MT machine translation
TQ translation quality
TT translation tools
LE language editing (pre/post editing)
ED education and MT
LL linguistic landscapes and signage

Abbasian, Gholam-Reza & Parisa Aslerasouli (2015) Comparison of Google Online Translation and
Human Translation with Regard to Soft vs. Hard Science Texts, Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language
Research Volume 2, Issue 3, 2015, pp. 169-184
MT, TQ found that GT and HT were similar, but does not mention the languages used. Waddington's model of

 translation quality assessment (2001) could be useful; merits a read.

Agnihotri?, R. K., & Mc Cormick, K. (2010). Language in the Material World:
Multilinguality in Signage. International Multilingual Research Journal, 4(1), 55–81.

Arenas, A. G. (2010). Exploring Machine Translation on the Web. Revista Tradumàtica, 1–6.

 MT, TQ Compares 4 MT sites for Eng-Spanish, finds Bing and GT best. Some good lit review. --JY

Aucote?, H. M., Miner, A., & Dahlhaus, P. (2012). Interpretation and misinterpretation of
warning signage: Perceptions of rockfalls in a naturalistic setting. Psychology, Health &
Medicine, 17(5), 522–529.

Bauder?, M., & Freytag, T. (2015). Visitor mobility in the city and the effects of travel
preparation. Tourism Geographies, 6688(September), 1–19.

Bruyèl-Olmedo, A., & Juan-Garau, M. (2013). Shaping tourist LL: language display and the
sociolinguistic background of an international multilingual readership. International Journal
of Multilingualism, 00(00), 1–17.

 LL Combines empirical data from a photographic database (=736 photos)
 with the self-reported sociolinguistic profile of 400 interviewees to explore sociolinguistic 
 patterns in 2 tourist areas in Spain.

Callison-Burch, C. (2009). Fast, cheap, and creative: evaluating translation quality using
Amazon’s Mechanical Turk. In Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural
Language Processing Volume 1 - EMNLP ’09.]]

 TQ, TT uses Amazon’s Mechanical Turk to pay small sums to a large number of non-expert annotators.
 for judgments on a translation task. Found that non-expert judgments have a high-level of
 agreement with the existing gold-standard judgments of machine translation quality

Doherty, S., & Kenny, D. (2014). The design and evaluation of a Statistical Machine Translation
syllabus for translation students. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 8(2), 295–315.
 ED Describes use of SMT in syllabus for graduate students of translation

Dowling?, T. (2012). Translated for the dogs: Language use in Cape Town signage. Language Matters,
43(2), 240–262.

Dowling?, T., & Town, C. (2010). “Akuchanywa apha please” No peeing here please: The language of
signage in Cape Town. South African Journal of African Languages, 30(2), 192–208.

Draper, J., & Nilaiyaka, A. (2014). Culture and language promotion in Thailand: implications for
the Thai Lao minority of introducing multilingual signage. Asian Ethnicity, 16(2), 203–234.

 LL See below 

Draper, J., & Prasertsri, P. (2013). The Isan Culture Maintenance and Revitalisation Programme’s
multilingual signage attitude survey. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 34(7), 617–635.

 LL Both of the articles above discuss the adoption of food and drink multilingual signage at a university in northern Thailand as part of a local cultural revitalization process.

Dressler, R. (2014). Signgeist: Promoting bilingualism through the linguistic landscape of
school signage. International Journal of Multilingualism, 0718(September).

 LL Explores use of bilingual signs in German-English elementary school in Western Canada from nexus analysis viewpoint.

Garcia, I. (n.d.). Can Machine Translation Help the Language Learner ? In ICT for Language Learning (pp. 4–7).

 ED  attempts to find uses for MT as aids for beginning language learners using beginning Spanish students

Garcia, I., & Pena, M. I. (2011). Machine translation-assisted language learning: writing for
beginners. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 24(5), 471–487.

 ED basically same as above

Gaspari?, F., Almaghout, H., & Doherty, S. (2015). A survey of machine translation competences:
insights for translation technology educators and practitioners. Perspectives, 6623(September), 1–26.

Graddol?, D., Danielewicz-Betz, A., Tsai, N., Pym, P. J., Yokoyama, S., Kumano, A., … Zanettin, F. (2015).
Revising text: An empirical investigation of revision and the effects of integrating a TM and MT system
into the translation process. Asian Englishes, 24(2), 471–487.

Harris?, D. A., & Parrish, D. E. (2006). The Art of Online Teaching: Online Instruction versus
In-Class Instruction. Journal of Technology in Human Studies, 24(3), 105–117.

Hughes?, K., Ballantyne, R., & Packer, J. (2014). Comparing Chinese and Western Visitors’ Responses
to Interpretive Signs at Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, China. Visitor Studies, 17(2),

Hutchins?, J. (2003). The Development and Use of Machine Translation Systems and Computer-based
Translation Tools. International Journal of Translation, 15(1), 5–26.

Hutchins?, J. (2004). Current commercial machine translation systems and computer-based
translation tools: system types and their uses, (January 1954).

Hutchins?, J. (2005). Towards a definition of example-based machine translation. 2nd Workshop on
Example-Based Machine Translation, 63–70. Retrieved from

Hutchins?, J. (2006). Example based machine translation – a review and commentary. Recent Advances in
Example-Based Machine Translation, 19(3-4), 197–211.

Ikehara?, S., Shirai, S., Yokoo, A., & Nakaiwa, H. (1995). Toward an MT System without Pre-Editing ---
Effects of New Methods in ALT-J/E ---. In Proceedings of the Machine Translation Summit III (MT Summit III)
(p. 9). Retrieved from

Institute?, A. R. (2010). 茨城県観光市場に関する調査.

Japan National Tourism Organization?. (2013). Press release.

Jeanneret?, Y., Depoux, A., Luckerhoff, J., Vitalbo, V., & Jacobi, D. (2010). Written signage and reading
practices of the public in a major fine arts museum. Museum Management and Curatorship, 25(1), 53–67.

Ko?, L. (2012). Information loss and change of appellative effect in Chinese-English public sign translation.
Babel-Revue Internationale De La Traduction-International Journal of Translation.

Koehn?, P. (n.d.). Europarl : A Parallel Corpus for Statistical Machine Translation, 11, 79–86.

Lamont?, M., & Causley, K. (2010a). Guiding the Way: Exploring cycle tourists’ needs and preferences
for cycling route maps and signage. Annals of Leisure Research, 13(3), 497–522.

Lewis?, K. (2010). Yellowtown: Urban Signage, Class, and Race. Design and Culture, 2(2), 183–198.

Mc Cormick?, K., & Agnihotri, R. K. (2009). Forms and functions of English in multilingual signage.
English Today.

Naskar?, S., & Bandyopadhyay, S. (n.d.). Use of Machine Translation in India : Current Status, 465–470.

Nie?, J., Simard, M., Isabelle, P., & Durand, R. (1999). Cross-language information retrieval based on
parallel texts and automatic mining of parallel texts from the Web. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International
ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval - SIGIR ’99, 74–81.

Nino?, A. (2008a). Evaluating the use of machine translation post-editing in the foreign language class.
Computer Assisted Language Learning, 21(1), 29–49.

Niño?, A. (2009). Machine translation in foreign language learning: language learners’ and tutors’
perceptions of its advantages and disadvantages. Re Call, 21(02), 241.

Nyberg?, E., Mitamura, T., & Carbonell, J. G. (1994b). Evaluation Metrics for Knowledge-Based Machine Translation.
Proceedings of COLING 1994 Volume 1: The 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 95–99.

O’Hagan?, M. (2005). Multidimensional Translation : A Game Plan for Audiovisual Translation in the Age of GILT.
Mu Tra 2005, 1–12.

Pecina?, P., Toral, A., Way, A., Papavassiliou, V., Prokopidis, P., & Giagkou, M. (2011). Towards Using
Web-Crawled Data for Domain Adaptation in Statistical Machine Translation. In Proceedings of the 15th Conference
of the European Association for Machine Translation (pp. 297–304).

Polger?, M. A., & Stempler, A. F. (2014a). Out with the Old, In with the New: Best Practices for Replacing
Library Signage. Public Services Quarterly, 10(2), 67–95.

Radtke?, O., & Yuan, X. (2011). “Please don’t climb trees and pick flowers for the sake of life’ –
making sense of bilingual tourism signs in China. Language and Intercultural Communication, 11(4), 389–407.

Rowland?, L. (2015). English in the Japanese linguistic landscape: a motive analysis. Journal of
Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 4632(September), 1–16.

Schneider?, E. W. (2014). Asian Englishes – into the future: a bird’s eye view. Asian Englishes, 16(3), 249–256.

NIM *Shen?, Ethan (2010) Comparison of online machine translation tools

 Found 1)  Google Translate is widely preferred when translating long passages
  2) Microsoft Bing Translator and Yahoo Babelfish often produce better translations for phrases below 140 characters. 
 3) in general Babelfish performs well in East Asian Languages such as Chinese and Korean and Bing Translator 
 performs well in Spanish, German, and Italian.

Shimohata?, S., Kitamura, M., Sukehiro, T., & Murata, T. (2001). Collaborative Translation Environment
on the Web. In Proceedings of the Machine Translation Summit VIII (MT Summit VIII) (pp. 1–4).

Sloculn?, J. (1985). A Survey of Machine Translation : Its History , Current Status , and Future Prospects.
English, 11(1), 1–17.

Somers?, H. (1999). Review Article: Example-based Machine Translation. Machine Translation, 14(2),

Spellman?, R. (2011). Developing Best Practices for Machine Translation Using Google Translate
and OCR Terminal. Journal of Interlibrary Loan,Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve, 21(3), 141–147.

Stempler?, A. F., & Polger, M. A. (2013). Do You See the Signs? Evaluating Language, Branding, and
Design in a Library Signage Audit. Public Services Quarterly, 9(2), 121–135.

Stern?, A. (2014). Domesticating the Global: Sign Writing and Visual Culture in Lusaka, Zambia.
Design and Culture, 6(3), 391–411.

Stroud?, C., & Mpendukana, S. (2010). Multilingual signage: a multimodal approach to discourses of
consumption in a South African township. Social Semiotics, 20(5), 469–493.

Turcato?, D., & Popowich, F. (2001). What is Example-Based Machine Translation? In Proceedings of
the Machine Translation Summit
VIII (MT Summit VIII). Retrieved from
Van Rensburg?, A., Snyman, C., & Lotz, S. (2012). Applying Google Translate in a higher
education environment: Translation products assessed. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language
Studies, 30(4), 511–524.

Wagner?, D., Vercruyssen, M., & Hancock, P. (1997). A Computer-Based Methodology for Evaluating the
Content of Variable Message Signage. ITS Journal - Intelligent Transportation Systems Journal, 3(4), 353–373.

Yamada?, M. (2011). Revising text: An empirical investigation of revision and the effects of integrating
a TM and MT system into the translation process. Rikkyo University.

Yamada?, M. (2014). Can college students be post-editors? An investigation into employing language learners
in machine translation plus post-editing settings. Machine Translation, 29(1), 49–67.

NIM Yamada?, Masaru (2013) Who will be post-editors. Introducing Translation Studies, 10 51-64 Aug 2013

NIM Yamada?, Masaru (2011) Applying ‘machine translation plus post-editing’ to a case of English-to-Japanese translation (9) 97-114
A study of the translation process through translators’ interim products

NIM Yamada?, Masaru (2010) The effect of translation memory database for productivity
Interpreting and Translation Studies (9) 159-176

NIM Yamada?, Masaru (11 Apr 2013) A pilot investigation on possibilities for novice translators to be post-editors in MT+PE settings,
TAUS Executive Forum in Tokyo.

NIM Yamada?, Masaru (19 Apr 2012) MT plus post-editing in an English-to-Japanese localization context: How useful can it be, compared to
translation memory, and how does it change professional translators’ production style? TAUS Executive Forum in Tokyo

NIM Yamada?, Masaru (Jun 2009) Effect of the use of TM in localization industries on the translation products and process
Graduate conference at Universitat Rovira I Virgili

Yates?, S. (2006). Translation Scaling the Tower of Babel Fish : An Analysis of the Machine of Legal
Information. Law Library Journal, 98(3), 481–500.

Yokoyama?, S., & Takano, Y. (2011). Investigation for Translation Disambiguation of Verbs in Patent Sentences
using Word Grouping. In Proceedings of the Machine Translation Summit XIII (MT Summit XIII) Workshop on Patent
Translation (pp. 60–63).

Zanettin?, F. (2009). Corpus-based translation activities for language learners. Interpreter and Translator
Trainer, 3(2), 209–224.

山田優. (2009). 翻訳技術の翻訳プロセスへの影響と可能性. 翻訳研究への招待, 3, 133–144.

山田優. (2011). 作動記憶と訳出プロセス Working Memory and Translating Process. 翻訳研究への招待, 6.

山田優. (2013). 誰がポストエディターになるのか?: Who will be post-editors? 翻訳研究への招待, 9, 51–64.

田中?. (2016).

 There is statistically a significant difference in the quality of HT and MT (i.e. GT) in favor of HT.
 Mode of translation affects its quality but text type does not have any significant effects on translation quality.
 No statistically significant relationship exists among translation errors and translation modes

NIM Matsudaira?, M. (1994) A pre-editing support system for Japanese-English machine translating.
Shizen gengo Shori p. 104-118.

 Developed pre-editing support system for -E machine translation using patterns and rules. 
 Suggests the following preedit patterns: division of longer sentences, addition of subject, object, blocking to show 
 structure, fulfilling meaning, and other grammar changes. Hyo 4 is good.