!!!%center%The following are suggested paper topics for IAICS 2009; however the topics are not limited to these. !!!%center%Please feel free to contact us with your own ideas! •Approaches to intercultural communication study •Business communication across cultures •Communication accommodation •Communication and globalization •Communication education •Computer mediated communication •Conflict and negotiation •Crisis management •Cross-cultural adaptation •Cultural and linguistic diversity •Cultural identity and globalization •Digital communication •Ethnicity and communication •Group or organizational communication across cultures •Harmony and diversity •Health communication across cultures •Information technology and culture •Interpersonal/intercultural communication •Intercultural / global communication competence •Language and cultural education •Language and media •Language and society •Language attitude •Language change and language stability •Language policy •Media and culture •Media literacy •Rhetoric studies •Risk communication across cultures •Theory of intercultural communication from different perspectives •Research methodology in intercultural communication studies •Translation theory •Verbal and nonverbal communication across cultures •Interpersonal communication across cultures