Main.JapaneseStudies History

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January 14, 2020, at 09:44 AM by -
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January 14, 2020, at 09:15 AM by -
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January 12, 2020, at 02:20 PM by -
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January 12, 2020, at 02:19 PM by -
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2. 1850-60s Yokoi Shonan and Bakumatsu Higo 3. 1871-1876 Janes Kumamoto Western School and the Kumamoto Band 4. 1877 Kumamoto Castle and the Seinan War 5. 1850s to 1900s Higo no Mofu and Yajima Kajiko 6. 1880s Seiseiko, Kumadai, and the Kumamoto English School 7. 1890s Riddel, Wright and the third wave of Christianity 8. Turn of the century: Miyazaki Toten and Sun Yat-sen 9. 1900s Industrialization, War and Colonization 10. 1920s-30s: Kiyoura Keigo, Adachi Kenzo 11. Kumamoto and WWII: Airfields, Bombings and Kitamikado Jiro 12. Post-War Kumamoto: foundations of PUK, Kikuchi Keifuen and Hosokawa Morihiro

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15. Student research presentations


15. Student research presentations

January 12, 2020, at 12:19 PM by -
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Kumamoto and the World: Looking at local history from a global viewpoint

  • Welcome!!

JS students


地域研究1.Syllabus 1. Kumamoto and the World: thinking about connections 2. 1850-60s Yokoi Shonan and Bakumatsu Higo 3. 1871-1876 Janes Kumamoto Western School and the Kumamoto Band 4. 1877 Kumamoto Castle and the Seinan War 5. 1850s to 1900s Higo no Mofu and Yajima Kajiko 6. 1880s Seiseiko, Kumadai, and the Kumamoto English School 7. 1890s Riddel, Wright and the third wave of Christianity 8. Turn of the century: Miyazaki Toten and Sun Yat-sen 9. 1900s Industrialization, War and Colonization 10. 1920s-30s: Kiyoura Keigo, Adachi Kenzo 11. Kumamoto and WWII: Airfields, Bombings and Kitamikado Jiro 12. Post-War Kumamoto: foundations of PUK, Kikuchi Keifuen and Hosokawa Morihiro 13. Field trip to Arao Manda Coal Mine (may include Tabaruzaka, Miyazaki brothers birthplace, Kikuchi Keifuen) 14. Student research presentations 15. Student research presentations

地域研究2.Kumamoto and the World: Looking at local history from a global viewpoint

January 15, 2019, at 09:36 AM by -
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15. Field trip to Amakusa

January 15, 2019, at 09:36 AM by -
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Priming questions: 1. Where are you from? What is your town famous for? What important historical places are there? What famous historical people live(d) in your home town? 2. What part of Japanese history are you most interested in and why?

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Priming questions: 1. Where are you from? What is your town famous for? What important historical places are there? What famous historical people live(d) in your home town? 2. What part of Japanese history are you most interested in and why?

January 15, 2019, at 09:35 AM by -
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13. Field trip to Amakusa or Arao/Kikuchi


13. Student research presentations

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15. Student research presentations


15. Field trip to Amakusa

October 08, 2018, at 11:31 PM by -
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Eta funayama

October 03, 2018, at 04:06 PM by -
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September 13, 2018, at 02:40 PM by -
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September 13, 2018, at 02:05 PM by -
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1. Where are you from? What is your town famous for? What part of Japanese history are you most interested in and why?


1. Where are you from? What is your town famous for? What important historical places are there? What famous historical people live(d) in your home town? 2. What part of Japanese history are you most interested in and why?

September 13, 2018, at 02:02 PM by -
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50% Attendance and/or short reports


30% Attendance and/or short reports

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20% Editing of a lesson Choose one of the lessons from 1-12 above to edit. Editing should include: a. fact-checking -- is everything correct? b. adding Japanese to Romaji (if not already done) c. adding 1 or 2 more references for further reading (watching)

Priming questions: 1. Where are you from? What is your town famous for? What part of Japanese history are you most interested in and why?

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September 13, 2018, at 01:11 PM by -
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1. PART 1: PRE-EDO Beginnings Katoda and Gishiwajinden

2. 500-600 Yamato, Eta-funayama Kofun and Iwai-no-ran

3. 1000-1200 Mongol invasion and Kikuchi zoku

4. 1500 **Christianity in Kumamoto (Otomo Sorin, Xavier, Amakusa Colegio and Shimabara Rebellion)

5. 1600 Kato Kiyomasa, Kumamoto Castle and Korean Invasions

6. PART 2: POST-EDO 1850-60s Yokoi Shonan and Rutgers

7. 1871-1876 Janes Kumamoto Western School and the Kumamoto Band

8. 1877 Kumamoto Castle and the Seinan War

9. 1850s to 1900s Higo no Mofu and Yajima Kajiko

10. 1890s Seiseiko, Kumamoto English School, Miyazaki Toten,

11. Early 1900s **Industrialization, Karayuki-san, Riddel and Wright, Kumamoto Fifth School, Natsume Soseki and Lafcadeo Hearn

12. Mid 1900s Adachi Kenzo, Takahashi Morio, lead-up to war, Kumamoto Bombings, Kanakuri Shiso

September 13, 2018, at 01:06 PM by -
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  • GRADES!!
September 13, 2018, at 01:06 PM by -
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50% Attendance and/or absence reports


50% Attendance and/or short reports Short report: if you are absent, read the lesson and write your opinions about it in a short report (at least 400 words).

50% Final presentation and 2-page report (at least 1000 words)

September 13, 2018, at 01:02 PM by -
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