Visiting Professor Nakayama

We were all very happy to be able to visit Prof. Nakayama while Leon was home. Prof. Nakayama was not very well for much of 2007 but fortunately he was well enough to allow us to enjoy a pleasant visit on Christmas day. When Prof. Nakayama was a colleague of mine at Kumamoto Gakuen University he was also our neighbor -- we lived in the same apartment building. He has known Mia and Leon since they were little and been very kind to us over the years. Afloating top and battery-charged airplane are just a two of Prof. Nakayama's many generous gifts to us. We really appreciate Prof. Nakayama's kindness to us over the years. I'm sad to report Prof. Nakayama passed away on January 26th of 2008. We will all miss him very much.

This map of Japan shows the location of Shimonoseki, where Prof. Nakayama lives. You can also see where Hitachi, Mariko's parents' home, is located.
After we picked Prof. Nakayama up at his home, we went to eat in a sushi restaurant.
After lunch we drove to a beach to enjoy the sunny weather.
After we took Prof. Nakayama home, we visited Mt. Hinoyama to get a view of the Kanmon Straigth that separates the island of Kyushu (where we live) from Honshu, Japan's main island.
We had a snack in a revolving restaurant at the top of the mountain. We were told that it gets very busy over the New Year's holiday but few people were there on the 25th.
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Dad said something funny.
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As we were leaving we saw this driving range and decided to give it a try -- though none of us are golfers.