1/22 OUR LAST CLASS The Korea-Japan Radar problem Japan and Korea
1. Listen to the news stories from 09 January 2019: Female UFC Fighter Beats Up Robber English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK'S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a chat room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. ALL FINISHED! BUT PLEASE drop by this page and join in chats whenever you like!
14. 1/8 Let's check the top 10 news! This will be our first assignment!
1. Listen to the news stories from December 13 2018 to January 2, 2019 English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK'S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a chat room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For 1/22: LAST CLASS https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2019/01/07/national/japan-warns-relations-south-korea-severe-state/#.XDP221JG2Uk and http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2019/01/356_261605.html
13. 12/18 Last class of the year!!! Let's predict the top 10 news for 2018
1. Do the review lesson for November English Club Listening 2. Discuss face-to-face in English: What are the top ten news stories for 2018 (Japan and world) 3. Discuss face-to-face in English: What were the most important (best and worst) events for you in 2018? 4. Do THIS WEEK'S QUIZ as a GROUP (or alone if you were absent) 5. For next week: In January we will check your answers! Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and good luck!
1. Listen to the news story from 05 December 2018 Yellow-Vest Protests Continue in France English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK'S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a chat room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: Last class of the year!!! Let's predict the top 10 news for 2018
1. Listen to the news story from 28 November 2018 Chinese Scientist Faces Backlash Over Gene-Editing English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK'S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a chat room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/12/03/national/sodane-japan-uses-top-buzzword-2018-end-year-high-note/
10. 11/27 Nissan Scandal http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/AJ201811200008.html
1. Listen to the news story from 21 November 2018 US Doctors Slam Gun Lobby English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK'S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a chat room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/11/27/world/science-health-world/nasas-insight-spacecraft-lands-mars-six-month-journey-six-minute-white-knuckle-descent/
9. 11/20 https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/oct/30/court-orders-japan-company-to-pay-4-koreans-for-fo/
1. Listen to the news story from 13 November 2018: Comic Legend Stan Lee dies at 95 English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK'S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a chat room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: Nissan Scandal http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/AJ201811200008.html
1. Listen to the news story from 07 November 2018: Mexico City Offers Resting Point for Caravan English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK'S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a chat room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/oct/30/court-orders-japan-company-to-pay-4-koreans-for-fo/
1. Listen to the news story from 31 October 2018 India Unveils World’s Largest Statue English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK'S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a chat room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: http://www.tellerreport.com/news/--40-months-of-confinement-in-syria-day-journalist-%22that-was-hell%22-.HyvpBiAi7.html
6. 10/30 Read Student granted UK visa after media uproar
1. Listen to the news story from 24 October 2018 Explosive Devices Mailed to Obama, Clinton, and Others English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK'S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a chat room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/10/27/national/media-national/proposed-reform-japans-immigration-law-causes-concern/#.W9fm1FrFKUk
5. 10/23 Japan's army?
1. Listen to the news story from 18 October 2018: China Plans Launch of Artificial Moon English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK’S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a chat room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: Read Student granted UK visa after media uproar
4. 10/16 Global warming
1. Listen to the news story from 10 October 2018: Bansky Art Self Destructs at English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK’S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a chat room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: Read https://edition.cnn.com/2018/10/15/asia/japan-military-visibility-intl/index.html
3. 10/9 Cough drops and Politics
1. Listen to the news story from 03 October 2018: France’s Famous Fugitive Captured Again at English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK’S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a chat room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: Read https://news.sky.com/story/just-11-years-to-contain-global-warming-report-11521038
2. 10/2 US China trade war
1. Listen to the news story from dateline: 19 September 2018: Canadians May Be Denied US Entry for Legal Pot Use at English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK’S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a chat room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: Read Cough drops and Politics
1. 9/25 Summer Current events
1. Listen to the news stories from this summer, and do the monthly quizzes for July and August at English Club Listening
2. Do THIS WEEK’S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a chat room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: Read https://news.sky.com/story/just-11-years-to-contain-global-warming-report-11521038
15. 7/24 LAST CLASS Aum
1. Listen to the news story (18 July 2018) at English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK’S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a OPINIONS CHAT room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: NOTHING!!! HAVE A GOOD SUMMER, and hope to see you again in Current Events II!
14. 7/10 Workaholics in South Korea
1. Listen to the news story (4 July 2018) at English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK’S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a OPINIONS CHAT room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/07/06/national/crime-legal/aum-shinrikyo-guru-shoko-asahara-hanged-mass-murder-reports/#.W0Qt7lrFKUk
13. 7/3 Okinawa 73rd anniversary of WWII battle
1. Listen to the news story (27 June 2018) at English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK’S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a OPINIONS CHAT room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: Workaholics in South Korea
12. 6/26 Migrant family separation at US-Mexico border https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RID6QtJdDcA
1. Listen to the news story (20 June 2018) at English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK’S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a OPINIONS CHAT room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: Okinawa 73rd anniversary of WWII battle
11. 6/19 BIG NEWS-- the US-North Korea summit http://www.kcna.co.jp/index-e.htm (go to past news-->June 13)
1. Listen to the news story (13 June 2018) at English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK’S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a OPINIONS CHAT room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: Migrant family separation at US-Mexico border https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RID6QtJdDcA
10. 6/12 Volcano eruptions
1. Listen to the news story (6 June 2018) at English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK’S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a OPINIONS CHAT room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: BIG NEWS-- the US-North Korea summit
9. 6/5 Incident in Kumamoto and other Japan news stories: Nichidai American football scandal and the death of Don Juan of Kishu
1. Listen to the news story (31 May 2018) at English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK’S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a OPINIONS CHAT room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: Volcano eruptions
8. 5/29 gatebox
1. Listen to the news story about Iran nuclear deal YOUTUBE video 2. Do THIS WEEK’S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a OPINIONS CHAT room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: Incident in Kumamoto
7. 5/22 Murder in Japan
1. Listen to the news story (16 May 2018) at English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK’S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a OPINIONS CHAT room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: gatebox
6. 5/15 Royal birth, royal wedding, royal succession: news about the British royal family NO READING: PLEASE RESEARCH ON YOUR OWN!
1. Listen to the news story (09 May 2018) at English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK’S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a OPINIONS CHAT room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: Murder in Japan
FOR CLASS CHAT: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-23272491
5. 5/8 the baby factory
1. Listen to the news story (03 May 2018) at English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK’S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a OPINIONS CHAT room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: Royal birth, royal wedding, royal succession: news about the British royal family NO READING: PLEASE RESEARCH ON YOUR OWN!
4. 5/1 N/S Korea summit
1. Listen to the news story (18 April 2018) at English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK’S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a OPINIONS CHAT room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: the baby factory
3. 4/24 Introduction to newsinlevels
1. Listen to the news story (11 April 2018) at English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK’S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a OPINIONS CHAT room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: N/S Korea summit
2. 4/17 The next Babe Ruth is in Tempe, Arizona
1. Listen to the news story (04 April 2018) at English Club Listening 2. Do THIS WEEK’S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a OPINIONS CHAT room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: Read https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/conflict-in-syria-level-3/ (Introduction to newsinlevels)
1. 4/10 Introduction to Current events
1. Listen to the news story about "coca cola and alchohol in Japan" (March 7, 2018) at English Club Listening
2. Do THIS WEEK’S QUIZ 3. Get your password and enter a chat room! 4. Discuss face-to-face in English 5. For next week: Read The next Babe Ruth is in Tempe, Arizona