Main.Passwd History

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December 23, 2019, at 11:02 AM by -
Changed lines 8-10 from:
December 23, 2019, at 11:02 AM by -
Changed lines 6-23 from:

HERE ARE YOUR PASSWORDS FOR this week! CHOOSE BOTH of these rooms and join in!

< Murad1 > < Greta1 > if you were born in spring

< Murad2 > < Greta2 > if you were born in summer

< Murad3 > < Greta3 > if you were born in fall

< Murad4 > < Greta4 > if you were born in winter

Previous passwords: womb1-5, Kurds1-5, rugby1-5, peach1-5, tennis1-4, golden1-4, Beijing1-4, Vienna1-4, Bulga1-4, levy1-4, Emperor1-5, food1-5, Shurijo1-5, cheat1-5,, floods1-4, upcycle1-4, mdma1-4, money1-4 , artist1-4, frozen1-4, thanks1-4, kidnap1-4




Previous passwords: womb1-5, Kurds1-5, rugby1-5, peach1-5, tennis1-4, golden1-4, Beijing1-4, Vienna1-4, Bulga1-4, levy1-4, Emperor1-5, food1-5, Shurijo1-5, cheat1-5,, floods1-4, upcycle1-4, mdma1-4, money1-4 , artist1-4, frozen1-4, thanks1-4, kidnap1-4, Murad1-4, Greta1-4

December 16, 2019, at 11:32 AM by -
Changed lines 8-21 from:

< thanks1 > < kidnap1 > if you ate both rice and bread today

< thanks2 > < kidnap2 > if you ate rice only today

< thanks3 > < kidnap3 > if you ate bread only today

< thanks4 > < kidnap4 > if you haven't eaten rice or bread today

Previous passwords: womb1-5, Kurds1-5, rugby1-5, peach1-5, tennis1-4, golden1-4, Beijing1-4, Vienna1-4, Bulga1-4, levy1-4, Emperor1-5, food1-5, Shurijo1-5, cheat1-5,, floods1-4, upcycle1-4, mdma1-4, money1-4 , artist1-4, frozen1-4,


< Murad1 > < Greta1 > if you were born in spring

< Murad2 > < Greta2 > if you were born in summer

< Murad3 > < Greta3 > if you were born in fall

< Murad4 > < Greta4 > if you were born in winter

Previous passwords: womb1-5, Kurds1-5, rugby1-5, peach1-5, tennis1-4, golden1-4, Beijing1-4, Vienna1-4, Bulga1-4, levy1-4, Emperor1-5, food1-5, Shurijo1-5, cheat1-5,, floods1-4, upcycle1-4, mdma1-4, money1-4 , artist1-4, frozen1-4, thanks1-4, kidnap1-4

December 09, 2019, at 12:02 PM by -
Changed lines 8-21 from:

< frozen1 > < artist1 > if you are a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

< frozen2 > < artist2 > if you are a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

< frozen3 > < artist3 > if you are an air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

< frozen4 > < artist4 > if you are an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Previous passwords: womb1-5, Kurds1-5, rugby1-5, peach1-5, tennis1-4, golden1-4, Beijing1-4, Vienna1-4, Bulga1-4, levy1-4, Emperor1-5, food1-5, Shurijo1-5, cheat1-5,, floods1-4, upcycle1-4, mdma1-4, money1-4


< thanks1 > < kidnap1 > if you ate both rice and bread today

< thanks2 > < kidnap2 > if you ate rice only today

< thanks3 > < kidnap3 > if you ate bread only today

< thanks4 > < kidnap4 > if you haven't eaten rice or bread today

Previous passwords: womb1-5, Kurds1-5, rugby1-5, peach1-5, tennis1-4, golden1-4, Beijing1-4, Vienna1-4, Bulga1-4, levy1-4, Emperor1-5, food1-5, Shurijo1-5, cheat1-5,, floods1-4, upcycle1-4, mdma1-4, money1-4 , artist1-4, frozen1-4,

December 02, 2019, at 12:52 PM by -
Changed lines 8-21 from:

< mdma1 > < money1 > if you have very short hair

< mdma2 > < money2 > if you have short hair

< mdma3 > < money3 > if you medium length hair

< mdma4 > < money4 > if you have long hair

Previous passwords: womb1-5, Kurds1-5, rugby1-5, peach1-5, tennis1-4, golden1-4, Beijing1-4, Vienna1-4, Bulga1-4, levy1-4, Emperor1-5, food1-5, Shurijo1-5, cheat1-5,, floods1-4, upcycle1-4


< frozen1 > < artist1 > if you are a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

< frozen2 > < artist2 > if you are a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

< frozen3 > < artist3 > if you are an air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

< frozen4 > < artist4 > if you are an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Previous passwords: womb1-5, Kurds1-5, rugby1-5, peach1-5, tennis1-4, golden1-4, Beijing1-4, Vienna1-4, Bulga1-4, levy1-4, Emperor1-5, food1-5, Shurijo1-5, cheat1-5,, floods1-4, upcycle1-4, mdma1-4, money1-4

November 25, 2019, at 11:19 AM by -
Changed lines 8-21 from:

< floods1 > < upcycle1 > if you were born in spring

< floods2 > < upcycle2 > if you were born in summer

< floods3 > < upcycle3 > if you were born in fall

< floods4 > < upcycle4 > if you were born in winter

Previous passwords: womb1-5, Kurds1-5, rugby1-5, peach1-5, tennis1-4, golden1-4, Beijing1-4, Vienna1-4, Bulga1-4, levy1-4, Emperor1-5, food1-5, Shurijo1-5, cheat1-5


< mdma1 > < money1 > if you have very short hair

< mdma2 > < money2 > if you have short hair

< mdma3 > < money3 > if you medium length hair

< mdma4 > < money4 > if you have long hair

Previous passwords: womb1-5, Kurds1-5, rugby1-5, peach1-5, tennis1-4, golden1-4, Beijing1-4, Vienna1-4, Bulga1-4, levy1-4, Emperor1-5, food1-5, Shurijo1-5, cheat1-5,, floods1-4, upcycle1-4

November 18, 2019, at 10:45 AM by -
Changed lines 8-17 from:

< flood1 > < upcycle1 > if you were born in spring

< flood2 > < upcycle2 > if you were born in summer

< flood3 > < upcycle3 > if you were born in fall

< flood4 > < upcycle4 > if you were born in winter


< floods1 > < upcycle1 > if you were born in spring

< floods2 > < upcycle2 > if you were born in summer

< floods3 > < upcycle3 > if you were born in fall

< floods4 > < upcycle4 > if you were born in winter

November 18, 2019, at 10:42 AM by -
Changed lines 8-22 from:

< Shurijo1 > < cheat1 > if your ID number ends in 1 or 8

< Shurijo2 > < cheat2 > if your ID number ends in 3 or0

< Shurijo3 > < cheat3 > if your ID number ends in 5 or 2

< Shurijo4 > < cheat4 > if your ID number ends in 7 or 4

< Shurijo5 > < cheat5 > if your ID number ends in 9 or 6

Previous passwords: womb1-5, Kurds1-5, rugby1-5, peach1-5, tennis1-4, golden1-4, Beijing1-4, Vienna1-4, Bulga1-4, levy1-4, Emperor1-5, food1-5


< flood1 > < upcycle1 > if you were born in spring

< flood2 > < upcycle2 > if you were born in summer

< flood3 > < upcycle3 > if you were born in fall

< flood4 > < upcycle4 > if you were born in winter

Previous passwords: womb1-5, Kurds1-5, rugby1-5, peach1-5, tennis1-4, golden1-4, Beijing1-4, Vienna1-4, Bulga1-4, levy1-4, Emperor1-5, food1-5, Shurijo1-5, cheat1-5

November 11, 2019, at 11:52 AM by -
Changed lines 8-21 from:

< Emperor1 > < food1 > if your ID number ends in 1 or 6

< Emperor2 > < food2 > if your ID number ends in 3 or 8

< Emperor3 > < food3 > if your ID number ends in 5 or 0

< Emperor4 > < food4 > if your ID number ends in 7 or 2

< Emperor5 > < food5 > if your ID number ends in 9 or 4

Previous passwords: womb1-5, Kurds1-5, rugby1-5, peach1-5, tennis1-4, golden1-4, Beijing1-4, Vienna1-4, Bulga1-4, levy1-4


< Shurijo1 > < cheat1 > if your ID number ends in 1 or 8

< Shurijo2 > < cheat2 > if your ID number ends in 3 or0

< Shurijo3 > < cheat3 > if your ID number ends in 5 or 2

< Shurijo4 > < cheat4 > if your ID number ends in 7 or 4

< Shurijo5 > < cheat5 > if your ID number ends in 9 or 6

Previous passwords: womb1-5, Kurds1-5, rugby1-5, peach1-5, tennis1-4, golden1-4, Beijing1-4, Vienna1-4, Bulga1-4, levy1-4, Emperor1-5, food1-5

October 28, 2019, at 12:17 PM by -
Changed lines 8-21 from:

< Kurds1 > < womb1 > if your ID number ends in 1 or 4

< Kurds2 > < womb2 > if your ID number ends in 3 or 6

< Kurds3 > < womb3 > if your ID number ends in 5 or 8

< Kurds4 > < womb4 > if your ID number ends in 7 or 0

< Kurds5 > < womb5 > if your ID number ends in 9 or 2

Previous passwords: rugby1-5, peach1-5, tennis1-4, golden1-4, Beijing1-4, Vienna1-4, Bulga1-4, levy1-4


< Emperor1 > < food1 > if your ID number ends in 1 or 6

< Emperor2 > < food2 > if your ID number ends in 3 or 8

< Emperor3 > < food3 > if your ID number ends in 5 or 0

< Emperor4 > < food4 > if your ID number ends in 7 or 2

< Emperor5 > < food5 > if your ID number ends in 9 or 4

Previous passwords: womb1-5, Kurds1-5, rugby1-5, peach1-5, tennis1-4, golden1-4, Beijing1-4, Vienna1-4, Bulga1-4, levy1-4

October 21, 2019, at 11:31 AM by -
Changed lines 8-21 from:

< rugby1 > < peach1 > if your ID number ends in 1 or 2

< rugby2 > < peach2 > if your ID number ends in 3 or 4

< rugby3 > < peach3 > if your ID number ends in 5 or 6

< rugby4 > < peach4 > if your ID number ends in 7 or 8

< rugby5 > < peach5 > if your ID number ends in 9 or 0

Previous passwords: tennis1-4, golden1-4, Beijing1-4, Vienna1-4, Bulga1-4, levy1-4


< Kurds1 > < womb1 > if your ID number ends in 1 or 4

< Kurds2 > < womb2 > if your ID number ends in 3 or 6

< Kurds3 > < womb3 > if your ID number ends in 5 or 8

< Kurds4 > < womb4 > if your ID number ends in 7 or 0

< Kurds5 > < womb5 > if your ID number ends in 9 or 2

Previous passwords: rugby1-5, peach1-5, tennis1-4, golden1-4, Beijing1-4, Vienna1-4, Bulga1-4, levy1-4

October 14, 2019, at 11:44 AM by -
Changed lines 8-17 from:

< levy1 > < Bulga1 > if your ID number ends in 01-15

< levy2 > < Bulga2 > if your ID number ends in 16-30

< levy3 > < Bulga3 > if your ID number ends in 31-45

< levy4 > < Bulga4 > if your ID number ends in 46 or higher

Past passwords:


< rugby1 > < peach1 > if your ID number ends in 1 or 2

< rugby2 > < peach2 > if your ID number ends in 3 or 4

< rugby3 > < peach3 > if your ID number ends in 5 or 6

< rugby4 > < peach4 > if your ID number ends in 7 or 8

< rugby5 > < peach5 > if your ID number ends in 9 or 0

Previous passwords: tennis1-4, golden1-4, Beijing1-4, Vienna1-4, Bulga1-4, levy1-4

October 07, 2019, at 11:00 AM by -
Changed lines 6-19 from:

HERE ARE YOUR PASSWORDS FOR this week! CHOOSE at least TWO of these rooms and join in!

< Vienna1> < golden1 > < tennis1 > < Beijing1 > if your ID number ends in 01-15

< Vienna2> < golden2 > < tennis2 > < Beijing2 > if your ID number ends in 16-30

< Vienna3> < golden3 > < tennis3 > < Beijing3 > if your ID number ends in 31-45

< Vienna4> < golden4 > < tennis4 > < Beijing4 > if your ID number ends in 46 or higher


HERE ARE YOUR PASSWORDS FOR this week! CHOOSE BOTH of these rooms and join in!

< levy1 > < Bulga1 > if your ID number ends in 01-15

< levy2 > < Bulga2 > if your ID number ends in 16-30

< levy3 > < Bulga3 > if your ID number ends in 31-45

< levy4 > < Bulga4 > if your ID number ends in 46 or higher

September 30, 2019, at 12:43 PM by -
Changed lines 7-24 from:

CHOOSE ALL of these rooms and join in!

< Boris1 > < Kumamon1 > if your ID number ends in 01-10

< Boris2 > < Kumamon2 > if your ID number ends in 11-20

< Boris3 > < Kumamon3 > if your ID number ends in 21-30

< Boris4> < Kumamon4 > if your ID number ends in 31-40

< Boris5> < Kumamon5 > if your ID number ends in 41 or higher

Past passwords: 2019new, gavin, reiwa, black, florida, sns, notre, smoking, glum, archie, Iran, typo, embassy, Guard, caritas, smell, G20, plastic, rui, scooter, dmz, singing, track, equal, kyoani, elect, yoshi, flood


CHOOSE at least TWO of these rooms and join in!

< Vienna1> < golden1 > < tennis1 > < Beijing1 > if your ID number ends in 01-15

< Vienna2> < golden2 > < tennis2 > < Beijing2 > if your ID number ends in 16-30

< Vienna3> < golden3 > < tennis3 > < Beijing3 > if your ID number ends in 31-45

< Vienna4> < golden4 > < tennis4 > < Beijing4 > if your ID number ends in 46 or higher

Past passwords:

July 29, 2019, at 01:27 PM by -
Changed lines 9-21 from:
 < elect1 > < kyoani1 > < yoshi1 > < flood1 > if your ID number ends in 01-20	

 < elect2 > < kyoani2 > < yoshi2 > < flood2 > if your ID number ends in 21-40

 < elect3 > < kyoani3 > < yoshi3 > < flood3 > if your ID number ends in 41 or higher

Past passwords: 2019new, gavin, reiwa, black, florida, sns, notre, smoking, glum, archie, Iran, typo, embassy, Guard, caritas, smell, G20, plastic, rui, scooter, dmz, singing, track, equal


< Boris1 > < Kumamon1 > if your ID number ends in 01-10

< Boris2 > < Kumamon2 > if your ID number ends in 11-20

< Boris3 > < Kumamon3 > if your ID number ends in 21-30

< Boris4> < Kumamon4 > if your ID number ends in 31-40

< Boris5> < Kumamon5 > if your ID number ends in 41 or higher

Past passwords: 2019new, gavin, reiwa, black, florida, sns, notre, smoking, glum, archie, Iran, typo, embassy, Guard, caritas, smell, G20, plastic, rui, scooter, dmz, singing, track, equal, kyoani, elect, yoshi, flood

July 22, 2019, at 12:48 PM by -
Changed lines 7-25 from:

CHOOSE BOTH of these rooms and join in!

 < track1 > < equal1 > if your ID number ends in 1 or 0	

 < track2 > < equal2 > if your ID number ends in 3 or 2

 < track3 > < equal3 > if your ID number ends in 5 or 4

 < track4 > < equal4 > if your ID number ends in 7 or 6

 < track5 > < equal5 > if your ID number ends in 9 or 8

Past passwords: 2019new, gavin, reiwa, black, florida, sns, notre, smoking, glum, archie, Iran, typo, embassy, Guard, caritas, smell, G20, plastic, rui, scooter, dmz, singing


CHOOSE ALL of these rooms and join in!

 < elect1 > < kyoani1 > < yoshi1 > < flood1 > if your ID number ends in 01-20	

 < elect2 > < kyoani2 > < yoshi2 > < flood2 > if your ID number ends in 21-40

 < elect3 > < kyoani3 > < yoshi3 > < flood3 > if your ID number ends in 41 or higher

Past passwords: 2019new, gavin, reiwa, black, florida, sns, notre, smoking, glum, archie, Iran, typo, embassy, Guard, caritas, smell, G20, plastic, rui, scooter, dmz, singing, track, equal

July 15, 2019, at 12:57 PM by -
Changed lines 7-24 from:

CHOOSE AT LEAST TWO of these rooms and join in!

 < dmz1 > < singing1 > if your ID number ends in 1 or 8	

 < dmz2 > < singing2 > if your ID number ends in 3 or 0

 < dmz3 > < singing3 > if your ID number ends in 5 or 2

 < dmz4 > < singing4 > if your ID number ends in 7 or 4

 < dmz5 > < singing5 > if your ID number ends in 9 or 6

Past passwords: 2019new, gavin, reiwa, black, florida, sns, notre, smoking, glum, archie, Iran, typo, embassy, Guard, caritas, smell, G20, plastic, rui, scooter,


CHOOSE BOTH of these rooms and join in!

 < track1 > < equal1 > if your ID number ends in 1 or 0	

 < track2 > < equal2 > if your ID number ends in 3 or 2

 < track3 > < equal3 > if your ID number ends in 5 or 4

 < track4 > < equal4 > if your ID number ends in 7 or 6

 < track5 > < equal5 > if your ID number ends in 9 or 8

Past passwords: 2019new, gavin, reiwa, black, florida, sns, notre, smoking, glum, archie, Iran, typo, embassy, Guard, caritas, smell, G20, plastic, rui, scooter, dmz, singing

July 14, 2019, at 09:38 PM by -
Changed lines 23-25 from:

Past passwords: 2019new, gavin, reiwa, black, florida, sns, notre, smoking, glum, archie, Iran, typo, embassy, Guard, caritas, smell, G20, plastic


Past passwords: 2019new, gavin, reiwa, black, florida, sns, notre, smoking, glum, archie, Iran, typo, embassy, Guard, caritas, smell, G20, plastic, rui, scooter,

July 08, 2019, at 12:47 PM by -
Changed lines 9-22 from:
 < rui1 > < scooter1 > if your ID number ends in 1 or 6	

 < rui2 > < scooter2 > if your ID number ends in 3 or 8

 < rui3 > < scooter3 > if your ID number ends in 5 or 0

 < rui4 > < scooter4 > if your ID number ends in 7 or 2

 < rui5 > < scooter5 > if your ID number ends in 9 or 4
 < dmz1 > < singing1 > if your ID number ends in 1 or 8	

 < dmz2 > < singing2 > if your ID number ends in 3 or 0

 < dmz3 > < singing3 > if your ID number ends in 5 or 2

 < dmz4 > < singing4 > if your ID number ends in 7 or 4

 < dmz5 > < singing5 > if your ID number ends in 9 or 6
July 01, 2019, at 12:50 PM by -
Changed lines 9-24 from:
 < hong1 > < kutoo1 > if your ID number ends in 1 or 4

 < hong2 > < kutoo2 > if your ID number ends in 3 or 6

 < hong3 > < kutoo3 > if your ID number ends in 5 or 8

 < hong4 > < kutoo4 > if your ID number ends in 7 or 0

 < hong5 > < kutoo5 > if your ID number ends in 9 or 2
 < rui1 > < scooter1 > if your ID number ends in 1 or 6	

 < rui2 > < scooter2 > if your ID number ends in 3 or 8

 < rui3 > < scooter3 > if your ID number ends in 5 or 0

 < rui4 > < scooter4 > if your ID number ends in 7 or 2

 < rui5 > < scooter5 > if your ID number ends in 9 or 4
June 24, 2019, at 12:55 PM by -
Changed lines 9-24 from:
 < G201 > < plastic1 > if your ID number ends in 1 or 2

 < G202 > < plastic2 > if your ID number ends in 3 or 4 

 < G203 > < plastic3 > if your ID number ends in 5 or 6

 < G204 > < plastic4 > if your ID number ends in 7 or 8

 < G205 > < plastic5 > if your ID number ends in 9 or 0
 < hong1 > < kutoo1 > if your ID number ends in 1 or 4

 < hong2 > < kutoo2 > if your ID number ends in 3 or 6

 < hong3 > < kutoo3 > if your ID number ends in 5 or 8

 < hong4 > < kutoo4 > if your ID number ends in 7 or 0

 < hong5 > < kutoo5 > if your ID number ends in 9 or 2
June 17, 2019, at 07:48 AM by -
Changed lines 25-27 from:

Past passwords: new, gavin, reiwa, black, florida, sns, notre, smoking, glum, archie, Iran, typo, embassy, Guard, caritas, smell, G20, plastic


Past passwords: 2019new, gavin, reiwa, black, florida, sns, notre, smoking, glum, archie, Iran, typo, embassy, Guard, caritas, smell, G20, plastic

June 17, 2019, at 07:47 AM by -
Changed lines 9-20 from:

< smell1 > < caritas1 > if you are in 1 kumi 1-28

 < smell2 > < caritas2 > if you are in 1 kumi 29-

 < smell3 > < caritas3 > if you are in 2 kumi 1-28

 < smell4 > < caritas4 > if you are in 2 kumi 29-

Past passwords: new, gavin, reiwa, black, florida, sns, notre, smoking, glum, archie, Iran, typo, embassy, Guard, caritas, smell

 < G201 > < plastic1 > if your ID number ends in 1 or 2

 < G202 > < plastic2 > if your ID number ends in 3 or 4 

 < G203 > < plastic3 > if your ID number ends in 5 or 6

 < G204 > < plastic4 > if your ID number ends in 7 or 8

 < G205 > < plastic5 > if your ID number ends in 9 or 0

Past passwords: new, gavin, reiwa, black, florida, sns, notre, smoking, glum, archie, Iran, typo, embassy, Guard, caritas, smell, G20, plastic

June 10, 2019, at 12:41 PM by -
Changed lines 9-21 from:
 < trade1 > < embassy1 > < Guard1 > if you are in 1 kumi 1-28

 < trade2 > < embassy2 >  < Guard2 > if you are in 1 kumi 29-

 < trade3 > < embassy3 > < Guard3 > if you are in 2 kumi 1-28

 < trade4 > < embassy4 > < Guard4 > if you are in 2 kumi 29-

Past passwords: new, gavin, reiwa, black, florida, sns, notre, smoking, glum, archie, Iran, typo, embassy, Guardian


< smell1 > < caritas1 > if you are in 1 kumi 1-28

 < smell2 > < caritas2 > if you are in 1 kumi 29-

 < smell3 > < caritas3 > if you are in 2 kumi 1-28

 < smell4 > < caritas4 > if you are in 2 kumi 29-

Past passwords: new, gavin, reiwa, black, florida, sns, notre, smoking, glum, archie, Iran, typo, embassy, Guard, caritas, smell

June 03, 2019, at 01:51 PM by -
Changed lines 11-18 from:
 < trade1 > < embassy1 > < Guardian1 > if you are in 1 kumi 1-28

 < trade2 > < embassy2 >  < Guardian2 > if you are in 1 kumi 29-

 < trade3 > < embassy3 > < Guardian3 > if you are in 2 kumi 1-28

 < trade4 > < embassy4 > < Guardian4 > if you are in 2 kumi 29-
 < trade1 > < embassy1 > < Guard1 > if you are in 1 kumi 1-28

 < trade2 > < embassy2 >  < Guard2 > if you are in 1 kumi 29-

 < trade3 > < embassy3 > < Guard3 > if you are in 2 kumi 1-28

 < trade4 > < embassy4 > < Guard4 > if you are in 2 kumi 29-
June 03, 2019, at 07:03 AM by -
Changed lines 10-21 from:
 < Iran1 > < typo1 >  if your father’s birthday is in spring

 < Iran2 > < typo2 >  if your father’s birthday is in summer 

 < Iran3 > < typo3 >  if your father’s birthday is in fall

 < Iran4 > < typo4 >  if your father’s birthday is in winter

Past passwords: new, gavin, reiwa, black, florida, sns, notre, smoking, glum, archie

 < trade1 > < embassy1 > < Guardian1 > if you are in 1 kumi 1-28

 < trade2 > < embassy2 >  < Guardian2 > if you are in 1 kumi 29-

 < trade3 > < embassy3 > < Guardian3 > if you are in 2 kumi 1-28

 < trade4 > < embassy4 > < Guardian4 > if you are in 2 kumi 29-

Past passwords: new, gavin, reiwa, black, florida, sns, notre, smoking, glum, archie, Iran, typo, embassy, Guardian

May 20, 2019, at 01:00 PM by -
Changed lines 10-19 from:
 < iran1 > < typo1 >  if your father’s birthday is in spring

 < iran2 > < typo2 >  if your father’s birthday is in summer 

 < iran3 > < typo3 >  if your father’s birthday is in fall

 < iran4 > < typo4 >  if your father’s birthday is in winter
 < Iran1 > < typo1 >  if your father’s birthday is in spring

 < Iran2 > < typo2 >  if your father’s birthday is in summer 

 < Iran3 > < typo3 >  if your father’s birthday is in fall

 < Iran4 > < typo4 >  if your father’s birthday is in winter
May 20, 2019, at 12:59 PM by -
Changed lines 10-22 from:
 < glum1 > < archie1 >  if your mother’s birthday is in spring

 < glum2 > < archie2 >  if your mother’s birthday is in summer 

 < glum3 > < archie3 >  if your mother’s birthday is in fall

 < glum4 > < archie4 >  if your mother’s birthday is in winter

Past passwords: new, gavin, reiwa, black, florida, sns, notre, smoking

 < iran1 > < typo1 >  if your father’s birthday is in spring

 < iran2 > < typo2 >  if your father’s birthday is in summer 

 < iran3 > < typo3 >  if your father’s birthday is in fall

 < iran4 > < typo4 >  if your father’s birthday is in winter

Past passwords: new, gavin, reiwa, black, florida, sns, notre, smoking, glum, archie

May 13, 2019, at 07:53 AM by -
Changed lines 21-22 from:

Past passwords: new, gavin, reiwa, black, florida, sns


Past passwords: new, gavin, reiwa, black, florida, sns, notre, smoking

May 13, 2019, at 07:52 AM by -
Changed lines 9-18 from:
 < smoking1 > < notre1 >  if your birthday is in spring

 < smoking2 > < notre2 >  if your birthday is in summer

 < smoking3 > < notre3 >  if your birthday is in fall

 < smoking4 > < notre4 >  if your birthday is in winter
 < glum1 > < archie1 >  if your mother’s birthday is in spring

 < glum2 > < archie2 >  if your mother’s birthday is in summer 

 < glum3 > < archie3 >  if your mother’s birthday is in fall

 < glum4 > < archie4 >  if your mother’s birthday is in winter
May 06, 2019, at 08:22 AM by -
Changed lines 9-20 from:
 < florida1 > < sns1 >  if your ID number ends in 01 to 14

 < florida2 > < sns2 >  if your ID number ends in 15 to 28

 < florida3 > < sns3 >  if your ID number ends in 29 to 42

 < florida4 > < sns4 >  if your ID number ends in 43 to 56

 < florida5 > < sns5 >  if your ID number ends in 57 or more

Past passwords: new, gavin, reiwa, black,

 < smoking1 > < notre1 >  if your birthday is in spring

 < smoking2 > < notre2 >  if your birthday is in summer

 < smoking3 > < notre3 >  if your birthday is in fall

 < smoking4 > < notre4 >  if your birthday is in winter

Past passwords: new, gavin, reiwa, black, florida, sns

April 22, 2019, at 12:08 PM by -
Changed lines 3-6 from:

Your nickname IS: 学籍番号最後の4ケタ+姓名のイニシアル e.g. 4153jy



Your nickname IS: 学籍番号最後の4ケタ+姓名のイニシアル e.g. 4153jy


Changed lines 8-16 from:
 < reiwa1 > < black1 >  if your ID number ends in 0 or 1
 < reiwa2 > < black2 >  if your ID number ends in 2 or 3
 < reiwa3 > < black3 >  if your ID number ends in 4 or 5
 < reiwa4 > < black4 >  if your ID number ends in 6 or 7
 < reiwa5 > < black5 >  if your ID number ends in 8 or 9

Past passwords:

 < florida1 > < sns1 >  if your ID number ends in 01 to 14

 < florida2 > < sns2 >  if your ID number ends in 15 to 28

 < florida3 > < sns3 >  if your ID number ends in 29 to 42

 < florida4 > < sns4 >  if your ID number ends in 43 to 56

 < florida5 > < sns5 >  if your ID number ends in 57 or more

Past passwords: new, gavin, reiwa, black,

April 15, 2019, at 08:32 AM by -
Changed lines 8-13 from:
 < 2019new1 > < gavin1 >  if you were born in January, May, or September
 < 2019new2 > < gavin2 >  if you were born in February, June, or October
 < 2019new3 > < gavin3 >  if you were born in March, July or November
 < 2019new4 > < gavin4 >  if you were born in April, August or December
 < reiwa1 > < black1 >  if your ID number ends in 0 or 1
 < reiwa2 > < black2 >  if your ID number ends in 2 or 3
 < reiwa3 > < black3 >  if your ID number ends in 4 or 5
 < reiwa4 > < black4 >  if your ID number ends in 6 or 7
 < reiwa5 > < black5 >  if your ID number ends in 8 or 9
April 08, 2019, at 08:26 AM by -
Changed lines 8-15 from:
 < fighter1 > < jvsk1 >  if you were born in January, May, or September
 < fighter2 > < jvsk2 >  if you were born in February, June, or October
 < fighter3 > < jvsk3 >  if you were born in March, July or November
 < fighter4 > < jvsk4 >  if you were born in April, August or December

Past passwords: mars1-4, gene1-4, ghosn1-4, nra1-4, yasuda1-4, cara1-4, imin1-5, india1-5, device1-5, visa1-5, sdf1-5, moon1-5, banksy1-5, warming1-5, pot1-5, trade1-5, cough1-5, faid1-5, comp1-4, stanlee1-4, sodane1-4, vests1-4, time1-4, elon1-4, russia1-4, whale1-4

 < 2019new1 > < gavin1 >  if you were born in January, May, or September
 < 2019new2 > < gavin2 >  if you were born in February, June, or October
 < 2019new3 > < gavin3 >  if you were born in March, July or November
 < 2019new4 > < gavin4 >  if you were born in April, August or December

Past passwords:

January 21, 2019, at 12:14 PM by -
Changed lines 8-16 from:
 < time1 > < russia1 > < whale1 > < elon1 > if you were born in spring
 < time2 > < russia2 > < whale2 > < elon2 > if you were born in summer 
 < time3 > < russia3 > < whale3 > < elon3 > if you were born in fall
 < time4 > < russia4 > < whale4 > < elon4 > if you were born in winter

Past passwords: mars1-4, gene1-4, ghosn1-4, nra1-4, yasuda1-4, cara1-4, imin1-5, india1-5, device1-5, visa1-5, sdf1-5, moon1-5, banksy1-5, warming1-5, pot1-5, trade1-5, cough1-5, faid1-5, comp1-4, stanlee1-4, sodane1-4, vests1-4

 < fighter1 > < jvsk1 >  if you were born in January, May, or September
 < fighter2 > < jvsk2 >  if you were born in February, June, or October
 < fighter3 > < jvsk3 >  if you were born in March, July or November
 < fighter4 > < jvsk4 >  if you were born in April, August or December

Past passwords: mars1-4, gene1-4, ghosn1-4, nra1-4, yasuda1-4, cara1-4, imin1-5, india1-5, device1-5, visa1-5, sdf1-5, moon1-5, banksy1-5, warming1-5, pot1-5, trade1-5, cough1-5, faid1-5, comp1-4, stanlee1-4, sodane1-4, vests1-4, time1-4, elon1-4, russia1-4, whale1-4

January 08, 2019, at 10:48 AM by -
Changed lines 7-16 from:

CHOOSE TWO of these rooms and join in!

 < sodane1 > < vests1 >  if you were born in spring
 < sodane2 > < vests2 >  if you were born in summer 
 < sodane3 > < vests3 >  if you were born in fall
 < sodane4 > < vests4 > if you were born in winter

Past passwords: mars1-4, gene1-4, ghosn1-4, nra1-4, yasuda1-4, cara1-4, imin1-5, india1-5, device1-5, visa1-5, sdf1-5, moon1-5, banksy1-5, warming1-5, pot1-5, trade1-5, cough1-5, faid1-5, comp1-4, stanlee1-4


CHOOSE AT LEAST TWO of these rooms and join in!

 < time1 > < russia1 > < whale1 > < elon1 > if you were born in spring
 < time2 > < russia2 > < whale2 > < elon2 > if you were born in summer 
 < time3 > < russia3 > < whale3 > < elon3 > if you were born in fall
 < time4 > < russia4 > < whale4 > < elon4 > if you were born in winter

Past passwords: mars1-4, gene1-4, ghosn1-4, nra1-4, yasuda1-4, cara1-4, imin1-5, india1-5, device1-5, visa1-5, sdf1-5, moon1-5, banksy1-5, warming1-5, pot1-5, trade1-5, cough1-5, faid1-5, comp1-4, stanlee1-4, sodane1-4, vests1-4

December 11, 2018, at 06:40 AM by -
Changed lines 15-16 from:

Past passwords: ghosn1-4, nra1-4, yasuda1-4, cara1-4, imin1-5, india1-5, device1-5, visa1-5, sdf1-5, moon1-5, banksy1-5, warming1-5, pot1-5, trade1-5, cough1-5, faid1-5, comp1-4, stanlee1-4


Past passwords: mars1-4, gene1-4, ghosn1-4, nra1-4, yasuda1-4, cara1-4, imin1-5, india1-5, device1-5, visa1-5, sdf1-5, moon1-5, banksy1-5, warming1-5, pot1-5, trade1-5, cough1-5, faid1-5, comp1-4, stanlee1-4

December 11, 2018, at 06:40 AM by -
Changed lines 9-14 from:
 < gene1 > < mars1 >  if you are in 1組 and your ID number is an ODD number
 < gene2 > < mars2 >  if you are in 1組 and your ID number is an EVEN number 
 < gene3 > < mars3 >  if you are in 2組 and your ID number is an ODD number
 < gene4 > < mars4 > if you are in 2組 and your ID number is an EVEN number
 < sodane1 > < vests1 >  if you were born in spring
 < sodane2 > < vests2 >  if you were born in summer 
 < sodane3 > < vests3 >  if you were born in fall
 < sodane4 > < vests4 > if you were born in winter
December 04, 2018, at 09:40 AM by -
Changed lines 9-16 from:
 < ghosn1 > < nra1 >  if you are in 1組and your ID number is an ODD number
 < ghosn2 > < nra2 >  if you are in 1組and your ID number is an EVEN number 
 < ghosn3 > < nra3 >  if you are in 2組and your ID number is an ODD number
 < ghosn4 > < nra4 > if you are in 1組and your ID number is an EVEN number

Past passwords: yasuda1-4, cara1-4, imin1-5, india1-5, device1-5, visa1-5, sdf1-5, moon1-5, banksy1-5, warming1-5, pot1-5, trade1-5, cough1-5, faid1-5, comp1-4, stanlee1-4

 < gene1 > < mars1 >  if you are in 1組 and your ID number is an ODD number
 < gene2 > < mars2 >  if you are in 1組 and your ID number is an EVEN number 
 < gene3 > < mars3 >  if you are in 2組 and your ID number is an ODD number
 < gene4 > < mars4 > if you are in 2組 and your ID number is an EVEN number

Past passwords: ghosn1-4, nra1-4, yasuda1-4, cara1-4, imin1-5, india1-5, device1-5, visa1-5, sdf1-5, moon1-5, banksy1-5, warming1-5, pot1-5, trade1-5, cough1-5, faid1-5, comp1-4, stanlee1-4

November 27, 2018, at 09:27 AM by -
Changed lines 9-17 from:
 < comp1 > < stanlee1 >  if your ID number ends in 1-15
 < comp2 > < stanlee2 >  if your ID number ends in 16-30
 < comp3 > < stanlee3 >  if your ID number ends in 31-45
 < comp4 > < stanlee4 >  if your ID number ends in 46+

Note: comp=compensation

Past passwords: yasuda1-4, cara1-4, imin1-5, india1-5, device1-5, visa1-5, sdf1-5, moon1-5, banksy1-5, warming1-5, pot1-5, trade1-5, cough1-5, faid1-5

 < ghosn1 > < nra1 >  if you are in 1組and your ID number is an ODD number
 < ghosn2 > < nra2 >  if you are in 1組and your ID number is an EVEN number 
 < ghosn3 > < nra3 >  if you are in 2組and your ID number is an ODD number
 < ghosn4 > < nra4 > if you are in 1組and your ID number is an EVEN number

Past passwords: yasuda1-4, cara1-4, imin1-5, india1-5, device1-5, visa1-5, sdf1-5, moon1-5, banksy1-5, warming1-5, pot1-5, trade1-5, cough1-5, faid1-5, comp1-4, stanlee1-4

November 20, 2018, at 09:14 AM by -
Changed lines 9-16 from:
 < cara1 > < yasuda1 >  if your ID number ends in 101-130
 < cara2 > < yasuda2 >  if your ID number ends in 131-170
 < cara3 > < yasuda3 >  if your ID number ends in 201-230
 < cara4 > < yasuda4 >  if your ID number ends in 231-270

Past passwords: imin1-5, india1-5, device1-5, visa1-5, sdf1-5, moon1-5, banksy1-5, warming1-5, pot1-5, trade1-5, cough1-5, faid1-5

 < comp1 > < stanlee1 >  if your ID number ends in 1-15
 < comp2 > < stanlee2 >  if your ID number ends in 16-30
 < comp3 > < stanlee3 >  if your ID number ends in 31-45
 < comp4 > < stanlee4 >  if your ID number ends in 46+

Note: comp=compensation

Past passwords: yasuda1-4, cara1-4, imin1-5, india1-5, device1-5, visa1-5, sdf1-5, moon1-5, banksy1-5, warming1-5, pot1-5, trade1-5, cough1-5, faid1-5

November 13, 2018, at 08:58 AM by -
Changed lines 9-18 from:
 < imin1 > < india1 >  if you went to the school festival
 < imin2 > < india2 >  if you did a part time job last week
 < imin3 > < india3 >  if you traveled last week
 < imin4 > < india4 >  if you did more than one of these
 < imin5 > < india5 >  if you did none of these!

Past passwords: device1-5, visa1-5, sdf1-5, moon1-5, banksy1-5, warming1-5, pot1-5, trade1-5, cough1-5, faid1-5

 < cara1 > < yasuda1 >  if your ID number ends in 101-130
 < cara2 > < yasuda2 >  if your ID number ends in 131-170
 < cara3 > < yasuda3 >  if your ID number ends in 201-230
 < cara4 > < yasuda4 >  if your ID number ends in 231-270

Past passwords: imin1-5, india1-5, device1-5, visa1-5, sdf1-5, moon1-5, banksy1-5, warming1-5, pot1-5, trade1-5, cough1-5, faid1-5

November 06, 2018, at 07:47 AM by -
Changed lines 9-17 from:
 < visa1 > < device1 >  if you are 3rd year 1 kumi number 01-30
 < visa2 > < device2 >  if you are 3rd year 1 kumi number 31-
 < visa3 > < device3 >  if you are 3rd year 2 kumi number 01-30
 < visa4 > < device4 >  if you are 3rd year 2 kumi number 31-
 < visa5 > < device5 >  if you are 4th year or above

Past passwords: sdf1-5, moon1-5, banksy1-5, warming1-5, pot1-5, trade1-5, cough1-5, faid1-5

 < imin1 > < india1 >  if you went to the school festival
 < imin2 > < india2 >  if you did a part time job last week
 < imin3 > < india3 >  if you traveled last week
 < imin4 > < india4 >  if you did more than one of these
 < imin5 > < india5 >  if you did none of these!

Past passwords: device1-5, visa1-5, sdf1-5, moon1-5, banksy1-5, warming1-5, pot1-5, trade1-5, cough1-5, faid1-5

October 30, 2018, at 08:01 AM by -
Changed lines 9-19 from:
 < sdf1 > < moon1 >  if your ID number ends in 1 or 6
 < sdf2 > < moon2 >  if your ID number ends in 3 or 8
 < sdf3 > < moon3 >  if your ID number ends in 5 or 0
 < sdf4 > < moon4 >  if your ID number ends in 7 or 2
 < sdf5 > < moon5 >  if your ID number ends in 9 or 4

Past passwords: banksy1-5, warming1-5, pot1-5, trade1-5, cough1-5, faid1-5

 < visa1 > < device1 >  if you are 3rd year 1 kumi number 01-30
 < visa2 > < device2 >  if you are 3rd year 1 kumi number 31-
 < visa3 > < device3 >  if you are 3rd year 2 kumi number 01-30
 < visa4 > < device4 >  if you are 3rd year 2 kumi number 31-
 < visa5 > < device5 >  if you are 4th year or above

Past passwords: sdf1-5, moon1-5, banksy1-5, warming1-5, pot1-5, trade1-5, cough1-5, faid1-5

October 23, 2018, at 08:42 AM by -
Changed lines 18-19 from:

Past passwords: pot1-5, trade1-5, cough1-5, faid1-5


Past passwords: banksy1-5, warming1-5, pot1-5, trade1-5, cough1-5, faid1-5

October 23, 2018, at 08:41 AM by -
Changed lines 9-15 from:
 < warming1 > < banksy1 >  if your ID number ends in 1 or 8
 < warming2 > < banksy2 >  if your ID number ends in 3 or 0
 < warming3 > < banksy3 >  if your ID number ends in 5 or 2
 < warming4 > < banksy4 >  if your ID number ends in 7 or 4
 < warming5 > < banksy5 >  if your ID number ends in 9 or 6
 < sdf1 > < moon1 >  if your ID number ends in 1 or 6
 < sdf2 > < moon2 >  if your ID number ends in 3 or 8
 < sdf3 > < moon3 >  if your ID number ends in 5 or 0
 < sdf4 > < moon4 >  if your ID number ends in 7 or 2
 < sdf5 > < moon5 >  if your ID number ends in 9 or 4
October 16, 2018, at 09:17 AM by -
Changed lines 9-17 from:
 < cough1 > < faid1 >  if your ID number ends in 1 or 0
 < cough2 > < faid2 >  if your ID number ends in 3 or 2
 < cough3 > < faid3 >  if your ID number ends in 5 or 4
 < cough4 > < faid4 >  if your ID number ends in 7 or 6
 < cough5 > < faid5 >  if your ID number ends in 9 or 8

Last week:

 < warming1 > < banksy1 >  if your ID number ends in 1 or 8
 < warming2 > < banksy2 >  if your ID number ends in 3 or 0
 < warming3 > < banksy3 >  if your ID number ends in 5 or 2
 < warming4 > < banksy4 >  if your ID number ends in 7 or 4
 < warming5 > < banksy5 >  if your ID number ends in 9 or 6

Past passwords: pot1-5, trade1-5, cough1-5, faid1-5

October 08, 2018, at 11:16 AM by -
Changed lines 9-17 from:
 < trade1 > < pot1 >  if your ID number ends in 1 or 2
 < trade2 > < pot2 >  if your ID number ends in 3 or 4
 < trade3 > < pot3 >  if your ID number ends in 5 or 6
 < trade4 > < pot4 >  if your ID number ends in 7 or 8
 < trade5 > < pot5 >  if your ID number ends in 9 or 0
 < cough1 > < faid1 >  if your ID number ends in 1 or 0
 < cough2 > < faid2 >  if your ID number ends in 3 or 2
 < cough3 > < faid3 >  if your ID number ends in 5 or 4
 < cough4 > < faid4 >  if your ID number ends in 7 or 6
 < cough5 > < faid5 >  if your ID number ends in 9 or 8
October 02, 2018, at 09:45 AM by -
Changed lines 9-16 from:
 < july1 > < aug1 >  if you went abroad this summer
 < july2 > < aug2 >  if you visited your family grave this summer
 < july3 > < aug3 >  if you did job hunting this summer
 < july4 > < aug4 >  if you saw fireworks this summer
 < july5 > < aug5 >  if you didn’t do any of these this summer!
 < trade1 > < pot1 >  if your ID number ends in 1 or 2
 < trade2 > < pot2 >  if your ID number ends in 3 or 4
 < trade3 > < pot3 >  if your ID number ends in 5 or 6
 < trade4 > < pot4 >  if your ID number ends in 7 or 8
 < trade5 > < pot5 >  if your ID number ends in 9 or 0
September 24, 2018, at 08:39 PM by -
Changed lines 9-21 from:
 < aum1 > < ny1 >  if your ID number ends in 0 or 8
 < aum2 > < ny2 >  if your ID number ends in 1 or 9
 < aum3 > < ny3 >  if your ID number ends in 2 or 5
 < aum4 > < ny4 >  if your ID number ends in 3 or 6
 < aum5 > < ny5 > if your ID number ends in 4 or 7

Last week: babyman0-5, macron0-5, summits0-4, castro0-4, road0-4, syria0-4, youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5, rfamily0-5, calif0-5, laurel1-5, gatebox0-5, iran0-5, whale1-5, volcano1-5, quakes1-5, dprkus1-5, soccer1-5, migrant1-5, caves1-5, okinawa1-5, working1-5, mexico1-5

 < july1 > < aug1 >  if you went abroad this summer
 < july2 > < aug2 >  if you visited your family grave this summer
 < july3 > < aug3 >  if you did job hunting this summer
 < july4 > < aug4 >  if you saw fireworks this summer
 < july5 > < aug5 >  if you didn’t do any of these this summer!

Last week:

July 24, 2018, at 11:54 AM by -
Changed lines 8-20 from:
 < working1 > < mexico1 >  if your ID number ends in 0 or 7
 < working2 > < mexico2 >  if your ID number ends in 1 or 8
 < working3 > < mexico3 >  if your ID number ends in 2 or 9
 < working4 > < mexico4 >  if your ID number ends in 3 or 5
 < working5 > < mexico5 >  if your ID number ends in 4 or 6

Last week: babyman0-5, macron0-5, summits0-4, castro0-4, road0-4, syria0-4, youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5, rfamily0-5, calif0-5, laurel1-5, gatebox0-5, iran0-5, whale1-5, volcano1-5, quakes1-5, dprkus1-5, soccer1-5, migrant1-5, caves1-5, okinawa1-5

 < aum1 > < ny1 >  if your ID number ends in 0 or 8
 < aum2 > < ny2 >  if your ID number ends in 1 or 9
 < aum3 > < ny3 >  if your ID number ends in 2 or 5
 < aum4 > < ny4 >  if your ID number ends in 3 or 6
 < aum5 > < ny5 > if your ID number ends in 4 or 7

Last week: babyman0-5, macron0-5, summits0-4, castro0-4, road0-4, syria0-4, youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5, rfamily0-5, calif0-5, laurel1-5, gatebox0-5, iran0-5, whale1-5, volcano1-5, quakes1-5, dprkus1-5, soccer1-5, migrant1-5, caves1-5, okinawa1-5, working1-5, mexico1-5

July 10, 2018, at 12:52 PM by -
Changed lines 19-20 from:

Last week: babyman0-5, macron0-5, summits0-4, castro0-4, road0-4, syria0-4, youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5, rfamily0-5, calif0-5, laurel1-5, gatebox0-5, iran0-5, whale1-5, volcano1-5, quakes1-5, dprkus1-5, soccer1-5, migrant1-5


Last week: babyman0-5, macron0-5, summits0-4, castro0-4, road0-4, syria0-4, youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5, rfamily0-5, calif0-5, laurel1-5, gatebox0-5, iran0-5, whale1-5, volcano1-5, quakes1-5, dprkus1-5, soccer1-5, migrant1-5, caves1-5, okinawa1-5

July 10, 2018, at 12:52 PM by -
Changed lines 9-17 from:
 < okinawa1 > < caves1 >  if your ID number ends in 0 or 6
 < okinawa2 > < caves2 >  if your ID number ends in 1 or 7
 < okinawa3 > < caves3 >  if your ID number ends in 2 or 8
 < okinawa4 > < caves4 >  if your ID number ends in 3 or 9
 < okinawa5 > < caves5 >  if your ID number ends in 4 or 5
 < working1 > < mexico1 >  if your ID number ends in 0 or 7
 < working2 > < mexico2 >  if your ID number ends in 1 or 8
 < working3 > < mexico3 >  if your ID number ends in 2 or 9
 < working4 > < mexico4 >  if your ID number ends in 3 or 5
 < working5 > < mexico5 >  if your ID number ends in 4 or 6
July 03, 2018, at 10:27 AM by -
Changed lines 9-18 from:
 < soccer1 > < migrant1 >  if your ID number ends in 0 or 5
 < soccer2 > < migrant2 >  if your ID number ends in 1 or 6
 < soccer3 > < migrant3 >  if your ID number ends in 2 or 7
 < soccer4 > < migrant4 >  if your ID number ends in 3 or 8
 < soccer5 > < migrant5 >  if your ID number ends in 4 or 9

Last week: babyman0-5, macron0-5, summits0-4, castro0-4, road0-4, syria0-4, youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5, rfamily0-5, calif0-5, laurel1-5, gatebox0-5, iran0-5, whale1-5, volcano1-5, quakes1-5, dprkus1-5

 < okinawa1 > < caves1 >  if your ID number ends in 0 or 6
 < okinawa2 > < caves2 >  if your ID number ends in 1 or 7
 < okinawa3 > < caves3 >  if your ID number ends in 2 or 8
 < okinawa4 > < caves4 >  if your ID number ends in 3 or 9
 < okinawa5 > < caves5 >  if your ID number ends in 4 or 5

Last week: babyman0-5, macron0-5, summits0-4, castro0-4, road0-4, syria0-4, youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5, rfamily0-5, calif0-5, laurel1-5, gatebox0-5, iran0-5, whale1-5, volcano1-5, quakes1-5, dprkus1-5, soccer1-5, migrant1-5

June 26, 2018, at 08:16 AM by -
Changed line 7 from:

CHOOSE AT LEAST TWO of these rooms and join in!


CHOOSE TWO of these rooms and join in!

Changed lines 9-18 from:
 < quakes1 > < dprkus1 >  if your number ends in 1-10
 < quakes2 > < dprkus2 >  if you are in 1 kumi from 11-30
 < quakes3 > < dprkus3 >  if you are in 2 kumi from 11-30
 < quakes4 > < dprkus4 >  if you are in 1 kumi from 31 to end
 < quakes5 > < dprkus5 >  if you are in 2 kumi from 31 to end

Last week: babyman0-5, macron0-5, summits0-4, castro0-4, road0-4, syria0-4, youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5, rfamily0-5, calif0-5, laurel1-5, gatebox0-5, iran0-5, whale1-5, volcano1-5

 < soccer1 > < migrant1 >  if your ID number ends in 0 or 5
 < soccer2 > < migrant2 >  if your ID number ends in 1 or 6
 < soccer3 > < migrant3 >  if your ID number ends in 2 or 7
 < soccer4 > < migrant4 >  if your ID number ends in 3 or 8
 < soccer5 > < migrant5 >  if your ID number ends in 4 or 9

Last week: babyman0-5, macron0-5, summits0-4, castro0-4, road0-4, syria0-4, youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5, rfamily0-5, calif0-5, laurel1-5, gatebox0-5, iran0-5, whale1-5, volcano1-5, quakes1-5, dprkus1-5

June 19, 2018, at 09:08 AM by -
Changed lines 9-16 from:
 < quake1 > < dprkus1 >  if your number ends in 1-10
 < quake2 > < dprkus2 >  if you are in 1 kumi from 11-30
 < quake3 > < dprkus3 >  if you are in 2 kumi from 11-30
 < quake4 > < dprkus4 >  if you are in 1 kumi from 31 to end
 < quake5 > < dprkus5 >  if you are in 2 kumi from 31 to end
 < quakes1 > < dprkus1 >  if your number ends in 1-10
 < quakes2 > < dprkus2 >  if you are in 1 kumi from 11-30
 < quakes3 > < dprkus3 >  if you are in 2 kumi from 11-30
 < quakes4 > < dprkus4 >  if you are in 1 kumi from 31 to end
 < quakes5 > < dprkus5 >  if you are in 2 kumi from 31 to end
June 19, 2018, at 09:04 AM by -
Deleted lines 7-12:
 < whale1 > < volcano1 >  if you are in 1 kumi from 1 to 25
 < whale2 > < volcano2 >  if you are in 2 kumi from 1 to 25
 < whale3 > < volcano3 >  if you are in 1 kumi from 26 to 50
 < whale4 > < volcano4 >  if you are in 2 kumi from 26 to 50
 < whale5 > < volcano5 >  if you are in 1 OR 2 kumi from 51 to end
Changed lines 17-18 from:

Last week: babyman0-5, macron0-5, summits0-4, castro0-4, road0-4, syria0-4, youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5, rfamily0-5, calif0-5, laurel1-5, gatebox0-5, iran0-5,


Last week: babyman0-5, macron0-5, summits0-4, castro0-4, road0-4, syria0-4, youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5, rfamily0-5, calif0-5, laurel1-5, gatebox0-5, iran0-5, whale1-5, volcano1-5

June 19, 2018, at 09:03 AM by -
Changed lines 15-16 from:
 < quake1 > < dprkus1 >  if your number ends in 1-10
 < quake2 > < dprkus2 >  if you are in 1 kumi from 11-30
 < quake3 > < dprkus3 >  if you are in 2 kumi from 11-30
 < quake4 > < dprkus4 >  if you are in 1 kumi from 31 to end
 < quake5 > < dprkus5 >  if you are in 2 kumi from 31 to end
June 12, 2018, at 01:58 PM by -
Changed line 10 from:
 < whale2 > < amefuto2 >  if you are in 2 kumi from 1 to 25
 < whale2 > < volcano2 >  if you are in 2 kumi from 1 to 25
Changed line 12 from:
 < whale4 > < amefuto4 >  if you are in 2 kumi from 26 to 50
 < whale4 > < volcano4 >  if you are in 2 kumi from 26 to 50
June 11, 2018, at 05:39 PM by -
Changed lines 9-11 from:
 < shoot1 > < amefuto1 > < donjuan1 > < spider1  > if you are in 1 kumi
 < shoot2 > < amefuto2 > < donjuan2 > < spider2  > if you are in 2 kumi
 < whale1 > < volcano1 >  if you are in 1 kumi from 1 to 25
 < whale2 > < amefuto2 >  if you are in 2 kumi from 1 to 25
 < whale3 > < volcano3 >  if you are in 1 kumi from 26 to 50
 < whale4 > < amefuto4 >  if you are in 2 kumi from 26 to 50
 < whale5 > < volcano5 >  if you are in 1 OR 2 kumi from 51 to end
Changed lines 17-18 from:

Last week: babyman0-5, macron0-5, summits0-4, castro0-4, road0-4, syria0-4, youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5, rfamily0-5, calif0-5, laurel1-5, gatebox0-5, iran0-5,


Last week: babyman0-5, macron0-5, summits0-4, castro0-4, road0-4, syria0-4, youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5, rfamily0-5, calif0-5, laurel1-5, gatebox0-5, iran0-5,

June 05, 2018, at 12:52 PM by -
Changed lines 9-11 from:
 < shooting1 > < amefuto1 > < donjuan1 > < spider1  > if you are in 1 kumi
 < shooting2 > < amefuto2 > < donjuan2 > < spider2  > if you are in 2 kumi
 < shoot1 > < amefuto1 > < donjuan1 > < spider1  > if you are in 1 kumi
 < shoot2 > < amefuto2 > < donjuan2 > < spider2  > if you are in 2 kumi
June 04, 2018, at 06:14 PM by -
Changed lines 7-16 from:
 < gatebox0 > and < iran0 > if you were born in January or June
 < gatebox1 > and < iran1 > if you were born in March or August
 < gatebox2 > and < iran2 > if you were born in May or October
 < gatebox3 > and < iran3 > if you were born in July or December
 < gatebox4 > and < iran4 > if you were born in September or February
 < gatebox5 > and < iran5 > if you were born in November or April

Last week: babyman0-5, macron0-5, summits0-4, castro0-4, road0-4, syria0-4, youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5, rfamily0-5, calif0-5, laurel1-5,


CHOOSE AT LEAST TWO of these rooms and join in!

 < shooting1 > < amefuto1 > < donjuan1 > < spider1  > if you are in 1 kumi
 < shooting2 > < amefuto2 > < donjuan2 > < spider2  > if you are in 2 kumi

Last week: babyman0-5, macron0-5, summits0-4, castro0-4, road0-4, syria0-4, youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5, rfamily0-5, calif0-5, laurel1-5, gatebox0-5, iran0-5,

May 28, 2018, at 04:33 PM by -
Changed lines 7-17 from:
 < tamaki0 > and < laurel0 > if you were born in January or April
 < tamaki1 > and < laurel1 > if you were born in March or June
 < tamaki2 > and < laurel2 > if you were born in May or August
 < tamaki3 > and < laurel3 > if you were born in July or October
 < tamaki4 > and < laurel4 > if you were born in September or December
 < tamaki5 > and < laurel5 > if you were born in November or February

Last week: babyman0-5, macron0-5, summits0-4, castro0-4, road0-4, syria0-4, youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5, rfamily0-5, calif0-5

 < gatebox0 > and < iran0 > if you were born in January or June
 < gatebox1 > and < iran1 > if you were born in March or August
 < gatebox2 > and < iran2 > if you were born in May or October
 < gatebox3 > and < iran3 > if you were born in July or December
 < gatebox4 > and < iran4 > if you were born in September or February
 < gatebox5 > and < iran5 > if you were born in November or April

Last week: babyman0-5, macron0-5, summits0-4, castro0-4, road0-4, syria0-4, youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5, rfamily0-5, calif0-5, laurel1-5,

May 22, 2018, at 11:42 AM by -
Changed lines 5-14 from:


 < rfamily0 > and < calif0 > if you were born in January or February
 < rfamily1 > and < calif1 > if you were born in March or April
 < rfamily2 > and < calif2 > if you were born in May or June
 < rfamily3 > and < calif3 > if you were born in July or August
 < rfamily4 > and < calif4 > if you were born in September or October
 < rfamily5 > and < calif5 > if you were born in November or December


 < tamaki0 > and < laurel0 > if you were born in January or April
 < tamaki1 > and < laurel1 > if you were born in March or June
 < tamaki2 > and < laurel2 > if you were born in May or August
 < tamaki3 > and < laurel3 > if you were born in July or October
 < tamaki4 > and < laurel4 > if you were born in September or December
 < tamaki5 > and < laurel5 > if you were born in November or February
May 22, 2018, at 11:40 AM by -
Changed lines 15-16 from:

Last week: babyman0-5, macron0-5, summits0-4, castro0-4, road0-4, syria0-4, youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5


Last week: babyman0-5, macron0-5, summits0-4, castro0-4, road0-4, syria0-4, youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5, rfamily0-5, calif0-5

May 15, 2018, at 10:36 AM by -
Changed lines 7-15 from:
 < babyman0 > and < macron0 > if your student number ends in 01 to 10
 < babyman1 > and < macron1 > if your student number ends in 11 to 20
 < babyman2 > and < macron2 > if your student number ends in 21 to 30
 < babyman3 > and < macron3 > if your student number ends in 31 to 40
 < babyman4 > and < macron4 > if your student number ends in 41 to 50
 < babyman5 > and < macron5 > if your student number ends in 51 or more

Last week: summits0-4, castro0-4, road0-4, syria0-4, youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5

 < rfamily0 > and < calif0 > if you were born in January or February
 < rfamily1 > and < calif1 > if you were born in March or April
 < rfamily2 > and < calif2 > if you were born in May or June
 < rfamily3 > and < calif3 > if you were born in July or August
 < rfamily4 > and < calif4 > if you were born in September or October
 < rfamily5 > and < calif5 > if you were born in November or December

Last week: babyman0-5, macron0-5, summits0-4, castro0-4, road0-4, syria0-4, youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5

May 08, 2018, at 12:11 PM by -
Changed lines 5-14 from:


 < summits0 > and < castro0 > if your student number ends in 0 or 3
 < summits1 > and < castro1 > if your student number ends in 2 or 5
 < summits2 > and < castro2 > if your student number ends in 4 or 7
 < summits3 > and < castro3 > if your student number ends in 6 or 9
 < summits4 > and < castro4 > if your student number ends in 8 or 0

Last week: road0-4, syria0-4, youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5



 < babyman0 > and < macron0 > if your student number ends in 01 to 10
 < babyman1 > and < macron1 > if your student number ends in 11 to 20
 < babyman2 > and < macron2 > if your student number ends in 21 to 30
 < babyman3 > and < macron3 > if your student number ends in 31 to 40
 < babyman4 > and < macron4 > if your student number ends in 41 to 50
 < babyman5 > and < macron5 > if your student number ends in 51 or more

Last week: summits0-4, castro0-4, road0-4, syria0-4, youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5

May 01, 2018, at 10:48 AM by -
Changed lines 5-16 from:


 < syria0 > and < road0 > if your student number ends in 0 or 1
 < syria1 > and < road1 > if your student number ends in 2 or 3
 < syria2 > and < road2 > if your student number ends in 4 or 5
 < syria3 > and < road3 > if your student number ends in 6 or 7
 < syria4 > and < road4 > if your student number ends in 8 or 9

Last week: youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5



 < summits0 > and < castro0 > if your student number ends in 0 or 3
 < summits1 > and < castro1 > if your student number ends in 2 or 5
 < summits2 > and < castro2 > if your student number ends in 4 or 7
 < summits3 > and < castro3 > if your student number ends in 6 or 9
 < summits4 > and < castro4 > if your student number ends in 8 or 0

Last week: road0-4, syria0-4, youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5

April 23, 2018, at 02:32 PM by -
Changed lines 5-14 from:


 < otani0 > and < youtube0 > if your student number ends in 1 or 2
 < otani1 > and < youtube1 > if your student number ends in 3 or 4
 < otani2 > and < youtube2 > if your student number ends in 5 or 6
 < otani3 > and < youtube3 > if your student number ends in 7 or 8
 < otani4 > and < youtube4 > if your student number ends in 9 or 0 

Last week: new0-5, coke0-5



 < syria0 > and < road0 > if your student number ends in 0 or 1
 < syria1 > and < road1 > if your student number ends in 2 or 3
 < syria2 > and < road2 > if your student number ends in 4 or 5
 < syria3 > and < road3 > if your student number ends in 6 or 7
 < syria4 > and < road4 > if your student number ends in 8 or 9

Last week: youtube0-4, otani0-4, new0-5, coke0-5

April 17, 2018, at 10:53 AM by -
Deleted line 0:
Changed lines 5-6 from:




April 17, 2018, at 10:52 AM by -
Changed lines 1-3 from:




April 17, 2018, at 10:52 AM by -
Changed lines 6-14 from:


 < new0 > and < coke0 > if your student number ends in 01 to 09
 < new1 > and < coke1 > if your student number ends in 10 to 19
 < new2 > and < coke2 > if your student number ends in 20 to 29
 < new3 > and < coke3 > if your student number ends in 30 t0 39
 < new4 > and < coke4 > if your student number ends in 40 to 49
 < new5 > and < coke5 > if your student number ends in 50 or more


 < otani0 > and < youtube0 > if your student number ends in 1 or 2
 < otani1 > and < youtube1 > if your student number ends in 3 or 4
 < otani2 > and < youtube2 > if your student number ends in 5 or 6
 < otani3 > and < youtube3 > if your student number ends in 7 or 8
 < otani4 > and < youtube4 > if your student number ends in 9 or 0 

Last week: new0-5, coke0-5

April 09, 2018, at 03:34 PM by -
Added line 3:


Changed lines 6-14 from:


 < train1 > AND < plastic1 > if your student number ends in 01 to 15
 < train2 > AND < plastic2 > if your student number ends in 16 to 30
 < train3 > AND < plastic3 > if your student number ends in 31 to 45
 < train4 > AND < plastic4 > if your student number ends in 46 or more




 < new0 > and < coke0 > if your student number ends in 01 to 09
 < new1 > and < coke1 > if your student number ends in 10 to 19
 < new2 > and < coke2 > if your student number ends in 20 to 29
 < new3 > and < coke3 > if your student number ends in 30 t0 39
 < new4 > and < coke4 > if your student number ends in 40 to 49
 < new5 > and < coke5 > if your student number ends in 50 or more
January 24, 2018, at 05:57 PM by -
Changed lines 5-6 from:




Changed lines 12-13 from:


January 15, 2018, at 08:32 PM by -
Changed lines 7-13 from:
 < israel1 > AND < metoo1 > if your student number ends in 01 to 15
 < israel2 > AND < metoo2 > if your student number ends in 16 to 30
 < israel3 > AND < metoo3 > if your student number ends in 31 to 45
 < israel4 > AND < metoo4 > if your student number ends in 46 or more
 < train1 > AND < plastic1 > if your student number ends in 01 to 15
 < train2 > AND < plastic2 > if your student number ends in 16 to 30
 < train3 > AND < plastic3 > if your student number ends in 31 to 45
 < train4 > AND < plastic4 > if your student number ends in 46 or more
December 15, 2017, at 02:12 PM by -
Changed lines 7-13 from:
 < sumo1 > AND < russia1 > if you weigh less than 52 kilos
 < sumo2 > AND < russia2 > if you weigh 53-57 kilos
 < sumo3 > AND < russia3 > if you weigh 58-62 kilos
 < sumo4 > AND < russia4 > if you weigh more than 62 kilos
 < israel1 > AND < metoo1 > if your student number ends in 01 to 15
 < israel2 > AND < metoo2 > if your student number ends in 16 to 30
 < israel3 > AND < metoo3 > if your student number ends in 31 to 45
 < israel4 > AND < metoo4 > if your student number ends in 46 or more
December 08, 2017, at 02:32 PM by -
Changed lines 7-13 from:
 < ogata1 > AND < harry1 > if your father was born in spring
 < ogata2 > AND < harry2 > if your father was born in summer
 < ogata3 > AND < harry3 > if your father was born in fall
 < ogata4 > AND < harry4 > if your father was born in winter
 < sumo1 > AND < russia1 > if you weigh less than 52 kilos
 < sumo2 > AND < russia2 > if you weigh 53-57 kilos
 < sumo3 > AND < russia3 > if you weigh 58-62 kilos
 < sumo4 > AND < russia4 > if you weigh more than 62 kilos
December 01, 2017, at 01:46 PM by -
Changed lines 7-13 from:
 < kaguya1 > AND < climate1 > if your mother was born in spring
 < kaguya2 > AND < climate2 > if your mother was born in summer
 < kaguya3 > AND < climate3 > if your mother was born in fall
 < kaguya4 > AND < climate4 > if your mother was born in winter
 < ogata1 > AND < harry1 > if your father was born in spring
 < ogata2 > AND < harry2 > if your father was born in summer
 < ogata3 > AND < harry3 > if your father was born in fall
 < ogata4 > AND < harry4 > if your father was born in winter
November 17, 2017, at 02:16 PM by -
Changed lines 7-13 from:
 < pope1 > AND < suicide1 > if you were born in spring
 < pope2 > AND < suicide2 > if you were born in summer
 < pope3 > AND < suicide3 > if you were born in fall
 < pope4 > AND < suicide4 > if you were born in winter
 < kaguya1 > AND < climate1 > if your mother was born in spring
 < kaguya2 > AND < climate2 > if your mother was born in summer
 < kaguya3 > AND < climate3 > if your mother was born in fall
 < kaguya4 > AND < climate4 > if your mother was born in winter
November 10, 2017, at 02:05 PM by -
Changed lines 7-13 from:
 < facial1 > AND < ozu1 > if you were born in spring
 < facial2 > AND < ozu2 > if you were born in summer
 < facial3 > AND < ozu3 > if you were born in fall
 < facial4 > AND < ozu4 > if you were born in winter
 < pope1 > AND < suicide1 > if you were born in spring
 < pope2 > AND < suicide2 > if you were born in summer
 < pope3 > AND < suicide3 > if you were born in fall
 < pope4 > AND < suicide4 > if you were born in winter
October 27, 2017, at 02:54 PM by -
Changed lines 7-12 from:
 < ican1 > AND < myanmar1 > if your last two numbers is 01-15
 < ican2 > AND < myanmar2 > if your last two numbers are 16-30
 < ican3 > AND < myanmar3 > if your last two numbers are 31-45
 < ican4 > AND < myanmar4 > if your last two numbers are 46-
 < facial1 > AND < ozu1 > if you were born in spring
 < facial2 > AND < ozu2 > if you were born in summer
 < facial3 > AND < ozu3 > if you were born in fall
 < facial4 > AND < ozu4 > if you were born in winter
October 20, 2017, at 01:29 PM by -
Changed lines 7-11 from:
 < nra1 > AND < kazuo1 > if your last two numbers is 01-15
 < nra2 > AND < kazuo2 > if your last two numbers are 16-30
 < nra3 > AND < kazuo3 > if your last two numbers are 31-45
 < nra4 > AND < kazuo4 > if your last two numbers are 46-
 < ican1 > AND < myanmar1 > if your last two numbers is 01-15
 < ican2 > AND < myanmar2 > if your last two numbers are 16-30
 < ican3 > AND < myanmar3 > if your last two numbers are 31-45
 < ican4 > AND < myanmar4 > if your last two numbers are 46-
October 13, 2017, at 02:01 PM by -
Changed lines 7-12 from:
 < elect1 > AND < spain1 > if you are in 1st kumi, and your last number is 1,3,5,7, or 9
 < elect2 > AND < spain2 > if you are in 2nd kumi, and your last number is 1,3,5,7, or 9
 < elect3 > AND < spain3 > if you are in 1st kumi, and your last number is 2,4,6,8, or 0
 < elect4 > AND < spain4 > If you are in 2nd kumi, and your last number is 2,4,6,8, or 0
 < nra1 > AND < kazuo1 > if your last two numbers is 01-15
 < nra2 > AND < kazuo2 > if your last two numbers are 16-30
 < nra3 > AND < kazuo3 > if your last two numbers are 31-45
 < nra4 > AND < kazuo4 > if your last two numbers are 46-
October 06, 2017, at 03:20 PM by -
Changed lines 8-9 from:
 < elect2 > AND < spain2 > if you are in 2nd kumi, and your last number is 2,4,6,8, or 0
 < elect3 > AND < spain3 > if you are in 1st kumi, and your last number is 1,3,5,7, or 9
 < elect2 > AND < spain2 > if you are in 2nd kumi, and your last number is 1,3,5,7, or 9
 < elect3 > AND < spain3 > if you are in 1st kumi, and your last number is 2,4,6,8, or 0
October 06, 2017, at 03:17 PM by -
Changed lines 7-12 from:
 < elect1 > AND < spain1 > if you are in 1st kumi, from 1-30
 < elect2 > AND < spain2 > if you are in 2nd kumi, from 1-30
 < elect3 > AND < spain3 > if you are in 1st kumi, from 31-
 < elect4 > AND < spain4 > If you are in 2nd kumi, from 31-
 < elect1 > AND < spain1 > if you are in 1st kumi, and your last number is 1,3,5,7, or 9
 < elect2 > AND < spain2 > if you are in 2nd kumi, and your last number is 2,4,6,8, or 0
 < elect3 > AND < spain3 > if you are in 1st kumi, and your last number is 1,3,5,7, or 9
 < elect4 > AND < spain4 > If you are in 2nd kumi, and your last number is 2,4,6,8, or 0
October 06, 2017, at 02:42 PM by -
Changed lines 7-12 from:
 < saudi1 > AND < dotard1 > if you are in 1st kumi, from 1-30
 < saudi2 > AND < dotard2 > if you are in 2nd kumi, from 1-30
 < saudi3 > AND < dotard3 > if you are in 1st kumi, from 31-
 < saudi4 > AND < dotard4 > If you are in 2nd kumi, from 31-
 < elect1 > AND < spain1 > if you are in 1st kumi, from 1-30
 < elect2 > AND < spain2 > if you are in 2nd kumi, from 1-30
 < elect3 > AND < spain3 > if you are in 1st kumi, from 31-
 < elect4 > AND < spain4 > If you are in 2nd kumi, from 31-
September 29, 2017, at 02:31 PM by -
Changed lines 7-12 from:
 < turkey1 > AND < irma1 > if you are in 1st kumi
 < turkey2 > AND < irma2 > if you are in 2nd kumi
 < turkey3 > AND < cyclist1 > if you are in 1st kumi
 < turkey4 > AND < cyclist2 > If you are in 2nd kumi 
 < saudi1 > AND < dotard1 > if you are in 1st kumi, from 1-30
 < saudi2 > AND < dotard2 > if you are in 2nd kumi, from 1-30
 < saudi3 > AND < dotard3 > if you are in 1st kumi, from 31-
 < saudi4 > AND < dotard4 > If you are in 2nd kumi, from 31-
September 22, 2017, at 02:36 PM by -
Changed lines 7-12 from:
 < baby1 > AND < racist1 > If you were born in spring
 < baby2 > AND < racist2 > If you were born in summer
 < baby3 > AND < racist3 > If you were born in fall
 < baby4 > AND < racist4 > If you you were born in winter
 < turkey1 > AND < irma1 > if you are in 1st kumi
 < turkey2 > AND < irma2 > if you are in 2nd kumi
 < turkey3 > AND < cyclist1 > if you are in 1st kumi
 < turkey4 > AND < cyclist2 > If you are in 2nd kumi 
July 28, 2017, at 03:28 PM by -
Changed lines 7-12 from:
 < koike1 > AND < iceberg1 > If you were born in spring
 < koike2 > AND < iceberg2 > If you were born in summer
 < koike3 > AND < iceberg3 > If you were born in fall
 < koike4 > AND < iceberg4 > If you you were born in winter
 < baby1 > AND < racist1 > If you were born in spring
 < baby2 > AND < racist2 > If you were born in summer
 < baby3 > AND < racist3 > If you were born in fall
 < baby4 > AND < racist4 > If you you were born in winter
July 14, 2017, at 02:44 PM by -
Changed lines 7-11 from:
 < flood1 > AND < icbm1 > If your favorite season is spring
 < flood2 > AND < icbm2 > If your favorite season is summer
 < flood3 > AND < icbm3 > If your favorite season is fall
 < flood4 > AND < icbm4 > If you your favorite season is winter
 < koike1 > AND < iceberg1 > If you were born in spring
 < koike2 > AND < iceberg2 > If you were born in summer
 < koike3 > AND < iceberg3 > If you were born in fall
 < koike4 > AND < iceberg4 > If you you were born in winter
July 07, 2017, at 02:04 PM by -
Changed lines 5-6 from:




July 07, 2017, at 02:04 PM by -
Changed lines 7-12 from:
 < bicycle1 > AND < drug1 > If you live in 中央区
 < bicycle2 > AND < drug2 > If you live in 西区 or 東区
 < bicycle3 > AND < drug3 > If you live in 北区 or 南区
 < bicycle4 > AND < drug4 > If you live outside of Kumamoto city
 < flood1 > AND < icbm1 > If your favorite season is spring
 < flood2 > AND < icbm2 > If your favorite season is summer
 < flood3 > AND < icbm3 > If your favorite season is fall
 < flood4 > AND < icbm4 > If you your favorite season is winter
June 30, 2017, at 02:40 PM by -
Changed lines 5-17 from:

LAST CHANCE: 6/23 HERE ARE YOUR PASSWORDS for the make up class for JUNE 2!

 < gaokao1 > AND < shark1 > If you are in 1組
 < gaokao2 > AND < shark2 > If you are in 2組


 < refugee1 > AND < conspir1 > If you live in 中央区
 < refugee2 > AND < conspir2 > If you live in 西区 or 東区
 < refugee3 > AND < conspir3 > If you live in 北区 or 南区
 < refugee4 > AND < conspir4 > If you live outside of Kumamoto city


 < bicycle1 > AND < drug1 > If you live in 中央区
 < bicycle2 > AND < drug2 > If you live in 西区 or 東区
 < bicycle3 > AND < drug3 > If you live in 北区 or 南区
 < bicycle4 > AND < drug4 > If you live outside of Kumamoto city
June 23, 2017, at 01:51 PM by -
Added line 5:


Changed lines 10-17 from:


 < fire1 > AND < qatar1 > If your birthday is in spring
 < fire2 > AND < qatar2 > If your birthday is in summer
 < fire3 > AND < qatar3 > If your birthday is in fall
 < fire4 > AND < qatar4 > If your birthday is in winter


 < refugee1 > AND < conspir1 > If you live in 中央区
 < refugee2 > AND < conspir2 > If you live in 西区 or 東区
 < refugee3 > AND < conspir3 > If you live in 北区 or 南区
 < refugee4 > AND < conspir4 > If you live outside of Kumamoto city
June 16, 2017, at 08:41 AM by -
Changed lines 9-19 from:


 < bridge1 > AND < paris1 > If your ID number ends with 1 or 0
 < bridge2 > AND < paris2 > If your ID number ends with 2 or 6
 < bridge3 > AND < paris3 > If your ID number ends with 3 or 7
 < bridge4 > AND < paris4 > If your ID number ends with 4 or 8
 < bridge5 > AND < paris5 > If your ID number ends with 5 or 9


 < fire1 > AND < qatar1 > If your birthday is in spring
 < fire2 > AND < qatar2 > If your birthday is in summer
 < fire3 > AND < qatar3 > If your birthday is in fall
 < fire4 > AND < qatar4 > If your birthday is in winter
June 10, 2017, at 12:08 PM by -
Changed lines 5-9 from:



HERE ARE YOUR PASSWORDS for the make up class for JUNE 2!

 < gaokao1 > AND < shark1 > If you are in 1組
 < gaokao2 > AND < shark2 > If you are in 2組


June 09, 2017, at 02:25 PM by -
Changed lines 7-13 from:
 < memo1 > AND < grande1 > If your ID number ends with 1 or 9
 < memo2 > AND < grande2 > If your ID number ends with 2 or 0
 < memo3 > AND < grande3 > If your ID number ends with 3 or 6
 < memo4 > AND < grande4 > If your ID number ends with 4 or 7
 < memo5 > AND < grande5 > If your ID number ends with 5 or 8
 < bridge1 > AND < paris1 > If your ID number ends with 1 or 0
 < bridge2 > AND < paris2 > If your ID number ends with 2 or 6
 < bridge3 > AND < paris3 > If your ID number ends with 3 or 7
 < bridge4 > AND < paris4 > If your ID number ends with 4 or 8
 < bridge5 > AND < paris5 > If your ID number ends with 5 or 9
May 26, 2017, at 02:35 PM by -
Changed lines 7-12 from:
 < mako1 > AND < moon1 > If your ID number ends with 1 or 8
 < mako2 > AND < moon2 > If your ID number ends with 2 or 9
 < mako3 > AND < moon3 > If your ID number ends with 3 or 0
 < mako4 > AND < moon4 > If your ID number ends with 4 or 6
 < mako5 > AND < moon5 > If your ID number ends with 5 or 7
 < memo1 > AND < grande1 > If your ID number ends with 1 or 9
 < memo2 > AND < grande2 > If your ID number ends with 2 or 0
 < memo3 > AND < grande3 > If your ID number ends with 3 or 6
 < memo4 > AND < grande4 > If your ID number ends with 4 or 7
 < memo5 > AND < grande5 > If your ID number ends with 5 or 8
May 19, 2017, at 01:53 PM by -
Changed lines 6-12 from:
 < duskin1 > AND < wiki1 > If your ID number ends with 1 or 7
 < duskin2 > AND < wiki2 > If your ID number ends with 2 or 8
 < duskin3 > AND < wiki3 > If your ID number ends with 3 or 9
 < duskin4 > AND < wiki4 > If your ID number ends with 4 or 0
 < duskin5 > AND < wiki5 > If your ID number ends with 5 or 6
 < mako1 > AND < moon1 > If your ID number ends with 1 or 8
 < mako2 > AND < moon2 > If your ID number ends with 2 or 9
 < mako3 > AND < moon3 > If your ID number ends with 3 or 0
 < mako4 > AND < moon4 > If your ID number ends with 4 or 6
 < mako5 > AND < moon5 > If your ID number ends with 5 or 7
May 12, 2017, at 01:22 PM by -
Changed lines 7-13 from:
 < byoga1 > AND < champs1 > If your ID number ends with 1 or 6
 < byoga2 > AND < champs2 > If your ID number ends with 2 or 7
 < byoga3 > AND < champs3 > If your ID number ends with 3 or 8
 < byoga4 > AND < champs4 > If your ID number ends with 4 or 9
 < byoga5 > AND < champs5 > If your ID number ends with 5 or 0
 < duskin1 > AND < wiki1 > If your ID number ends with 1 or 7
 < duskin2 > AND < wiki2 > If your ID number ends with 2 or 8
 < duskin3 > AND < wiki3 > If your ID number ends with 3 or 9
 < duskin4 > AND < wiki4 > If your ID number ends with 4 or 0
 < duskin5 > AND < wiki5 > If your ID number ends with 5 or 6
April 28, 2017, at 02:09 PM by -
Changed lines 7-14 from:
 < mao1 > AND < coral1 > If your ID number ends with 1 or 2
 < mao2 > AND < coral2 > If your ID number ends with 3 or 4
 < mao3 > AND < coral3 > If your ID number ends with 5 or 6
 < mao4 > AND < coral4 > If your ID number ends with 7 or 8
 < mao5 > AND < coral5 > If your ID number ends with 9 or 0
 < byoga1 > AND < champs1 > If your ID number ends with 1 or 6
 < byoga2 > AND < champs2 > If your ID number ends with 2 or 7
 < byoga3 > AND < champs3 > If your ID number ends with 3 or 8
 < byoga4 > AND < champs4 > If your ID number ends with 4 or 9
 < byoga5 > AND < champs5 > If your ID number ends with 5 or 0
April 21, 2017, at 01:38 PM by -
Changed lines 8-14 from:
 < trumpxi1 > AND < booking1 > If your birthday is in January or February
 < trumpxi2 > AND < booking2 > If your birthday is in March or April
 < trumpxi3 > AND < booking3 > If your birthday is in May or June
 < trumpxi4 > AND < booking4 > If your birthday is in July or August
 < trumpxi5 > AND < booking5 > If your birthday is in September or October
 < trumpxi6 > AND < booking6 > If your birthday is in November or December
 < mao1 > AND < coral1 > If your ID number ends with 1 or 2
 < mao2 > AND < coral2 > If your ID number ends with 3 or 4
 < mao3 > AND < coral3 > If your ID number ends with 5 or 6
 < mao4 > AND < coral4 > If your ID number ends with 7 or 8
 < mao5 > AND < coral5 > If your ID number ends with 9 or 0
April 14, 2017, at 02:15 PM by -
Changed lines 8-14 from:
 < begin1 >  If your birthday is from the 1st to 5th of any month
 < begin2 >  If your birthday is from the 6th to 10th of any month
 < begin3 >  If your birthday is from the 11th to 15th of any month
 < begin4 >  If your birthday is from the 16th to 20th of any month
 < begin5 >  If your birthday is from the 21st to 25th of any month
 < begin6 >  If your birthday is from the 26th to 31st of any month
 < trumpxi1 > AND < booking1 > If your birthday is in January or February
 < trumpxi2 > AND < booking2 > If your birthday is in March or April
 < trumpxi3 > AND < booking3 > If your birthday is in May or June
 < trumpxi4 > AND < booking4 > If your birthday is in July or August
 < trumpxi5 > AND < booking5 > If your birthday is in September or October
 < trumpxi6 > AND < booking6 > If your birthday is in November or December
April 07, 2017, at 02:03 PM by -
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Your nickname IS: 学籍番号最後の4ケタ+姓名のイニシアル e.g. 4153jy


April 07, 2017, at 02:00 PM by -
Changed lines 1-15 from:



 < topten  >  What did you think of the top ten news for 2016?  


 < predict1 >  If your birthday is from the 1st to 5th of any month
 < predict2 >  If your birthday is from the 6th to 10th of any month
 < predict3 >  If your birthday is from the 11th to 15th of any month
 < predict4 >  If your birthday is from the 16th to 20th of any month
 < predict5 >  If your birthday is from the 21st to 25th of any month
 < predict6 >  If your birthday is from the 26th to 31st of any month
 < begin1 >  If your birthday is from the 1st to 5th of any month
 < begin2 >  If your birthday is from the 6th to 10th of any month
 < begin3 >  If your birthday is from the 11th to 15th of any month
 < begin4 >  If your birthday is from the 16th to 20th of any month
 < begin5 >  If your birthday is from the 21st to 25th of any month
 < begin6 >  If your birthday is from the 26th to 31st of any month
January 19, 2017, at 05:46 PM by -
Changed lines 5-12 from:
 < topten  >  What did you think of the top ten news for 2016?  
  Domestic  1. Kumamoto Earthquake 2. Koike governor of Tokyo  3. Rio Olympics  4. Emperor wants to abdicate  5. President Obama in Hiroshima
            6.  Osumi wins Nobel Prize    7. Hokkaido Shinkansen  8. Murder of mentally ill patients in Sagamihara  
            9. Voting age lowered to 18  10. Pokemon Go
  International 1. Trump wins election  2. Brexit   3. Park Geun-hye scandal  4. Bob Dylan wins Nobel Prize 5. Obama goes to Cuba 
            6. Panama Papers  7. N.Korea tests H-bomb  8. Sports doping in Russia  9.  Democracy in Myanmar  10. Fidel Castro dies
 < topten  >  What did you think of the top ten news for 2016?  
January 19, 2017, at 05:46 PM by -
Changed lines 5-10 from:
 < topten  >  What did you think of the top ten news for 2016? 
 (use these websites for reference:  
 < topten  >  What did you think of the top ten news for 2016?  
  Domestic  1. Kumamoto Earthquake 2. Koike governor of Tokyo  3. Rio Olympics  4. Emperor wants to abdicate  5. President Obama in Hiroshima
            6.  Osumi wins Nobel Prize    7. Hokkaido Shinkansen  8. Murder of mentally ill patients in Sagamihara  
            9. Voting age lowered to 18  10. Pokemon Go
  International 1. Trump wins election  2. Brexit   3. Park Geun-hye scandal  4. Bob Dylan wins Nobel Prize 5. Obama goes to Cuba 
            6. Panama Papers  7. N.Korea tests H-bomb  8. Sports doping in Russia  9.  Democracy in Myanmar  10. Fidel Castro dies
January 19, 2017, at 05:36 PM by -
Changed lines 3-4 from:




 < topten  >  What did you think of the top ten news for 2016? 
 (use these websites for reference:  
January 19, 2017, at 05:08 PM by -
Changed lines 3-5 from:





 < predict1 >  If your birthday is from the 1st to 5th of any month
 < predict2 >  If your birthday is from the 6th to 10th of any month
 < predict3 >  If your birthday is from the 11th to 15th of any month
 < predict4 >  If your birthday is from the 16th to 20th of any month
 < predict5 >  If your birthday is from the 21st to 25th of any month
 < predict6 >  If your birthday is from the 26th to 31st of any month
December 23, 2016, at 10:42 AM by -
Changed lines 4-13 from:
  baby1 and harm1 if your ID number ends in 0 or 9

  baby2 and harm2 if your ID number ends in 1 or 8

  baby3 and harm3 if your ID number ends in 2 or 7

  baby4 and harm4 if your ID number ends in 3 or 6

  baby5 and harm5 if your ID number ends in 4 or 5


December 16, 2016, at 10:43 AM by -
Added lines 3-4:
  baby1 and harm1 if your ID number ends in 0 or 9
December 16, 2016, at 10:42 AM by -
Changed lines 3-13 from:
  lanka1 and buzz1 if your ID number ends in 0 or 5

  lanka2 and buzz2 if your ID number ends in 1 or 9

  lanka3 and buzz3 if your ID number ends in 2 or 8

  lanka4 and buzz4 if your ID number ends in 3 or 7

  lanka5 and buzz5 if your ID number ends in 4 or 6
  baby2 and harm2 if your ID number ends in 1 or 8

  baby3 and harm3 if your ID number ends in 2 or 7

  baby4 and harm4 if your ID number ends in 3 or 6

  baby5 and harm5 if your ID number ends in 4 or 5
December 09, 2016, at 10:33 AM by -
Changed lines 3-14 from:
  climate1 and fat1 if your ID number ends in 0 or 7

  climate2 and fat2 if your ID number ends in 1 or 6

  climate3 and fat3 if your ID number ends in 2 or 5

  climate4 and fat4 if your ID number ends in 3 or 9

  climate5 and fat5 if your ID number ends in 4 or 8
  lanka1 and buzz1 if your ID number ends in 0 or 5

  lanka2 and buzz2 if your ID number ends in 1 or 9

  lanka3 and buzz3 if your ID number ends in 2 or 8

  lanka4 and buzz4 if your ID number ends in 3 or 7

  lanka5 and buzz5 if your ID number ends in 4 or 6
December 02, 2016, at 08:58 AM by -
Changed lines 3-14 from:
  park1 and author1 if your ID number ends in 0 or 8

  park2 and author2 if your ID number ends in 1 or 7

  park3 and author3 if your ID number ends in 2 or 6

  park4 and author4 if your ID number ends in 3 or 5

  park5 and author5 if your ID number ends in 4 or 9
  climate1 and fat1 if your ID number ends in 0 or 7

  climate2 and fat2 if your ID number ends in 1 or 6

  climate3 and fat3 if your ID number ends in 2 or 5

  climate4 and fat4 if your ID number ends in 3 or 9

  climate5 and fat5 if your ID number ends in 4 or 8
November 25, 2016, at 10:16 AM by -
Changed lines 3-16 from:
  swim1 and history1 if your ID number ends in 0 or 9

  swim2 and history2 if your ID number ends in 1 or 8

  swim3 and history3 if your ID number ends in 2 or 7

  swim4 and history4 if your ID number ends in 3 or 6

  swim5 and history5 if your ID number ends in 4 or 5
  park1 and author1 if your ID number ends in 0 or 8

  park2 and author2 if your ID number ends in 1 or 7

  park3 and author3 if your ID number ends in 2 or 6

  park4 and author4 if your ID number ends in 3 or 5

  park5 and author5 if your ID number ends in 4 or 9
November 18, 2016, at 10:32 AM by -
Changed lines 3-16 from:
  trump1 and duterte1 if your ID number ends in 0 or 6

  trump2 and duterte2 if your ID number ends in 1 or 7

  trump3 and duterte3 if your ID number ends in 3 or 8

  trump4 and duterte4 if your ID number ends in 4 or 9

  trump5 and duterte5 if your ID number ends in 5 or 0
  swim1 and history1 if your ID number ends in 0 or 9

  swim2 and history2 if your ID number ends in 1 or 8

  swim3 and history3 if your ID number ends in 2 or 7

  swim4 and history4 if your ID number ends in 3 or 6

  swim5 and history5 if your ID number ends in 4 or 5
November 11, 2016, at 08:41 AM by -
November 11, 2016, at 08:41 AM by -
Changed lines 3-15 from:
  zero1 and solar1 if your ID number ends in 0-1

  zero2 and solar2 if your ID number ends in 2-3

  zero3 and solar3 if your ID number ends in 4-5

  zero4 and solar4 if your ID number ends in 6-7

  zero5 and solar5 if your ID number ends in 8-9
  trump1 and duterte1 if your ID number ends in 0 or 6

  trump2 and duterte2 if your ID number ends in 1 or 7

  trump3 and duterte3 if your ID number ends in 3 or 8

  trump4 and duterte4 if your ID number ends in 4 or 9

  trump5 and duterte5 if your ID number ends in 5 or 0
October 28, 2016, at 10:36 AM by -
Changed lines 4-16 from:
  king1 and veggies1 if your ID number ends in 00-10

  king2 and veggies2 if your ID number ends in 11-20

  king3 and veggies3 if your ID number ends in 21-30

  king4 and veggies4 if your ID number ends in 31-40

  king5 and veggies5 if your ID number ends in 41-50

  king6 and veggies6 if your ID number ends in 51 or more
  zero1 and solar1 if your ID number ends in 0-1

  zero2 and solar2 if your ID number ends in 2-3

  zero3 and solar3 if your ID number ends in 4-5

  zero4 and solar4 if your ID number ends in 6-7

  zero5 and solar5 if your ID number ends in 8-9
October 21, 2016, at 10:06 AM by -
Changed lines 4-16 from:
  osumi1 and clown1 if your birthday is in January or June

  osumi2 and clown2 if your birthday is in March or August

  osumi3 and clown3 if your birthday is in May or October

  osumi4 and clown4 if your birthday is in July or December

  osumi5 and clown5 if your birthday is in September or February

  osumi6 and clown6 if your birthday is in November or April
  king1 and veggies1 if your ID number ends in 00-10

  king2 and veggies2 if your ID number ends in 11-20

  king3 and veggies3 if your ID number ends in 21-30

  king4 and veggies4 if your ID number ends in 31-40

  king5 and veggies5 if your ID number ends in 41-50

  king6 and veggies6 if your ID number ends in 51 or more
October 14, 2016, at 10:40 AM by -
Changed lines 4-16 from:
  aleppo1 and abort1 if your birthday is in January or April

  aleppo2 and abort2 if your birthday is in March or June

  aleppo3 and abort3 if your birthday is in May or August

  aleppo4 and abort4 if your birthday is in July or October

  aleppo5 and abort5 if your birthday is in September or December

  aleppo6 and abort6 if your birthday is in November or February
  osumi1 and clown1 if your birthday is in January or June

  osumi2 and clown2 if your birthday is in March or August

  osumi3 and clown3 if your birthday is in May or October

  osumi4 and clown4 if your birthday is in July or December

  osumi5 and clown5 if your birthday is in September or February

  osumi6 and clown6 if your birthday is in November or April
October 07, 2016, at 10:15 AM by -
Changed lines 4-10 from:
  debate1 and nuke1 if your birthday is in January or February

  debate2 and nuke2 if your birthday is in March or April

  debate3 and nuke3 if your birthday is in May or June

  debate4 and nuke4 if your birthday is in July or August
  aleppo1 and abort1 if your birthday is in January or April

  aleppo2 and abort2 if your birthday is in March or June

  aleppo3 and abort3 if your birthday is in May or August

  aleppo4 and abort4 if your birthday is in July or October
Changed lines 12-16 from:
  debate5 and nuke5 if your birthday is in September or October

  debate6 and nuke6 if your birthday is in November or December
  aleppo5 and abort5 if your birthday is in September or December

  aleppo6 and abort6 if your birthday is in November or February
Deleted line 17:
September 30, 2016, at 09:56 AM by -
Changed lines 3-9 from:
  hamdog1 and news1 if your ID number ends with 1 or 6

  hamdog2 and news2 if your ID number ends with 2 or 7

  hamdog3 and news3 if your ID number ends with 3 or 8

  hamdog4 and news4 if your ID number ends with 4 or 9
  debate1 and nuke1 if your birthday is in January or February

  debate2 and nuke2 if your birthday is in March or April

  debate3 and nuke3 if your birthday is in May or June

  debate4 and nuke4 if your birthday is in July or August
Changed lines 12-15 from:
  hamdog5 and news5 if your ID number ends with 5 or 10
  debate5 and nuke5 if your birthday is in September or October

  debate6 and nuke6 if your birthday is in November or December
Added line 18:
September 23, 2016, at 11:29 AM by -
Changed lines 3-9 from:
  hamdog1 if your ID number ends with 1

  hamdog2 if your ID number ends with 2

  hamdog3 if your ID number ends with 3

  hamdog4 if your ID number ends with 4
  hamdog1 and news1 if your ID number ends with 1 or 6

  hamdog2 and news2 if your ID number ends with 2 or 7

  hamdog3 and news3 if your ID number ends with 3 or 8

  hamdog4 and news4 if your ID number ends with 4 or 9
Changed lines 11-22 from:
  hamdog5 if your ID number ends with 5

  hamdog6 if your ID number ends with 6

  hamdog7 if your ID number ends with 7

  hamdog8 if your ID number ends with 8

  hamdog9 if your ID number ends with 9

  hamdog0 if your ID number ends with 0
  hamdog5 and news5 if your ID number ends with 5 or 10
September 23, 2016, at 08:56 AM by -
Changed lines 21-22 from:
  oly0 if your ID number ends with 0
  hamdog0 if your ID number ends with 0
September 23, 2016, at 08:55 AM by -
Changed lines 3-9 from:
  oly1 if your ID number ends with 1

  oly2 if your ID number ends with 2

  oly3 if your ID number ends with 3

  oly4 if your ID number ends with 4
  hamdog1 if your ID number ends with 1

  hamdog2 if your ID number ends with 2

  hamdog3 if your ID number ends with 3

  hamdog4 if your ID number ends with 4
Changed lines 11-20 from:
  oly5 if your ID number ends with 5

  oly6 if your ID number ends with 6

  oly7 if your ID number ends with 7

  oly8 if your ID number ends with 8

  oly9 if your ID number ends with 9
  hamdog5 if your ID number ends with 5

  hamdog6 if your ID number ends with 6

  hamdog7 if your ID number ends with 7

  hamdog8 if your ID number ends with 8

  hamdog9 if your ID number ends with 9
August 12, 2016, at 10:04 AM by -
Changed lines 3-15 from:
  teb1 and knife1 if you were born in Jan or June

  teb2 and knife2 if you were born in March or Aug

  teb3 and knife3 if you were born in May or Oct

  teb4 and knife4 if you were born in July or Dec

  teb5 and knife5 if you were born in Sept or Feb

  teb6 and knife6 if you were born in Nov or April

Here is the chat room link:

  oly1 if your ID number ends with 1

  oly2 if your ID number ends with 2

  oly3 if your ID number ends with 3

  oly4 if your ID number ends with 4

  oly5 if your ID number ends with 5

  oly6 if your ID number ends with 6

  oly7 if your ID number ends with 7

  oly8 if your ID number ends with 8

  oly9 if your ID number ends with 9

  oly0 if your ID number ends with 0

 Here is the chat room link:
August 04, 2016, at 08:27 PM by -
Changed lines 3-14 from:
  gas1 and labour1 if you were born in Jan or June

  gas2 and labour2 if you were born in March or Aug

  gas3 and labour3 if you were born in May or Oct

  gas4 and labour4 if you were born in July or Dec

  gas5 and labour5 if you were born in Sept or Feb

  gas6 and labour6 if you were born in Nov or April
  teb1 and knife1 if you were born in Jan or June

  teb2 and knife2 if you were born in March or Aug

  teb3 and knife3 if you were born in May or Oct

  teb4 and knife4 if you were born in July or Dec

  teb5 and knife5 if you were born in Sept or Feb

  teb6 and knife6 if you were born in Nov or April
August 04, 2016, at 08:25 PM by -
Changed lines 3-14 from:
  gas1 and labour1 if you were born in Jan or Feb

  gas2 and labour2 if you were born in March or April

  gas3 and labour3 if you were born in May or June

  gas4 and labour4 if you were born in July or Aug

  gas5 and labour5 if you were born in Sept or Oct

  gas6 and labour6 if you were born in Nov or Dec
  gas1 and labour1 if you were born in Jan or June

  gas2 and labour2 if you were born in March or Aug

  gas3 and labour3 if you were born in May or Oct

  gas4 and labour4 if you were born in July or Dec

  gas5 and labour5 if you were born in Sept or Feb

  gas6 and labour6 if you were born in Nov or April
July 29, 2016, at 10:39 AM by -
Changed lines 3-15 from:
  coup1 and emperor1 if you are in 3rd year, 1 kumi, 1-30

  coup2 and emperor2 if you are in 3rd year, 2 kumi, 1-30

  coup3 and emperor3 if you are in 3rd year, 1 kumi 31-end

  coup4 and emperor4 if you are in 3rd year, 2 kumi 31-end

  coup5 and emperor5 if you are in 4th-6th year, 1 kumi

  coup6 and emperor6 if you are in 4th-6th year, 2 kumi

Here is the chat room link:

  gas1 and labour1 if you were born in Jan or Feb

  gas2 and labour2 if you were born in March or April

  gas3 and labour3 if you were born in May or June

  gas4 and labour4 if you were born in July or Aug

  gas5 and labour5 if you were born in Sept or Oct

  gas6 and labour6 if you were born in Nov or Dec

Here is the chat room link:

July 22, 2016, at 10:34 AM by -
Changed lines 3-15 from:
  clinton1 and pokemon1 if you are in 3rd year, 1 kumi, 1-30

  clinton2 and pokemon2 if you are in 3rd year, 2 kumi, 1-30

  clinton3 and pokemon3 if you are in 3rd year, 1 kumi 31-end

  clinton4 and pokemon4 if you are in 3rd year, 2 kumi 31-end

  clinton5 and pokemon5 if you are in 4th-6th year, 1 kumi

  clinton6 and pokemon6 if you are in 4th-6th year, 2 kumi
  coup1 and emperor1 if you are in 3rd year, 1 kumi, 1-30

  coup2 and emperor2 if you are in 3rd year, 2 kumi, 1-30

  coup3 and emperor3 if you are in 3rd year, 1 kumi 31-end

  coup4 and emperor4 if you are in 3rd year, 2 kumi 31-end

  coup5 and emperor5 if you are in 4th-6th year, 1 kumi

  coup6 and emperor6 if you are in 4th-6th year, 2 kumi
July 15, 2016, at 10:37 AM by -
Changed lines 4-15 from:
  messi1 and trudeau1 if you are an Aries or Virgo

  messi2 and trudeau2 if you are a Gemini or Scorpio

  messi3 and trudeau3 if you are a Leo or Capricorn

  messi4 and trudeau4 if you are a Libra or Pisces

  messi5 and trudeau5 if you are a Sagittarius or Taurus

  messi6 and trudeau6 if you are an Aquarius or Cancer
  clinton1 and pokemon1 if you are in 3rd year, 1 kumi, 1-30

  clinton2 and pokemon2 if you are in 3rd year, 2 kumi, 1-30

  clinton3 and pokemon3 if you are in 3rd year, 1 kumi 31-end

  clinton4 and pokemon4 if you are in 3rd year, 2 kumi 31-end

  clinton5 and pokemon5 if you are in 4th-6th year, 1 kumi

  clinton6 and pokemon6 if you are in 4th-6th year, 2 kumi
July 08, 2016, at 10:30 AM by -
Changed lines 4-14 from:
  passive1 and lisning1 if you are an Aries or Cancer

  passive2 and lisning2 if you are a Gemini or Virgo

  passive3 and lisning3 if you are a Leo or Scorpio

  passive4 and lisning4 if you are a Libra or Capricorn

  passive5 and lisning5 if you are a Sagittarius or Pisces

  passive6 and lisning6 if you are an Aquarius or Taurus
  messi1 and trudeau1 if you are an Aries or Virgo

  messi2 and trudeau2 if you are a Gemini or Scorpio

  messi3 and trudeau3 if you are a Leo or Capricorn

  messi4 and trudeau4 if you are a Libra or Pisces

  messi5 and trudeau5 if you are a Sagittarius or Taurus

  messi6 and trudeau6 if you are an Aquarius or Cancer

Here is the chat room link:

June 29, 2016, at 06:37 PM by -
Added lines 1-14:


  passive1 and lisning1 if you are an Aries or Cancer

  passive2 and lisning2 if you are a Gemini or Virgo

  passive3 and lisning3 if you are a Leo or Scorpio

  passive4 and lisning4 if you are a Libra or Capricorn

  passive5 and lisning5 if you are a Sagittarius or Pisces

  passive6 and lisning6 if you are an Aquarius or Taurus