When taking the test:
1. Use English spelling or abbreviations ONLY. (DO not write everything in カタカナ)
2. If you use the If you use abbreviations, be sure to add the FIRST カタカナ letter.
3. For the 10 cities or sightseeing spots, don't forget to put numbers in the states, OR add the abbreviations on the same line.
4. Don't forget Alaska and Hawaii!
5. No cheating!
6. WHEN you finish (or give up!), give the test to me and WAIT.
When correcting other's test:
1. Write your name after "corrected by...."
2. Use red ink if you can.
3. Correct the 50 STATES only---do not correct the 10 cities/sightseeing spots.
4. Spelling mistake = 1/2 point
5. Abbreviation OR カタカナ mistake = 0 points
6. WHEN you finish, give the test to an assistant, and get a dictation paper
7. Go back to your regular seat and start the dictation!