Table Of Contents: Yoneoka Seminar 2006-2007 * 李 世恩 A comparison of Phonological Substitutions by Korean and Japanese ESL Speakers  * 中西 紘子 History of Early English Loanwords in Japanese * 川部 康則 Differences in English Ability between Japan and Korea: Connection with Early English Education Reforms * 岩田 和美 The Englishization of Haiku: A Worldwide Cultural Form * 西岡 朋美 Relative Awareness of Kumamoto and San Antonio Sister City Programs * 甲斐 杏子 English Needs of Kumamoto Travel Information Centers: From the Perspective of Linguistic Auditing Table Of Contents: Yoneoka Seminar 2005-2006 *Dialects in the UK: Geordie Accent vs. Scottish Accent *The Economic Influence of Englishes in Southeast Asia – connection between role of English and socioeconomic factors – *“Under an English Heaven” Linguistic Imperialism and Cultural Identity in Japanese and African Attitudes towards Names * Organizational Culture: Comparing JAL and Southwest Airline * Differences Between “British Indian” (Bend It Like Beckham) and “Indian Indian” (Monsoon Wedding) English and culture * Characteristics of Indian English as seen in an Indian Speaker’s E-mail * The Impact of Language Revitalization and Social Situation of the Ojibwa People