History 2 1700s Little Europe in America and Beginning of the United States
In the 1700s, the United States was still a mix of European colonies and Native American territories. They were very influenced by what happened in Europe. For example, when war began between France and England in 1690, 1702, and 1763, it also began between French and English colonies in America. Similarly, when England fought against Spain in 1739 and 1762, the English colonies also fought against the Spanish ones.
England firmly controlled its colonies in America. It needed money for its wars, and began to tax the colonists heavily. But the colonies were beginning to feel independent. The population was growing, both white and black. Benjamin Franklin, with his printing press, newspapers and libraries gave Americans a sense of their own. The people wanted their freedom from British control and taxation. The Boston Tea Party was one example.
In 1775, the "shot heard round the world" was fired in Lexington, beginning the Revolutionary War. The war lasted until 1789.
1690 - King William's War between French and English begins. New York is burned by the French and Native American allies.
1692 - Salem Witch Hunt.
1693 - The College of William and Mary is founded in Williamsburg, Virginia.
1699 - Wool Act forbids export of wool from American colonies.
1700 - Anglo population in America reaches 275,000. Massachusetts and New York ban Roman Catholic priests.
1701 - The French settle at Detroit. Yale College is founded in Connecticut.
1702 - England declares war on France (Queen Anne's War) Anglo colonists fight French, Spanish, Native Americans till 1713.
1706 -Benjamin Franklin born in Boston.
1714 - Tea is introduced into the American Colonies.
1716 - The first group of black slaves is brought to Louisiana territory.
1718 - New Orleans is founded by the French.
1720 - The population of American colonists reaches 475,000.
1725 - The population of black slaves reaches 75,000.
1729 - Benjamin Franklin begins publishing The Pennsylvania Gazette.
1731 - Benjamin Franklin founds first American public library in Philadelphia.
1732 - George Washington is born in Virginia. Benjamin Franklin publishes Poor Richard's Almanac.
1733 - The Molasses Act taxes molasses, rum and sugar imported from non-British islands.
1739 - England declares war on Spain. (King George's War) till 1748. Florida Spaniards fight Georgia and South Carolina colonists. uprisings by black slaves in South Carolina.
1740 - Fifty black slaves hanged in South Carolina.
1750 - Iron Act limits the growth of the iron industry.
1751 - Currency Act banning issuing of paper money by New England colonies.
1754 - The French and Indian War erupts, George Washington leads American colonists.
1756 - England declares war on France, as the French and Indian War (Seven Years War) in the colonies spreads to Europe.
1759 - British defeat French in Quebec, gaining control of Canada.
1762 - England declares war on Spain, and successfully attack Spanish outposts in the West Indies and Cuba.
1763 - The French and Indian War, known in Europe as the Seven Year's War, ends with Treaty of Paris. France gives England all French territory east of the Mississippi River, except New Orleans. The Spanish give up Florida in return for Cuba.
1764 - Sugar Act and Currency Act passed by English Parliament.
1765 - Stamp Act and Quartering Act passed by English Parliament. Patrick Henry "If this be treason, make the most of it." Sons of Liberty, an underground organization opposed to the Stamp Act, is formed in a number of colonial towns. Stamp Act Congress in New York City requests repeal of the Stamp Act and the Acts of 1764. "taxation without representation".
1766 - King George III repeals Stamp Act but passes the Declaratory Act giving British government power to make laws governing the American colonies.
1767 - English Parliament passes the Townshend Revenue Acts, new taxes on the colonists including paper, tea, glass, lead and paints.
1768 - in Boston and New York, merchants agree to boycott most British goods until the Townshend Acts are repealed.
1769 - San Diego is founded by Franciscan Friar Junipero Serra.
1770 - population reaches 2,210,000. Boston Massacre (the ride of Paul Revere): Townshend Acts are repealed and Quartering Act is not renewed. Only tea is still taxed.
1773 - Boston Tea Party Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts) begin: Boston Port Bill. Quartering Act reenacted by the English Parliament.
1774 - First Continental Congress in Philadelphia including Patrick Henry, George Washington, Sam Adams and John Hancock declares opposition to the Coercive Acts
1775- Patrick Henry "Give me liberty or give me death!" "The shot heard 'round the world" (Schoolhouse Rock) (link to text)
1776- July 4, Declaration of Independence by the 13 original colonies
1778- France sides with the United States (Lafayette)
1779- John Paul Jones "I have not yet begun to fight."
1781- British surrender at Yorktown
1783- Treaty of Paris ends the Revolution
1787- Constitutional Convention
1789- George Washington's Inauguration as president
1791- Bill of Rights adopted
So, that is how the United States began to be a country. Next week, we will see how it became the country it is today. See you next week!
SOURCE: http://faculty.washington.edu/qtaylor/a_us_history/1700_1800_timeline.htm