(:linebreaks:) [[http://www2.kumagaku.ac.jp/teacher/~judy/classes/zemi/2016ppttemplate.ppt|Presentation template]] Please download this, and change it for your presentation! The Machinaka Help Team: Language needs and Accommodation Skills in Downtown Kumamoto 1. Introduction a. Englishes, ELF, EIL b. Language management and needs analysis c. Communication, accommodation skills and omotenashi 2. The present study a. Location b. Language landscapes c. Preliminary observations 3. Method (summer; 24 hours in total) use of ELF, language negotiation and accommodation skills 4. Needs analysis a. linguistic needs b. actual needs 5. Using ELF and accommodations skills a. data and analysis b. success stories c. failure stories 6. Conclusions 7. Bibliography