(:linebreaks:) PEOPLE WHO PASSED THE AMERICA RESEARCH FINAL EXAM--Congratulations!! NOTES: If your number has an S after it, this means that your class grade will be "S"!! おめでとうございます!! If your number is here but with no S after it, your class grade NOW is ”A” or ”B”(no Cs!). If you are satisfied with this, おめでとうございます!! If you want to try for a HIGHER grade, you can try to take the final test again. If your number is NOT here, see you on Saturday, Aug. 3! Of course, you may be able to get an "S" in the class too if your other grades are good. 頑張って、合格するように、お願いします!! 13111258 S 13112217 S 13112234 13113202 S 13113203 S 13113204 13113207 13113209 13113219 13113226 S 13113232 S 13113233 13113234 S 13113236 S 13113237 13113238 13113239 S 13113243 S 13113245 S 13113246 S 13113247 13113249 S 13113250 S 13113257