須﨑 清剛ウェブサイト


  • 葉層付き空間のエルゴード理論的,および確率解析的研究
  • ランダムトポロジーとその関連問題


  • 葉層付き空間, 各葉拡散過程, 調和測度, ...
  • ランダム複体, パーシステントホモロジー, パーシステント図, ...


  1. T. Shirai and K. Suzaki,
    A limit theorem for persistence diagrams of random filtered complexes built over marked point processes,
    Modern Stoch. Theory Appl. 10 (2022), no. 1, 1-18.
  2. Y. Inahama and K. Suzaki,
    Stochastic flows and rough differential equations on foliated spaces,
    Bull. Sci. Math. 160 (2020), 102852, 29 pages. 
  3. K. Suzaki,
    An SDE approach to leafwise diffusions on foliated spaces and its applications,
    Tohoku Math. J. (2) 67 (2015), no.2, 247-272.
  4. T. Morita and K. Suzaki,
    Central limit theorem for leafwise Brownian motions on mapping tori,
    Tokyo J. Math. 38 (2015), no. 1, 15-44.


  1. K. Suzaki,
    A limit theorem for persistence diagrams of random filtered complexes built over marked point processes,
    (joint work with Tomoyuki Shirai)
    RIMS Kôkyûroku No.2116 Probability Symposium (2019), 136-143 (in Japanese).
  2. K. Suzaki,
    An SDE approach to leafwise diffusions on foliated spaces and its applications,
    RIMS Kôkyûroku No.1903 Symposium on Probability Theory (2014), 186-192 (in Japanese).