First, do the following:
1. copy your Powerpoint Presentation (outline) and paste it into the link here: 2. Save the file with your name in the 学内司書箱. 3. Save the file again in your USB or mail it to yourself.
You will now start writing your INTRODUCTION and using your quotes.
Your introduction should include 3 or 4 well-formed paragraphs with the following information:
1. An interesting introduction to your topic 2. Why it is important? 3. What WILL you DO with that topic? SHOULD BE ORIGINAL. YOU CAN USE YOUR QUOTES AS A BASE. 4. Wahat WILL you DO in the rest of the paper? First, section 2 will discuss..... Section 3 will compare.... Section 4 will present results of.....
how not to use I
I think -->
Many people think that ... It it often said that... Probably,...
I want to research-->
This paper will research... The author will research...