Research Papers and Articles

1. (1987) Word associations of Japanese and Americans compared with Moran and the S-P shift (Moran と S-P shift との比較による、日本語とアメリカ人の語連想). Kumamoto Shodai Ronshu 33-3 p. 117-133.    English   Japanese abstract

2. (1988) On the Structure and Circularity of Countability within the Nominal Domain (名詞の数量性の構造と循環性). Kumamoto Shodai Ronshu 35-1 p. 241-270.   English   Japanese abstract

3. (1991) On Circular Countability and the Predicate Domain(循環的数量性と述語). Kumamoto Shodai Ronshu 36-1 p. 187-214.    English   Japanese abstract

4. (1991) 日本とドイツの若者の国際化に対する意識や態度について (On the Consciousness and Attitude towards Internationalization among students in Japan and Germany, in Japanese). Kumamoto Shoka Daigaku Kaigai Kenshujyo Kaigai Jijyo Kenkyu 19-1 p. 1-10.   Japanese   English abstract

5. (1992) Adjectives and Circularity(形容詞と循環性). Kumamoto Seturitsu 50 shunen kinen Ronshup. 389-413.  English   Japanese abstract

6. (1993) 国際化のイメージ:日本、ドイツ、インド、アメリカの大学生の比較調査 (Images of Internationalization, Comparison of Survey Responses of Students from Japan, Germany, India and the United States, in Japanese) Kumamoto Shoka Daigaku Kaigai Kenshujyo Kaigai Jijyo Kenkyu 20-2 p. 81-95.   Japanese   English abstract

7. (1993) 英語教育用のコンピューターソフトを通じての米国文化理解(Teaching American Culture through English Computer Software, in Japanese)Kumamoto Shodai Ronshu 40-1 p. 135-151.  Japanese   English abstract

8. (1994) Approaching Academic Writing Step-wise through Computer Networking Kumamoto Shodai Ronshu 40-3 p. 267-290   English   Japanese abstract

9. (1994) Choral Reading vs. Individual Oral and Silent Reading: Relative Validity of the Alternatives in the English Reading Classroom. Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Bungaku/Gengogaku Ronshu 1-1/2p. 91-107.  English   Japanese abstract

10. (1996) Generics and Circularity:Deriving Interpretations from Subject/Predicate relations. Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Bungaku/Gengogaku Ronshu 2-1 p. 115-135.   English   Japanese abstract

11. (1996) English Syllable-Internal Structure of Japanese Children living in Hawaii: A Pilot Study. Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 3-1 p. 1-16. English   Japanese abstract

12. (1997) Needs Analysis of a the Preparatory Lecture Series Syllabus for a University Third Year Summer Study Abroad Program (大学三年生の夏季海外研修プログラムの為の事前研修シラバスに対するニーズアナリシス). Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 3-2 p. 91-106.  English   Japanese abstract

13. (1997) "But They Do It": A Survey of Reference Literature on Sentence-Initial Coordinate Conjunctions in Academic Writing. Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 4-1 p. 49-68.  English   Japanese abstract

14. (1998) "But they do it":Using Corpora to Research Sentence-Initial And and Buts (SIABs) in Academic Writing (学術論文においての文頭の And 及び But (SIABs) のコーパス研究). English Corpus Studies No. 5, p. 15-26. English   Japanese abstract

15. (1998) Karaoke-dokey.In J. D. Brown (Ed.), New Ways of Classroom Assessment. Alexandria,VA: TESOL, p. 366-368.  English   Japanese abstract

16. (1998) Non-Standard English Teachers in ESL Education: In Defense of the "Different" English Accent. Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 4-2 p. 105-125.   English   Japanese abstract

17. (1999) Towards the 21st Century: Goals and Obstacles in English Education in Japan (21世紀に向けて: 日本の英語教育のゴール及び障害 in English). Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 5-2 p. 53-73.  English   Japanese abstract

18. (1999) Making Pair Work Work -- Using Task-based Methods for Conversation in a Non-conversant Culture (会話をしない文化の中で会話を作るためのタスクの使用 in English). Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 6-1 p. 1-15.   English   Japanese abstract

19. (2000) Textbook:Englishes of the World(世界の英語を体験する) Tokyo: Sanshusha.  English   Japanese abstract

20. (2000) Constrastive Rhetoric and The Holiday Newsletter: The Relative Influence of L1 Experience, L2 Exposure and L2 Ability on a Novel Discourse Genre ESL Task. Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 6-2 p. 21-42.    English   Japanese abstract

21. (2000) (with Gilbert, R.) Haiku Metrics and Issues of Emulation: New Paradigms for Japanese and English Haiku Form (俳句の音律と模倣の問題: 日本語と英語の俳句形式の為の新しいパラダイム in English). Language Issues: Journal of the Foreign Language Education Center,Prefectural University of Kumamoto p. 63-108.   English   Japanese abstract

22. (2000) What is a Kokusaijin? A 10-year study (国際人とは何か? 10年の研究in English).The Language Teacher Sept 2000, p. 7-13.   English   Japanese abstract

23. (2000) Ten Years of Kokusaika: Has Progress been made? (10年間の国際化: 進歩はあったのか?in English) The Language Teacher 2001 Oct, 24-10, p. 13-18. English   Japanese abstract

24. (2000) Effect of Stressful Conditions on Japanese Word Association Response Types, Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 7-1 p. 95-113.  English   Japanese abstract

25. (2001) Word Associations: The Universal Paradigmatic Pattern Assumption and the Japanese/Korean Anomaly,Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 7-2, p. 161-174.   English   Japanese abstract

26. (2001) The English Umbrella: Model of a Multicultural Language System, Asian Englishes Monographs 7-2, p. 69-83.   English   Japanese abstract

27. (2001) Blending Computers and English using Student Power Point Presentations.  (学生のパワーポイント発表を通しての英語と情報の合同教育) Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training July, 4-6, in print. English      Japanese abstract

28. (2001) Chat in the Spoken/Written Discourse Paradigm:  Turnaround Time as a Critical Factor (チャットは記述談話?それとも口頭談話?重要な要因としての交代時間 in English). Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 8-1 p. 29-49. English     Japanese abstract

29. (2002) The McDonaldization of English:  The case of the Singapore Speak Good English Movement (英語のマクドナルド化: シンガポールの Speak Good English Movement の事例).  Kaigai Jijo Kenkyu 29-2. p.p. English     Japanese abstract

30. (2003) Englishes in Asia in Proceedings of the International Conference on Globalization and local Diversity: Towards an Era of Symbiosis       English     Japanese abstract


31. (2003) A Game of "Snafooey": Participant Characteristics in Multiparty Discourse

Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 9-2 pp. 149-175.     English     Japanese abstract


32. (2003) The Necessity of Englishes for the Future of English, Kaigai Jijo Kenkyu 31−1 p. 25-40. English     Japanese abstract

33. (2004) "Snafooey” Revisited: An Analysis of Levels of Structure in Game Discourse Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku 10-2 121-152.  English     Japanese abstract   Sound file (.wav)   Transcription

34. (2005)  Strategies used by Children saying Japanese Words Backwards: Implications for Syllable-Internal Structure Kumamoto Gakuen Daigaku Ronshu Sogo Kagaku p. 61-87.  English     Japanese abstract

35. (2005) The Striking Similarity between Korean and Japanese English Vocabulary-- historical and linguistic relationships— Asian Englishes Journal   English     Japanese abstract


36. (2005) The Struggle to Produce “Eigo ga tsukaeru nihonjin”—Using Chat as a Secret Weapon  第54回 九州地区大学一般教育研究協議会 議事録、九州地区大学一般教育研究会 p. 71-78. English Japanese abstract


37. (2006) A Survey of Artificially Simplified Englishes: Implications for an English as an International Language Kaigai Jijo Kenkyu 33-2 p. 1-27. English