Expressing "Toilet" in International English: the Role of Language Negotiation and Mindfulness in Initial Intercultural Encounters, 2007 Kenkyu Ronshu dai 2 go, Higashi Asia Eigo Kyoiku Kenkyukai p. 39-48.

39 (2006) 英語が使える日本人の育成に当たって~チャットを「秘密兵器」として (H. 18.3.10) 第54回 九州地区大学一般教育研究協議会 議事録 p. 71-78.

38 (2006) A tailored intensive Vocabulary Trainer using an Online Flashcard Site Sogo Kagaku 13-1. p. 45-59.

37 (2006) A Survey of Artificially Simplified Englishes: Implications for an English as an International Language Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Kaigai Jijo Kenkyu 33-2 p. 1-27.   36 (2005) The Struggle to Produce “Eigo ga tsukaeru nihonjin”—Using Chat as a Secret Weapon, Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku, p. ?

35 (2005) The Striking Similarity between Korean and Japanese English Vocabulary-- historical and linguistic relationships— Asian Englishes Journal 8-1, p. 26-47.

34 (2005) Strategies used by Children saying Japanese Words Backwards: Implications for Syllable-Internal Structure Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku p. 61-87.

Changed lines 71-167 from:

(2011) The Importance of Language Negotiation in Initial Intercultural Encounters: The case of the service industry employee, International Communication Studies Journal, International Association for Communication Studies, Rhode Island, USA, Vol. 20, No. 1, p. 90-103.

(2010) English in Service Encounters among East Asian Partners: The Role of Language Negotiation and Accommodation Skills, Asian Englishes, Vol. 13 No. 2, p. 4-21.

(2009) "The Janes Way": English teaching Materials and Methods used at the Kumamoto Yogakko in Early Meiji Japan, Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Fuzoku Kaigai Jijo Kenkyusho, 37-1, p. 117-144.

(2008) Presents of Mind Rewrapped: A Study of Hybridization Processes in Japanese Renditions of English Haiku, in A Festschrift for Nobuyuki Honna, Intercultural Communication Studies Vol. XVII: 4, p. 200-216.

(2008) Cultural Reinterpretation of Popular Music: The Case of Japanese/American Cover Songs, KYUSHU COMMUNICATION STUDIES Vol. 6 2008, p. 23-41.

(2008) The Linguistic Monkeywrench and the English Shell: Multilingualism in an East Asian Business Conference, Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Sangyo Keiei Kenkyusho, 27, p. 49-61.

(2007) Expressing "Toilet" in International English: the Role of Language Negotiation and Mindfulness in Initial Intercultural Encounters, 2007 Kenkyu Ronshu dai 2 go, Higashi Asia Eigo Kyoiku Kenkyukai p. 39-48.

(2007) The role of EIL and Linguistic Auditing in the East Asian Tourist Industry, Proceedings of the 6th Northeast Asia Management and Economy Joint Conference, Gwangju Korea p. 211-227.

(2007) Localization of EIL in Kumamoto: Linguistic Auditing as a Vehicle グローバル化と21世紀の英語教育」国際シンポジウム結果報告書 p. 26-30.

(2006) A tailored intensive Vocabulary Trainer using an Online Flashcard Site Sogo Kagaku 13-1. p. 45-59.

(2006) 英語が使える日本人の育成に当たって~チャットを「秘密兵器」として (H. 18.3.10) 第54回 九州地区大学一般教育研究協議会 議事録 p. 71-78.

(2006) A Survey of Artificially Simplified Englishes: Implications for an English as an International Language Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Kaigai Jijo Kenkyu 33-2 p. 1-27. 

(2005) The Struggle to Produce “Eigo ga tsukaeru nihonjin”—Using Chat as a Secret Weapon, Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku, p. ?

(2005) The Striking Similarity between Korean and Japanese English Vocabulary-- historical and linguistic relationships— Asian Englishes Journal 8-1, p. 26-47.

(2005) Strategies used by Children saying Japanese Words Backwards: Implications for Syllable-Internal Structure Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku p. 61-87.

(2004) "Snafooey” Revisited: An Analysis of Levels of Structure in Game Discourse Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 10-2 121-152.

(2003) The Necessity of Englishes for the Future of English, Kaigai Jijo Kenkyu 31-1 p. 25-40.

(2003) A Game of "Snafooey": Participant Characteristics in Multiparty Discourse Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 9-2 pp. 149-175.

(2003) Englishes in Asia, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Globalization and local Diversity: Towards an Era of Symbiosis, p. 167-192.


(2001) Chat in the Spoken/Written Discourse Paradigm: Turnaround Time as a Critical Factor Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 8-1 p. 29-49.

(2001) Blending Computers and English using Student Power Point Presentations. (学生のパワーポイント発表を通しての英語と情報の合同教育) Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training July, 4-6, in print.

(2001) The English Umbrella: Model of a Multicultural Language System, Asian English Studies (Journal of the Japanese Association for Asian Englishes) Vol. 3, p. 69-83.

(2001) Word Associations: The Universal Paradigmatic Pattern Assumption and the Japanese/Korean Anomaly, Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 7-2, p. 161-174.

(2000) Effect of Stressful Conditions on Japanese Word Association Response Types, Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 7-1 p. 95-113.

(2000) Ten Years of Kokusaika: Has Progress been made? (10年間の国際化: 進歩はあったのか?in English) The Language Teacher 2001 Oct, 24-10, p. 13-18.

(2000) What is a Kokusaijin? A 10-year study The Language Teacher Sept 2000, p. 7-13.

(2000) (with Gilbert, R.) Haiku Metrics and Issues of Emulation: New Paradigms for Japanese and English Haiku Form (俳句の音律と模倣の問題: 日本語と英語の俳句形式の為の新しいパラダイム in English). Language Issues: Journal of the Foreign Language Education Center, Prefectural University of Kumamoto p. 63-108.

(2000) Constrastive Rhetoric and The Holiday Newsletter: The Relative Influence of L1 Experience, L2 Exposure and L2 Ability on a Novel Discourse Genre ESL Task. Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 6-2 p. 21-42.


(1999) Making Pair Work Work -- Using Task-based Methods for Conversation in a Non-conversant Culture (会話をしない文化の中で会話を作るためのタスクの使用 in English). Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 6-1 p. 1-15.

(1999) Towards the 21st Century: Goals and Obstacles in English Education in Japan (21世紀に向けて: 日本の英語教育のゴール及び障害 in English). Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 5-2 p. 53-73.

(1998) Non-Standard English Teachers in ESL Education: In Defense of the "Different" English Accent. Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 4-2 p. 105-125.

(1998) Karaoke-dokey.In J. D. Brown (Ed.), New Ways of Classroom Assessment. Alexandria,VA: TESOL, p. 366-368.



(1997) Needs Analysis of a the Preparatory Lecture Series Syllabus for a University Third Year Summer Study Abroad Program (大学三年生の夏季海外研修プログラムの為の事前研修シラバスに対するニーズアナリシス). Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 3-2 p. 91-106.

(1996) English Syllable-Internal Structure of Japanese Children living in Hawaii: A Pilot Study. Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 3-1 p. 1-16.

(1996) Generics and Circularity:Deriving Interpretations from Subject/Predicate relations. Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Bungaku/Gengogaku Ronshu 2-1 p. 115-135.

(1994) Choral Reading vs. Individual Oral and Silent Reading: Relative Validity of the Alternatives in the English Reading Classroom. Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Bungaku/Gengogaku Ronshu 1-1/2p. 91-107.

(1994) Approaching Academic Writing Step-wise through Computer Networking Kumamoto Shodai Ronshu 40-3 p. 267-290

(1993) 英語教育用のコンピューターソフトを通じての米国文化理解(Teaching American Culture through English Computer Software, in Japanese) Kumamoto Shodai Ronshu 40-1 p. 135-151. Japanese   

(1993) 国際化のイメージ:日本、ドイツ、インド、アメリカの大学生の比較調査 (Images of Internationalization, Comparison of Survey Responses of Students from Japan, Germany, India and the United States, in Japanese) Kumamoto Shoka Daigaku Kaigai Kenshujyo Kaigai Jijyo Kenkyu 20-2 p. 81-95.

(1992) Adjectives and Circularity(形容詞と循環性). Kumamoto Seturitsu 50 shunen kinen Ronshup. 389-413.

(1991) 日本とドイツの若者の国際化に対する意識や態度について (On the Consciousness and Attitude towards Internationalization among students in Japan and Germany, in Japanese). Kumamoto Shoka Daigaku Kaigai Kenshujyo Kaigai Jijyo Kenkyu 19-1 p. 1-10.

(1991) On Circular Countability and the Predicate Domain(循環的数量性と述語). Kumamoto Shodai Ronshu 36-1 p. 187-214.

(1988) On the Structure and Circularity of Countability within the Nominal Domain (名詞の数量性の構造と循環性). Kumamoto Shodai Ronshu 35-1 p. 241-270.

(1987) Word associations of Japanese and Americans compared with Moran and the S-P shift (Moran と S-P shift との比較による、日本語とアメリカ人の語連想). Kumamoto Shodai Ronshu 33-3 p. 117-133.


33 (2004) "Snafooey” Revisited: An Analysis of Levels of Structure in Game Discourse Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 10-2 121-152.

32 (2003) The Necessity of Englishes for the Future of English, Kaigai Jijo Kenkyu 31-1 p. 25-40.

31 (2003) Englishes in Asia, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Globalization and local Diversity: Towards an Era of Symbiosis, p. 167-192.

30 (2003) A Game of "Snafooey": Participant Characteristics in Multiparty Discourse Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 9-2 pp. 149-175.

29 (2002) The Mac Donaldization of English: The case of the Singapore Speak Good English Movement (英語のマクドナルド化: シンガポールの Speak Good English Movement の事例). Kaigai Jijo Kenkyu 29-2.

28 (2001) Word Associations: The Universal Paradigmatic Pattern Assumption and the Japanese/Korean Anomaly, Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 7-2, p. 161-174.

27 (2001) The English Umbrella: Model of a Multicultural Language System, Asian English Studies (Journal of the Japanese Association for Asian Englishes) Vol. 3, p. 69-83.

26 (2001) Chat in the Spoken/Written Discourse Paradigm: Turnaround Time as a Critical Factor Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 8-1 p. 29-49.

25 (2001) Blending Computers and English using Student Power Point Presentations. (学生のパワーポイント発表を通しての英語と情報の合同教育) Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training July, 4-6, in print.

24 (2000) What is a Kokusaijin? A 10-year study The Language Teacher Sept 2000, p. 7-13.

23 (2000) Ten Years of Kokusaika: Has Progress been made? (10年間の国際化: 進歩はあったのか?in English) The Language Teacher 2001 Oct, 24-10, p. 13-18.

22 (2000) Effect of Stressful Conditions on Japanese Word Association Response Types, Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 7-1 p. 95-113.

21 (2000) Constrastive Rhetoric and The Holiday Newsletter: The Relative Influence of L1 Experience, L2 Exposure and L2 Ability on a Novel Discourse Genre ESL Task. Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 6-2 p. 21-42.

20 (2000) (with Gilbert, R.) Haiku Metrics and Issues of Emulation: New Paradigms for Japanese and English Haiku Form (俳句の音律と模倣の問題: 日本語と英語の俳句形式の為の新しいパラダイム in English). Language Issues: Journal of the Foreign Language Education Center, Prefectural University of Kumamoto p. 63-108.

19 [textbook]

18 (1999) Towards the 21st Century: Goals and Obstacles in English Education in Japan (21世紀に向けて: 日本の英語教育のゴール及び障害 in English). Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 5-2 p. 53-73.

17 (1999) Making Pair Work Work -- Using Task-based Methods for Conversation in a Non-conversant Culture (会話をしない文化の中で会話を作るためのタスクの使用 in English). Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 6-1 p. 1-15.

16 (1998) Non-Standard English Teachers in ESL Education: In Defense of the "Different" English Accent. Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 4-2 p. 105-125.

15 (1998) Karaoke-dokey.In J. D. Brown (Ed.), New Ways of Classroom Assessment. Alexandria,VA: TESOL, p. 366-368.

14 (1998)  "But they do it":Using Corpora to Research Sentence-Initial And and Buts in Academic Writing (学術論文においての文頭の And 及び But のコーパス研究). English Corpus Studies No. 5, p. 15-26

13 (1997) "But They Do It": A Survey of Reference Literature on Sentence-Initial Coordinate Conjunctions in Academic Writing. Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 4-1 p. 49-68.   12 (1997) Needs Analysis of a the Preparatory Lecture Series Syllabus for a University Third Year Summer Study Abroad Program (大学三年生の夏季海外研修プログラムの為の事前研修シラバスに対するニーズアナリシス). Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 3-2 p. 91-106.

11 (1996) Generics and Circularity:Deriving Interpretations from Subject/Predicate relations. Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Bungaku/Gengogaku Ronshu 2-1 p. 115-135.

10 (1996) English Syllable-Internal Structure of Japanese Children living in Hawaii: A Pilot Study. Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 3-1 p. 1-16.

9 (1994) Choral Reading vs. Individual Oral and Silent Reading: Relative Validity of the Alternatives in the English Reading Classroom. Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Bungaku/Gengogaku Ronshu 1-1/2p. 91-107.

8 (1994) Approaching Academic Writing Step-wise through Computer Networking Kumamoto Shodai Ronshu 40-3 p. 267-290

7 (1993) 国際化のイメージ:日本、ドイツ、インド、アメリカの大学生の比較調査 (Images of Internationalization, Comparison of Survey Responses of Students from Japan, Germany, India and the United States, in Japanese) Kumamoto Shoka Daigaku Kaigai Kenshujyo Kaigai Jijyo Kenkyu 20-2 p. 81-95.

6 (1993) 英語教育用のコンピューターソフトを通じての米国文化理解(Teaching American Culture through English Computer Software, in Japanese) Kumamoto Shodai Ronshu 40-1 p. 135-151.     5 (1992) Adjectives and Circularity(形容詞と循環性). Kumamoto Seturitsu 50 shunen kinen Ronshup. 389-413.

4 (1991) 日本とドイツの若者の国際化に対する意識や態度について (On the Consciousness and Attitude towards Internationalization among students in Japan and Germany, in Japanese). Kumamoto Shoka Daigaku Kaigai Kenshujyo Kaigai Jijyo Kenkyu 19-1 p. 1-10.

3 (1991) On Circular Countability and the Predicate Domain(循環的数量性と述語). Kumamoto Shodai Ronshu 36-1 p. 187-214.

2 (1988) On the Structure and Circularity of Countability within the Nominal Domain (名詞の数量性の構造と循環性). Kumamoto Shodai Ronshu 35-1 p. 241-270.

1 (1987) Word associations of Japanese and Americans compared with Moran and the S-P shift (Moran と S-P shift との比較による、日本語とアメリカ人の語連想). Kumamoto Shodai Ronshu 33-3 p. 117-133.

July 14, 2014, at 11:57 AM by -
Changed lines 27-28 from:

(2014) Yokoi Shonan through the Eyes of his Son: An Analysis of Three Letters by yokoi Tokiwo and their influence on the Writings of William Elliot Griffis, Kumamoto Gakuen University Kaigaijijo Kenkyu, 41-2, p.


(2014) Yokoi Shonan through the Eyes of his Son: An Analysis of Three Letters by yokoi Tokiwo and their influence on the Writings of William Elliot Griffis, Kumamoto Gakuen University Kaigaijijo Kenkyu, 41-2, p. 41-64.

Changed lines 31-32 from:

(2013) Janes' Girls: The first coed students in Japan? Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Sogo Ronshu, 19-2, p.


(2013) Janes' Girls: The first coed students in Japan? Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Sogo Ronshu, 19-2, p. 213-239.

Changed lines 38-39 from:

(2011) From CEFR to CAFR: Place for a Common Asian Framework of Reference for Languages in the East Asian Business World? Asian Englishes 14-2, Asian Englishes;Winter2011, Vol. 14 Issue 2, p 86-91.


(2011) From CEFR to CAFR: Place for a Common Asian Framework of Reference for Languages in the East Asian Business World? Asian Englishes 14-2, Asian Englishes; Winter2011, Vol. 14 Issue 2, p 86-91.

Changed lines 67-68 from:

(2005) The Struggle to Produce “Eigo ga tsukaeru nihonjin”—Using Chat as a Secret Weapon 第54回 九州地区大学一般教育研究協議会 議事録、九州地区大学一般教育研究会 p. 71-78. 


(2005) The Struggle to Produce “Eigo ga tsukaeru nihonjin”—Using Chat as a Secret Weapon, Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku, p. ?

Changed lines 79-80 from:

(2003) Englishes in Asia in Proceedings of the International Conference on Globalization and local Diversity: Towards an Era of Symbiosis, p.


(2003) Englishes in Asia, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Globalization and local Diversity: Towards an Era of Symbiosis, p. 167-192.

July 14, 2014, at 11:42 AM by -
Changed lines 38-39 from:

(2011?) From CEFR to CAFR: Place for a Common Asian Framework of Reference for Languages in the East Asian Business World? Asian Englishes 14-2?


(2011) From CEFR to CAFR: Place for a Common Asian Framework of Reference for Languages in the East Asian Business World? Asian Englishes 14-2, Asian Englishes;Winter2011, Vol. 14 Issue 2, p 86-91.

July 14, 2014, at 11:12 AM by -
Changed lines 27-33 from:

(2013) Janes' Girls: The first coed students in Japan? Kumamoto Gakuen daigaku Sogo Ronshu, 19-2, p.

(2012) (with Kumiko Tsutsui) Images of Northeast Asia (Japan, South Korea, China and Russia) in North Korean English Textbooks, to appear in Kaigaijijo Kenkyu

(2012) Use and Misuse of Automatic Translation Sites on Signage in Asia: The problem, the process and the possibilities for solution. With Chie Saito, International University of Health and Welfare. Proceedings of ILAC International Conference 2012“Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in ASEAN” Suan Dusit Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand August 22nd-23rd, 2012, p.


(2014) Yokoi Shonan through the Eyes of his Son: An Analysis of Three Letters by yokoi Tokiwo and their influence on the Writings of William Elliot Griffis, Kumamoto Gakuen University Kaigaijijo Kenkyu, 41-2, p.

(2103) "A Message from the Goddess of Peace”: Analysis of News Articles on a Japanese Woman’s Activities at the 1921 Washington Arms Limitation Conference, Intercultural Communication Studies XXII: 1, p. 256-278.

(2013) Janes' Girls: The first coed students in Japan? Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Sogo Ronshu, 19-2, p.

(2012) (with Kumiko Tsutsui) Images of Northeast Asia (Japan, South Korea, China and Russia) in North Korean English Textbooks, Kaigaijijo Kenkyu, 40-1, p. 91-106.

(2012) Use and Misuse of Automatic Translation Sites on Signage in Asia: The problem, the process and the possibilities for solution. With Chie Saito, International University of Health and Welfare. Proceedings of ILAC International Conference 2012“Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in ASEAN” Suan Dusit Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand August 22nd-23rd, 2012, p.