Main.WhyIsIphonePopular History

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June 27, 2021, at 07:32 PM by -
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Considering this fact, iPhone has high revel function, plenty of cover and accessories, and good design, so a lot of people want to have it. In the future, there must be demand for iPhone.


Considering this fact, iPhone has high revel function, plenty of cover and accessories, and good design, so a lot of people want to have it. In the future, there must be demand for iPhone.

デザイン思考とは?AppleやGoogleも採用している考え方(November 22, 2020). June 18, 2021 from

なぜ人気?iPhoneが選ばれる理由を僕なりに考えてみた。(July 1, 2020). June 18, 2021 from

【iPhoneとAndroid】どっちがおすすめ?【違いやメリット・デメリットを比較する】(May 31,2021). June 18,2021 from

【2021】今だからこそiPhoneにする7つのメリットを教えます|デメリットも正直に(May 12, 2021). June 18, 2021 from

[2021年]日本のiPhone・Androidシェア率調査結果|世界と比べたスマホシェア(February 26, 2021). June 18, 2021 from

June 27, 2021, at 07:29 PM by -
Changed lines 7-10 from:
 Also, iPhone was desired high revel function, so if you compare iPhone and some smartphone, its function is better than others. Furthermore, you can use it long time, because it has good battery, so if you use it long time, charge does not run out. As a result, if you want to buy new one, you can sell it high price. iPhone has such a brand power and popularity. 

 In particular, it has high quality and sensitive camera, so those who do not have experience of taking a picture can take a good picture. As for the new one, you can take a super wide-angle picture with one touch.

Also, iPhone was desired high revel function, so if you compare iPhone and some smartphone, its function is better than others. Furthermore, you can use it long time, because it has good battery, so if you use it long time, charge does not run out. As a result, if you want to buy new one, you can sell it high price. iPhone has such a brand power and popularity.

In particular, it has high quality and sensitive camera, so those who do not have experience of taking a picture can take a good picture. As for the new one, you can take a super wide-angle picture with one touch.

June 27, 2021, at 07:28 PM by -
Added lines 1-19:


These days, everyone has their smartphone, but at first glance, they have same model smartphone. Actually, the people who have iPhone is 42.8 percent, about half people has iPhone. iPhone has many charming points, so a lot of people have it.

iPhone can use App store which is the biggest game platform all over the world. It is not just big platform, it under surveillance strictly by Apple, so apps which contains a virus, just leads to another app, and copies genuine app are blocked by Apple. Also, there are all apps optimized for iPhone, so you can play all apps the best performance.

 Also, iPhone was desired high revel function, so if you compare iPhone and some smartphone, its function is better than others. Furthermore, you can use it long time, because it has good battery, so if you use it long time, charge does not run out. As a result, if you want to buy new one, you can sell it high price. iPhone has such a brand power and popularity. 

 In particular, it has high quality and sensitive camera, so those who do not have experience of taking a picture can take a good picture. As for the new one, you can take a super wide-angle picture with one touch.

It can link some data to Apple’s product with ease. Of course, other smartphone can do that, but if you use iPhone, you do not have to operate specific operation. You set iPhone and Mac before, and they send all information each other automatically. On the contrary, if you want to inherit the data, you just put old one and new one close to each other. These days, Apple’s product has a lot of variation. For example, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac, Apple TV, and Apple Pencil can set iPhone.

Also, it has plenty of cover and accessories, and there are some cases in which if you have other smartphone, you cannot attach it to yours. If you have iPhone, you can buy what you want, and you can make own iPhone.

In addition, iPhone was designed that everyone can use without seeing any instructions, and learn intuitively how to use it while operate it. iPhone’ body, software (iOS), and all parts were made in Apple, so it can support quickly, and the way of use it did not change so much.

iPhone’s best charming point is design. Apple adopted “Design Thinking” which is the way of thinking. It is not just thinking about its design, takes action to get the customer’s message and pursues better outcome. Therefore, iPhone is very simple design, but you can feel that this design is elegant somewhere and reduces waste. iPhone has only a few buttons, so it enables us to use with ease.

Considering this fact, iPhone has high revel function, plenty of cover and accessories, and good design, so a lot of people want to have it. In the future, there must be demand for iPhone.