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July 06, 2015, at 10:13 AM by -
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While you are teaching us, how did you like it? Where do you like American accent? which do you like better american hamburger or japanese hamburger What is the most popular exercise? Which do you like the fast food, in Japan or in America?

July 06, 2015, at 08:41 AM by -
Changed lines 3-11 from:

What was your best event in your high school life? Which do you like better than Japanese school or American school? Which shcools do you choose, in Japan or In America if you are a student? Did you enjoy your prom, Mrs. Judy? How do you do in America's entrance examination? What are your favorite things in America? What was your major in University? I've heard that students of university in America have lots of homework. How much homework do they have?

Do American school students clean their class room?


Is school life in america fun? What famous events at school in America? Do America classes allow to use cellphone? Do American school students clean their class room? is there clean in american school?

Changed lines 8-9 from:

What were your memories in high school?


How many students can skip a grade? How long can you skipping?

What were your memories in high school?

Changed lines 13-16 from:

What event did you enjoy in the high school? Did you enjoy cheerleading? were you good cheer leader? What was your best event in your high school life? Did you enjoy your prom, Mrs. Judy?

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Do America classes allow to use cellphone?


How do you do in America's entrance examination? How many test in America?

Changed lines 22-37 from:

What event did you enjoy in the high school? What famous events at school in America? Please tell me good American Affairs's TV program. = CNN news, Sesame Street, TED talks, How many students can skip a grade? How long can you skipping? is there clean in american school? What is famous social media? How many test in America? Did you enjoy cheerleading? were you good cheer leader?

Is school life in america fun? What size of american's hamburger? What favorite singer does like Jury?

Do you think Japanese school system is better than one of America?


What was your major in University? I've heard that students of university in America have lots of homework. How much homework do they have?

Which do you like better than Japanese school or American school? Which shcools do you choose, in Japan or In America if you are a student? Do you think Japanese school system is better than one of America?

What are your favorite things in America? Please tell me good American Affairs's TV program. =

 CNN news, Sesame Street, TED talks, 

What is famous social media? What size of american's hamburger? What favorite singer does like Jury?

Changed line 34 from:

Will you teach us about this class's test? Is the test difficult?


Will you teach us about this class's test? Is the test difficult?

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What state do you like best? どの州出身ですか?


What state do you like best? どの州出身ですか?

Changed line 41 from:

How can I learn to good at write English?


How can I learn to good at write English?

July 06, 2015, at 08:14 AM by -
Changed lines 3-64 from:

原爆はなぜ広島と長崎二箇所でしたか。 アメリカの大統領は今までに何人ですか マンハッタン計画にアインシュタインは賛成したか セオドアルーズヴェルトは何で人気がありましたか。 アメリカの歴史を学ぶのにオススメの映画は。 パリとアメリカは歴史的にどんな関係にあったか。 アメリカの一番栄えた時代はいつですか。 冷戦はいつまで続いたですか。 Which do you like better, America or Japan? Who found that lung cancer was linked to smoking? When do Americans start having a car license? Why were important persons like John F. Kennedy assassinated?

あめりかで盛んな農業は? アメリカは1968年3月16日に、ベトナムのソンミ村(my lai)のじゅうみんを虐殺したが、なぜ虐殺する必要はあったのか? 選挙はどのようにして行うのか 選挙活動について なぜアメリカは日本にそこまで抵抗していたのか なぜアメリカの大統領は暗殺される人が多いのか アメリカの大学の雰囲気 アメリカの学生は他国に留学するのか アメリカのもっとも不況だった時代 アメリカには年金制度がないと聞きましたが。 日本にに基地を置いたり、原爆を落としたりした目的は アメリカの大統領でもっとも尊敬しているのは? アメリカの国民は愛国心は強い? アメリカの様な広い国はどの様に纏めるか(大統領が) そもそも何でそんな戦争をした? アメリカの歴史を学ぶのに良い映画 アメリカの選挙権、運転などの年令 酒はなぜ21歳から?(タバコは13歳ではない!) 国民は原爆に対してどう思うのか アメリカと日本の大学の違い 好きな州 女性の政治権力 好きなアメリカとの偉人 好きな時代 なぜ憲法をおぼえないといけないか、強制的? 副大統領で暗殺された人は? 20年代の栄えたの時の大統領は 日本とアメリカの法律、どちがきびしい? なぜ州によって法律が違うか 共和党と民衆党のちがい 優れた大統領


次の大統領は誰だと思うか なぜアメリカは日本にそこまで抵抗したか なぜアメリカの大統領は暗殺された人が多いか? 4 lincoln, M c Kinley, Kennedy, Garfield

my most impressive memory Why is US culture different from UK? Who is the VP now? Who decided to drop the atomic bomb? Why are people in the US more cheerful than in Japan? Why does the US lead the world? Why are US people flashy and colorful? Strongest power of US president? Why did the Cold War happen? Why don't American police arrest the KKK? What does the US think about Japan?


What was your best event in your high school life? Which do you like better than Japanese school or American school? Which shcools do you choose, in Japan or In America if you are a student? Did you enjoy your prom, Mrs. Judy? How do you do in America's entrance examination? What are your favorite things in America? What was your major in University? I've heard that students of university in America have lots of homework. How much homework do they have?

Do American school students clean their class room?

How much school cafeteria menus?

What were your memories in high school? What class did you like at high school?

are there juku like Japan in America? Do America classes allow to use cellphone? How many colleges in America?

 As of 2012, the US has a total of 4,726 institutions: 3,026 4-year (Japan=778) and 1,700 2-year.

What event did you enjoy in the high school? What famous events at school in America? Please tell me good American Affairs's TV program. = CNN news, Sesame Street, TED talks, How many students can skip a grade? How long can you skipping? is there clean in american school? What is famous social media? How many test in America? Did you enjoy cheerleading? were you good cheer leader?

Is school life in america fun? What size of american's hamburger? What favorite singer does like Jury?

Do you think Japanese school system is better than one of America?

When will you do the test? When will you do the exam? How do I study for test? Will you teach us about this class's test? Is the test difficult? Is final test of this class difficult?

What state do you like best? どの州出身ですか? How do you remember 50 states?

How can I learn to good at write English?

November 24, 2014, at 10:18 AM by -
Changed lines 3-10 from:

アメリカはなぜ原爆を広島と長崎、広島のんかしょに落としたのか When do Americans first get a drivers license? Why are important people like John F. Kennedy assassinated? アメリカkの選挙の制度は? Which do you like better, Japan or America? Who found the link between smoking and lung cancer? アメリカのもっとも栄えた時代はいつですか? 冷戦はどれぐらい続いたのか?


原爆はなぜ広島と長崎二箇所でしたか。 アメリカの大統領は今までに何人ですか マンハッタン計画にアインシュタインは賛成したか セオドアルーズヴェルトは何で人気がありましたか。 アメリカの歴史を学ぶのにオススメの映画は。 パリとアメリカは歴史的にどんな関係にあったか。 アメリカの一番栄えた時代はいつですか。 冷戦はいつまで続いたですか。 Which do you like better, America or Japan? Who found that lung cancer was linked to smoking? When do Americans start having a car license? Why were important persons like John F. Kennedy assassinated?

あめりかで盛んな農業は? アメリカは1968年3月16日に、ベトナムのソンミ村(my lai)のじゅうみんを虐殺したが、なぜ虐殺する必要はあったのか? 選挙はどのようにして行うのか 選挙活動について なぜアメリカは日本にそこまで抵抗していたのか なぜアメリカの大統領は暗殺される人が多いのか アメリカの大学の雰囲気 アメリカの学生は他国に留学するのか アメリカのもっとも不況だった時代 アメリカには年金制度がないと聞きましたが。 日本にに基地を置いたり、原爆を落としたりした目的は アメリカの大統領でもっとも尊敬しているのは? アメリカの国民は愛国心は強い? アメリカの様な広い国はどの様に纏めるか(大統領が) そもそも何でそんな戦争をした? アメリカの歴史を学ぶのに良い映画 アメリカの選挙権、運転などの年令 酒はなぜ21歳から?(タバコは13歳ではない!) 国民は原爆に対してどう思うのか アメリカと日本の大学の違い 好きな州 女性の政治権力 好きなアメリカとの偉人 好きな時代 なぜ憲法をおぼえないといけないか、強制的? 副大統領で暗殺された人は? 20年代の栄えたの時の大統領は 日本とアメリカの法律、どちがきびしい? なぜ州によって法律が違うか 共和党と民衆党のちがい 優れた大統領


次の大統領は誰だと思うか なぜアメリカは日本にそこまで抵抗したか なぜアメリカの大統領は暗殺された人が多いか? 4 lincoln, M c Kinley, Kennedy, Garfield

my most impressive memory Why is US culture different from UK? Who is the VP now? Who decided to drop the atomic bomb? Why are people in the US more cheerful than in Japan? Why does the US lead the world? Why are US people flashy and colorful? Strongest power of US president? Why did the Cold War happen? Why don't American police arrest the KKK? What does the US think about Japan?

November 17, 2014, at 09:59 AM by -
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