
This is an experimental chat forum set up for discussion of legal issues in Japan and Russia, monitored by Judy Yoneoka in Kumamoto and Galena and Larissa in Vladivstok.

We will use this chat service on Judy's website (right click this to open in a new window).

  • Note: These discussions may be read freely or quoted and used for research purposes, so do not add personal information such as actual names, e-mail addresses, etc.

To use this forum, please follow these rules:

1. To enter the main room, choose any nickname and use { legal } as the password.

2. Your nickname should begin with j- or r- to indicate whether you are from Japan or Russia (for example "j-Ilovekumamoto" or "r-Ilovevladivstok").

3. In the { legal } chatroom, you can propose specific issues to discuss. For example, the first issue proposed is "the death penalty" { penalty }.

You can propose an issue by writing as follows

  • I would like to discuss death penalty laws in Russia and Japan. If you are interested, please join me in the { penalty } chatroom. ( { penalty } is the password.)

Your password should reflect the issue but must be 8 letters or less. Other examples might be "children's rights" { children } or "marriage and divorce laws" { mardiv }. PASSWORDS ARE CASE-SENSITIVE, so { children }and { Children } are different passwords.

A list of proposed issues and passwords is here.

4. Log out, and you will go back to the entrance site. To enter an issue room, use your same nickname (for example "j-Ilovekumamoto" or "r-Ilovevladivstok") and begin your discussion in that room.

5. Check the issue rooms periodically for comments and discussion from other students!
